
  • 网络From now on;Hello World;MV-HKV;My Love For You
  1. 从今开始,我煮的东西更好吃啦。

    So from now on , I 'll cook even better .

  2. 从今开始由你帮我做决定

    From now on , you make all my decisions for me .

  3. 你从今开始就叫剑心吧。

    From now on your name will be kenshin .

  4. 炫耀将至,我从今开始诅咒,至死方休。

    Splurge gathers , and now my curse begins .

  5. 守夜人的那段誓言长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。

    Night gathers , and now my watch begins . It shall not end until my death .

  6. 从今开始,让我们忘记彼此的过去,开始属于自己的新生!

    From now on , let us forget each other 's past , start a new life of own !

  7. 长夜将至,我从今开始守望.至死方休.我将不娶妻,

    Night gathers and now my watch begins . It shall not end until my death . I shall take no wife ,

  8. 对啊,我躲过这一劫,但从今开始我要变得更加小心谨慎。

    Yep , I dodged a bullet , but from now on , I 'm going to be a little more discerning .

  9. “千秋大业从今开始”,今天的行动,不仅是为了我们这一代人,更是为了未来可持续发展和人类的长远福祉。

    " Qianqiutaiye from now ", today 's action , not just for our generation , but also for future long-term sustainable development and human well-being .

  10. 从今开始。我会一心一意学习,积极向上,不会放弃任何机会和希望。

    Form now on , I will study with all my mind and try to be more active , not willing to give up any chance and hope .

  11. “我的怨言没有别人那么多,但从今开始也要更加小心,否则苏茜的下场就是个榜样,”艾美颇有哲理地说。

    " I don 't complain near as much as the others do , and I shall be more careful than ever now , for I 've had warning from Susie 's downfall ," said Amy morally .

  12. 从今以后开始将会发生什么?

    What will happen from now on ?