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  1. 嬷嬷从堂屋里走出来,她是个大块头老婆子,但眼睛细小而精明,活像一头大象。

    Mammy emerged from the hall , a huge old woman with the small , shrewd eyes of an elephant .

  2. 房间里别的人惊讶地看到眼泪从堂-科利昂的脸上流下来,同时他摇着他的头。

    The others in the room were astonished to see tears running down Don Corleone 's face as he shook his head .

  3. 从一堂示范课看CALL环境下大学英语教学策略

    Studying through a Demonstration Class College English Teaching Strategies in the CALL Context

  4. 不应该像数以千计的广告册从一堂历史课开始。

    Instead thousands of brochures start with a history lesson .

  5. 床的前面,一张从经堂里搬来的祈祷椅。

    In front of the bed a prie-Dieu , borrowed from the oratory .

  6. 从礼拜堂出来,朝左,我们可以看见一口井。

    On emerging from the chapel , a well is visible on the left .

  7. 本文试图从一堂英语写作课的学生习作中分析大学英语作文中的中式英语现象,并就如何避免“中式英语”提出一些建议。

    After analyzing students'writing exercises in a writing class , this paper introduces some forms of Chinglish and presents some measures to uproot it .

  8. 从一堂体育课的观察开始,探讨教师如何从问题出发,逐步找寻解决问题的方法,最后获得属于教师个人的实践性知识。

    Beginning from the observation of one physical education class , the proceeded from a specific problem , sought a solution to it step by knowledge .

  9. 新式回族教育是回族教育发展史上从经堂教育向现代教育过渡的一个重要历史阶段。

    The newfashioned education of the Hui is a important historical stage from the mosque education to modern education in the history of education of the Hui .

  10. 从经堂出来,必须经过卧室;从卧室出来,又必须经过餐室。

    There was no exit possible from this oratory , except by passing through the bedroom , nor from the bedroom , without passing through the dining-room .

  11. 从易堂九子的古文复古理论看清初文章之取径公用电子贸易服务推出多时,在一九九九年已踏入第三个年度。

    The Revival Theory of Ancient Prose of Nine Writers in Yi-tang : Additionally on the Selection of Prose Path in Early Qing Dynasty The CETS entered its third year of operation in 1999 .

  12. 本文以田野调查资料为依据,从经堂教育教材的历史沿革与当代变迁的继承和变异中,探寻回族经学教材体制发展的足迹。

    This paper is based on a fieldwork , and seeks for the developmental track of the system of Islamic textbooks of Hui from the inheritance and variation of the historical evolution and contemporary transition of mosque educational textbooks .

  13. 让我们从一堂小小的历史课说起:欧洲饱经杀戮、饥荒、灾难、独裁和战争数百年,曾不断被罗马人、拜占庭人、蛮族人、撒拉逊人、奥斯曼人、俄罗斯帝国等征服和重建。

    Let 's begin with a small history lesson : Europe has been carved by centuries of blood , famine , plagues , dictatorships , and wars . It 's been conquered and rebuilt repeatedly by the Romans , the Byzantines , the Barbarians , the Saracens , the Ottomans , the Russian empire , and the list continues .

  14. 法国人喜欢把这种情形称为“parlagrandeporte”,也就是“从大门登堂而入”。

    The French like to call it entering " par La Grande Porte " , or " through the main door " .

  15. 从国际礼拜堂看基督教音乐在上海

    On Christian Music in Shanghai-A Case Study of the Community Church

  16. 您也可以步行到这里从林肯纪念堂横跨阿灵顿大桥。

    You can also walk here from the Lincoln Memorial across the Arlington Bridge .

  17. 作者认为在整个华盛顿纪念碑反映池,从林肯纪念堂看到。

    A view of the Washington Monument across the Reflecting Pool , as seen from the Lincoln Memorial .

  18. 佩林说,她也对大批民众参加这次聚会感到骄傲,聚会人群从林肯纪念堂一直延伸到华盛顿纪念碑附近大草坪的倒影池。

    Palin said she was also proud of the large crowd which had gathered , stretching along the Washington Mall 's reflecting pool nearly to the Washington monument .

  19. 恰巧有个老妇人从那天主堂里出来,她看见这个人躺在黑暗里,便说:“您在这儿干什么,朋友?”

    At that moment an old woman came out of the church . She saw the man stretched out in the shadow . " What are you doing there , my friend ? "

  20. 这种思想要从你的第一堂吉他课就建立。

    The idea is really to have your first guitar lesson .

  21. 从新普育堂看慈善组织与政府机构间的互动(1912-1937)

    Interaction Between Charitable Organizations and Governmental Agencies Viewed from Xin Pu Yu Tang ( 1912-1937 );

  22. 我很荣幸能从七位名人堂教练学习如何执教。

    I have been privileged to learn the game of basketball from seven coaches who are in the Basketball Hall of Fame .