
  1. 摩根大通做出的一个最重要的选择就是:不要把基于住宅按揭证券的债务抵押债券(cdo)销售业务做得太大。

    The most important single choice JPMorgan made was not to be big in the business of selling collateralised debt obligations based on residential mortgage securities .

  2. 凯雷每1美元的自有资金,就对应着31美元的借贷资金,这些资金被用于购买评级较高的住宅抵押证券投资组合。

    Carlyle borrowed $ 31 for every $ 1 of its own money , which it used to buy a portfolio of highly rated residential mortgage securities .

  3. 这使美国经济面临陷入更常规衰退的危险,令已经遭到住宅相关证券亏损重创的金融系统受到第二轮亏损的冲击。

    This raises the danger of a more conventional recession that would hit a financial system already battered by losses on housing-related securities with a second round of losses .

  4. 分析人士和决策人士警告称,各银行由于担心彼此在美国住宅相关证券方面可能蒙受的亏损,不愿意互相借贷,因此货币市场可能维持紧张局面。

    Analysts and policymakers warned that the money markets were likely to remain stressed , with banks reluctant to lend to each other due to fear about their exposure to losses on US housing-related securities .

  5. 在初步阶段,先采用不动产投资信托方式来试行证券化,随着环境的成熟,到最终的阶段,则可以通过SPV来实现住宅抵押贷款证券化。

    It is proper to adopt real estate invest trust way in SPV at first .

  6. 住宅抵押贷款证券化实施背景及其模式设计

    The background and design on the development of MBS in China

  7. 我国推行住宅抵押贷款证券化问题分析

    Problem Analysis on Securitization of Home Mortgage Lending in Our Country

  8. 实施住宅抵押贷款证券化的必要性

    The Necessity of Implementing Security Housing Mortgage Loan System

  9. 上海住宅抵押贷款证券化运作构想

    On Securitisation of China 's Housing Mortgage Loans

  10. 资产证券化起源于上个世纪七十年代美国的住宅抵押贷款证券化。

    Asset securitization originated from the United States housing mortgage backed securities in the 1970s .

  11. 住宅金融及其证券化

    Housing Finance and Its Application

  12. 许多分析师预计,瑞银第一季度将因美国住宅按揭相关证券出现更多减记。

    Many analysts expect UBS to post more writedowns in the first quarter on securities linked to us residential mortgages .

  13. 住宅抵押贷款证券化的兴起,使传统的住宅金融机制和金融中介发生了深刻的变化。

    The birth of housing mortgage securities deeply changed the traditional housing financial mechanism and the function of financial intermediaries .

  14. 第四都分论证了当前在我国推行住宅抵押贷款证券化所受到的诸多限制、存在的障碍和问题。

    The fourth part of this article argues the obstacles , restrictions and problem by promoting housing mortgage loan security in our country .

  15. 最后对如何推进我国住宅抵押贷款证券化进行了研究。

    Finally , by our study , we give some advices on how to push forward housing mortgage loan security in our country .

  16. 我国还不具备大规模推广住宅抵押贷款证券化的条件。

    Therefore , this paper suggests that the condition for expanding securitization of home mortgage lending in a large scale is not acquired .

  17. 住宅抵押贷款证券化通过对金融产品的深加工,分散了住宅抵押贷款的风险,提高了住宅抵押贷款组合的质量,使证券的担保人和证券投资者等众多的市场参与者从中获得可观的收益。

    Through processing financial product , housing mortgage securitization diversified the risk of housing mortgage , raised the quality of mortgage pool , and many market participants as securities guarantors and investors got much benefit .

  18. 目前,在我国推行住宅抵押贷款证券化存在着抵押贷款规模过小、房地产开发融资渠道不宽、商业银行积极性不高、信用制度不健全、法律环境不完善等问题。

    At present , there are many problems in carrying out the securitization of home mortgage lending , including rather small scale of mortgage loan , narrow channel for financing of land and building , low enthusiasm of commercial bank , unsound credit system , imperfect legal environment , etc.

  19. 住宅抵押贷款由于其现金流稳定、资产优良等特点,更是受到证券化的青睐,资产证券化也正是在美国从住宅抵押贷款证券化开始的。

    Home mortgage loan is especially preferred in Asset-Backed Securitization because of its stable cash flow and good assets .