
  • 网络sport philosophy
  1. 关于体育哲学对象范畴和基本内容的研究

    The Research Objects , Scope , and Essential Contents of Sport Philosophy

  2. 体育哲学的内容可分为三大部分:(1)体育实践论(实践哲学);

    The research contents of sport philosophy consists of three parts : 1.theory of sport practice ( practical philosophy ) ;

  3. 论体育哲学的人体观

    Discussion on the philosophy of physical education about human body

  4. 中国体育哲学思想探析

    The Analysis About Philosophy Thinking of Chinese Sports

  5. 深化体育哲学研究若干问题的思考

    Issues on deepening Phisical Education Philosophy Research

  6. 体育哲学价值论视野的主要观点。

    Main opinions about Axiology of PS.6 .

  7. 西方体育哲学之道德嬗变

    Moral Transmutation of Western Sportsmanship

  8. 关于体育哲学的两对范畴&对人天关系及身心关系的认识

    Two Pairs of Philosophical Categories in Sport : The Relationships Between Human and Heaven and Between Body and Mind

  9. 试论体育哲学教学在体育院系教学过程中的地位和作用

    The Trial Argumentation on the Position and Functions of Sports Philosophic Teaching During the Course of Teaching in Physical Culture Colleges and Departments

  10. 在我国,体育哲学的学术性不强,专业学者凤毛麟角,眼下又正值中国体育事业的蓬勃发展期,急需方法新颖正确、富有时代意义的体育哲学的出现。

    In China , weak technicality and rarity of scholars show : in this golden period before 2008 Beijing Olympics , we starve for the emergence of correct and new sports philosophy .

  11. 从体育哲学的时空辩证角度出发,在前人实践与理论研究基础上,通过文献资料法,对武术格斗运动的时空辩证关系进行分析与研究,以指导武术格斗的实践运动。

    Based on the practice and theory of formers , by using the methodology of documentation , this article throws light on the dialectics relation of space - time in wrestle and the guidance significance of the practice of wrestle .

  12. 体育院校哲学原理课堂教学法的探讨

    Classroom Teaching Method of Philosophy Principle in Physical Education Institutes

  13. 论体育与哲学的相互关系(续完)

    On Relation Between Sport and Philosophy ( Continued )

  14. 基于人类身体本能的体育运动哲学解读

    Philosophical interpretation of sport based on human body instinct

  15. 中国传统体育养生的哲学基础及其独特的风格

    Philosophy Basis and Unique Style of the Traditional Chinese Sportive Physical Therapy

  16. 决斗的风范:从人类决斗精神中对体育运动的哲学解读

    The Duel Style : The Philosophical Interpretation to Sports from Human Spirit of the Duel

  17. 我国体育法的哲学思考

    Philosophical Study of Sports Law

  18. 体育伦理的哲学探究&从体育文化的差异性寻求体育科学发展的永恒信念

    Philosophical Research on Sports Ethics & Seeking Eternal Faith in Sports Scientific Development from the Different Qualities of Sports Culture

  19. 本文从社会形态、体育概念、哲学、社会体育的对应关系等视角,对社会体育所涉及的范围进行审视和定位,为社会体育的分类提供了理论依据。

    This paper orientates the areas involved in social sports from the angles of social forms , the concept of sports , philosophy and the classification of corresponding relations of social sports , and provide a theoretical basis for the classification of social sports .

  20. 通过对西方体育文化的哲学起源以及其演进历程的探讨,试图找寻东西方体育文化的差异所在,为我国体育文化的发展提供一些可借鉴之处。

    Based on the discussion of the philosophy resource and its evolvement of Western sport culture , this study attempted to explore the differences of Western and Eastern sport culture , in order to provide references for the further development of the sport culture in China .

  21. 采用理论与实践紧密联系的研究方法,从体育理论的哲学基础、体育学者的哲学素质、体育实践的哲学牵取三个方面,较系统地探讨了体育与哲学的相互关系。

    By using the method of combining theory with practice closely , the author makes a systematic research in the relation between sport and philosophy from the three aspects : philosophic basis of sport theories , philosophic quality of sport scholars , and the philosophic guidance of sport practice .

  22. 体育审美价值的哲学思考

    Some Thoughts of Philosophy on Aesthetic Value in Physical Education

  23. 体育院系大学生的哲学观分析

    Philosophic Concepts of the Students of Sports Colleges and Deportments

  24. 体育生态研究的哲学前提

    Research on the Philosophical Precondition of Sports Ecology Studies

  25. 基因时代体育科技观的哲学思考

    Philosophical Ponderation over Sports Scientific-Technologic Outlook in Gene Era

  26. 竞技体育人才培养的哲学观

    The Philosophical Ideas of the Athletic Talent 's Training

  27. 体育旅游概念的哲学思辨

    A Philosophical Thought on the Concept of Sports Tourism

  28. 关于体育概念界定的哲学反思

    Philosophical review of the definition of sports concept

  29. 论体育市场观的哲学思考

    The philosophical ponderation for viewing sport market

  30. 高校体育课程改革的哲学思考

    College PE Curriculum Reform Of Philosophic Thinking