
  • 网络Private bodyguard;The Private Guard;aide-de-camp
  1. 总统来了,随行的是他的私人保镖。

    The President arrived , followed by his personal bodyguard .

  2. 1999年,英国皇家空军一名军官的孙子曾就这起UFO事件致信英国国防部,这位军官曾是丘吉尔的私人保镖。

    The grandson of an RAF officer who was one of Churchill 's personal bodyguards wrote to Britain 's Ministry of Defence in1999 about the alleged incident .

  3. 更不要说王子还有他的私人保镖了

    Not to mention the prince ... and his personal bodyguards .

  4. 我能当你的私人保镖

    I-I could offer to be your , um personal bodyguard .

  5. 他从自己私人保镖中选带了两名杀气腾腾的打手。

    He brought along two strong-arm men from his private guard .

  6. 私人保镖能否成为保安服务公司的业务范围

    Whether Private Bodyguard Belongs to the Business Range of the Safeguarding Company

  7. 做私人保镖太危险了

    Except it is . Personal security is dangerous .

  8. 先生们?无意冒犯,我想找的是我的私人保镖,平常那些。

    Gentlemen ? No offense , I asked for my personal detail , my regular guys .

  9. 太过分了,我真无法相信你派你的私人保镖

    Way to go . I can 't believe you had that restaurant swarming with your secret servants .

  10. 私人保镖能否纳入保安服务公司的业务范围一直颇具争议。

    Whether private bodyguard can fall into the security guarding service company 's business range has been argued all along .

  11. 对他们中的许多人来说,让女性而不是男性担任他们的私人保镖,是最高的社会地位象征。

    For many of them , having women serve as their private protection & not men – is the ultimate status symbol .

  12. 这项调查还发现,私营安全防务业已在全球扩张,私人保镖的人数现在大大超过警察。

    The survey also finds the private security industry has expanded throughout the world and private guards now vastly outnumber police officers .

  13. 技术时常广泛地被用于运动照片,就像是您图像的“私人保镖”并能实现“三国鼎立”的效果。

    The technique is often used extensively in motion pictures , such as " Saving Private Ryan " and " Three Kings " .

  14. 私人保镖现在所做的工作各色各样,从保护富有名人、商人到为上海世博会的大型活动安保协助。

    Private bodyguards now do everything from protecting wealthy celebrities and businessmen to assisting in security for such major events as the Shanghai World Expo .

  15. 他们认为这两个人降落在世界贸易中心附近下曼哈顿城区的街道上。据报道,私人保镖看见两名跳伞者于凌晨3点在高盛集团总部前降落。

    They think they have parachuted onto a Lower Manhattan street near the World Trade Center site . Private security guards reported seeing two parachuters land in front of the Goldman Sachs headquarters around 3:00 AM .

  16. 阿曼达的母亲雇用私人教练、保镖、歌唱教练和顾问全程照顾她15岁的女儿。

    Amanda 's mother employs a personal trainer , a body guard , a singing coach and a counselor to look after all her 15-year-old daughter 's needs .

  17. 在中国,私人财富暴增最明显的迹象大概正是富人试图努力不让人察觉的&私人保镖。

    Perhaps the most visible sign of the explosion of private wealth in China tries hard not to be visible at all-the private bodyguard .