
  • 【计】bit significance
  1. 代表诉权与民法上代位权、代理权虽有许多相似之处,但区别也是明显的。

    Deputy litigation right has many similarities and difference with subrogation right and dealership right in civil law .

  2. 保险代位求偿权是一种权利上代位权,与物上代位权都是保险的损失补偿原则的派生权利。

    Insurance subrogation is a right of subrogation , and on the right of subrogation is insurance loss compensation principles of derived rights .

  3. 时域帧调制技术包含分屏子空间位权扫描和帧自耦合抖动算法,完成了数字图像显示高位灰度级的扫描驱动。

    The time-domain frame modulation technique completed the digital image high-level gray-scale scan-drive , including multi-screen subspace scanning frame modulation and the self-coupling frame dithering algorithm .

  4. 代位权、物上代位权、保险代位求偿权的概念不同。本文区分了物上代位权与保险代位求偿权(权利上代位权),主要论述了保险代位求偿权。

    Subrogation , on subrogation , insurance subrogation of the different concepts . This article briefly discusses on subrogation and insurance subrogation ( rights of subrogation ) .

  5. 本文提出了一种用随手可得可反复使用的位权表进行二进制数与十进制数相互转换的简便方法。

    This paper puts forward a simple and convenient method of mutual conversion of binary numbers and decimal numbers , which uses a form that is very simple and can be used again and again .

  6. 那么给一位有权有势的省委书记搞特殊当然不合适。

    It was certainly inappropriate to make an exception to this powerful Secretary at provincial level .

  7. 热情的人们同样热爱他们所做的事,而不是考虑钱、位、权。

    Enthusiastic people also love what they do , regardless of money or title or power .

  8. 不过今年获得前三位选秀权的骑士、森林狼、爵士似乎并不是坎特的第一选择。

    However , the top three picks this year are Cavaliers , Timberwolves , Jazz all do not seem to Canterbury 's first choice .

  9. 因此,法律应当对重复抵押行为进行必要的规制,以保护后位抵押权人的合法权益。

    In this sense , the statutes should set necessary prescriptions over double mortgages in order to protect the legitimate interests of those second mortgages .

  10. 当年,火箭赢得第一位选秀权后,对姚明的选择无需思量。

    Once the Rockets won the draft lottery that year and were guaranteed the first overall pick in the draft , Yao was the easy choice .

  11. 由于重复抵押既不会给先位抵押权人造成损害,后位抵押权人又可能从中得到保证,抵押人可以更充分地发挥抵押物的效率。

    Since the double mortgage would not cause damages to the first mortgagee , whilst the second mortgages may acquire pledge out of it , the mortgagor may make best of the pawn .

  12. 私人资金–是指那些资金充裕的人,只要他们能够取得第一顺位抵押权保障自己的债权,就会愿意借钱给你去买下非常值得投资的房地产标的。

    Private money – people with a good cash flow who are willing to lend you money for sound real estate deals as long as they can secured by a first mortgage on the property .

  13. 亲爱的安妮:在我最近离职的公司,有几位同事权倾朝野,他们经常剽窃我的点子和改进建议,竟然屡屡获得嘉奖。

    Dear Annie : At the company where I worked until recently , I had a couple of colleagues who were master manipulators and who frequently got rewarded for ideas and improvements I came up with .

  14. 这似乎是个伪命题,但鉴于这家公司的权益价值为130亿美元,而且有一位投票权超过60%的股东,所以我们必须清楚地了解这个问题。

    This seems like a bogus question , but it 's one we need to be crystal clear on for a company with $ 13 billion in equity value and has one holder who accounts for over 60 % of the voting power .

  15. 本文审视一位无监护权的母亲所感受到的文化体验。

    This article interrogates the cultural experience of being a non custodial mother .

  16. 用遗传算法优化BP神经网络的关键有三点:1、染色体位串与权系数的编码映射;

    There are three key technologies for the optimization : 1 , chromosome spaces string is shined upon the weight coefficient ;

  17. 博拉斯也指出这样是违犯MLB规章,一位球员经销权的潜在公平性问题。

    Boras also pointed out that it would violate MLB rules for a player to have even potential equity in a franchise .

  18. 湖人拥有24顺位的选秀权。

    The Lakers possessed the draft 's 24th pick .

  19. 另外三位没有投票权的成员也明确表示反对,还有几位成员持保留意见。

    Three other non-voting members are definite opponents , while several more have reservations .

  20. 玛德琳公主是瑞典国王卡尔十六世和王后西尔维娅三个孩子中年纪最小的,拥有第四顺位王位继承权。

    Madeleine is the youngest of Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia 's three children and fourth in line to the throne .

  21. 篮网队下个赛季情况依旧不容乐观,这很有可能是个前三顺位的选秀权。

    The Nets are expected to again struggle this season , meaning the selection has the potential to be in the top three of the draft .

  22. 如何在先后顺位的抵押权人之间平衡公平和效率,在各国的立法例中有两种模式:抵押权的顺位固定主义和顺位升进主义。

    How to balance justice and efficiency among these mortgages , and there 're two legislation patterns of mortgage sequence : the theory of fixed sequence and the theory of promoted sequence .

  23. 本文导出它的最弱边边长相对误差的权倒数,以及最弱点点位误差的权倒数,它可以用图形强度公式来表示。

    This paper gives the formula of the reciprocal of weight for the relative error or calculated length of the weakest side and the error of the weakest point . It may be represented by the formula of the strength factor .

  24. 有三位候选人角逐领导权。

    Three candidates contested the leadership .

  25. 由于传统LBP编码方法受噪声干扰变化较大,基于LBP编码在每一位上应该等权的考虑,改变LBP编码的方式,去掉按位加权这一步骤,直接利用其二进制编码分析图像的统计特性。

    Because the traditional LBP method is sensitive to the noise , we remove the by-bit weighted step and directly use binary LBP code to get the statistical properties of image .

  26. 马提达博士,一位人活跃的权运动领袖

    Dr. Ma Thida , a leading human rights activist

  27. 他们当中已有一位享有了优先权。

    One or another of them is given priority .

  28. 总之,我的原则是,基于数据与事实,每一位同事都有权发表他的观点。

    In short , my principle is that everything should be based on data and facts .

  29. 文章认为,按位、责、权、利相对称的原则,建立科学的激励、约束机制,对于规范经营者行为,调动经营者积极性,搞活地勘经济至关重要。

    The paper considers that the establishment of scientific encouragement and restraint mechanism is very important for normalizing businessman 's behavior , arousing their enthusiasm and enlivening geological prospecting economics .

  30. 物权法草案第六稿确定了业主对小区的停车位享有优先使用权,尊重了业主的利益和开发商的利益。

    Owner of the community have the preferential right of the parking space in the real property law of draft six , which respect the benefit of the owner and the interests of land agent .