
  • 网络belshazzar
  1. 伯沙撒可能做梦也没想到这就发生在当夜。

    Belshazzar probably did not dream it would be that very night .

  2. 伯沙撒王就甚惊惶,脸色改变,他的大臣也都惊奇。

    Then king Belshazzar was greatly troubled and the colour went from his face , and his lords were at a loss .

  3. 他细读墙上的字,之后便望向带醉的伯沙撒王。

    He was looking alternately at the hand-written words high up on the wall and then at the drunken dissolute king .

  4. 圣经在但以理书第五章里告诉我们伯沙撒王为他的一千个大臣大摆宴席。

    The Bible tells us in Daniel Chapter 5 that King Belshazzar had made a great feast for a thousand of his lords .

  5. 事发当日,很可能是巴比伦人敬拜其神祗「巴力」的其中一个节日庆典宴会,在场主礼的伯沙撒王,他的名字便是从「巴力」这名衍生出来。

    It may have been one of the festival days of Babylon , in honour of their God Bel , after whom Belshazzar was named .

  6. 圣经说伯沙撒当夜被杀,玛代人大利乌统治了巴比伦王国,正如神向但以理显示的。

    That very night the Bible says Belshazzar was killed and Darius the Mede took over the great kingdom of Babylon , just as God had shown Daniel .

  7. 伯沙撒王是尼布甲尼撒王的儿子或孙子,虽然他知道那又真又活的神,他却选择拜偶像。

    King Belshazzar was King Nebuchadnezzar 's son or grandson , and although he knew about the true and living God , he had chosen to worship idols .

  8. 伯沙撒王在位第三年,有异象现与我但以理,是在先前所见的异象之后。

    In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me , even unto me Daniel , after that which appeared unto me at the first .

  9. 也不能把讲解告诉王。??伯沙撒王就甚惊惶,脸色改变。他知道这一定是个坏消息,但是这是个什么样的坏消息呢?王的母亲或祖母进来给国王提了一些非常好建议。

    He must have known this message was bad news , but what could it be ? The king 's mother or grandmother came in and gave the king some very good advice .

  10. 巴比伦王伯沙撒元年,但以理在床上作梦,见了脑中的异象,就记录这梦,述说其中的大意。

    In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed : then he wrote the dream , and told the sum of the matters .

  11. 伯沙撒下令,人就把紫袍给但以理穿上,把金链给他戴在颈项上,又传令使他在国中位列第三。

    Then commanded Belshazzar , and they clothed Daniel with scarlet , and put a chain of gold about his neck , and made a proclamation concerning him , that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom .