
yáng gōng
  • feign attack;make a feint;feint
佯攻 [yáng gōng]
  • [feign(talse) attack] 假装向敌人进攻,虚装声势并无实际行动

佯攻[yáng gōng]
  1. 他们要求英国在北部海岸发动佯攻。

    They asked the British to launch a diversionary attack on the north coast .

  2. 华盛顿方面认为,这是佯攻,可是如果他们的判断是错误的。

    Washington thinks it is , but assuming they 're wrong .

  3. 这场比赛变成了一场以佯攻与反佯攻为主的较量。

    The contest becomes mainly one of feint and counterfeint .

  4. 佯攻,3秒内防止目标受到攻击。

    Feint iii-you feint , preventing your target from attacking for3 seconds .

  5. 为什么佯攻铭文是大雕文?

    Why is there a major glyph of feint ?

  6. 他用左手佯攻却用右手打了我。

    He feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right .

  7. 他的介入是一次削弱反对党共和党的战术佯攻?

    Was his intervention a tactical feint , to weaken his Republican opponents ?

  8. 细萱的北翼联军佯攻阿留申群岛。

    The northern force , under hosogaya , strikes the Aleutians as a diversion .

  9. 一对对摔跤手采取声东击西的佯攻手法,使对方猝不及防,终于揪住了对方,开始搏斗起来。

    With lightning feint , one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple .

  10. 19.昏厥/佯攻

    19 . Faint / Feint

  11. 敌人起初被我们对柏林的佯攻所欺骗,但这种情况并未维持多久。

    The enemy was at first deceived by feint on Berlin , but not for long enough .

  12. 获胜策略包括佯攻、发信号以及不动声色地按照你的想法操控对手。

    Winning strategies involve feints , signals and the art of calmly manoeuvring opponents to where you want them .

  13. 现在可以用小型机动部队,从另一个方向威胁、佯攻和打击。

    Now they can a smaller more agile force , threaten , feint , and attack from another direction .

  14. 两头公牛在作了多次巧妙的佯攻以后,退回到了场地相对的两端。

    The two bulls , after a great deal of skilful feinting , withdrew to opposite ends of the field .

  15. 敌人很可能用一场佯攻,把我们的部队从他们最后进犯的地点引开。

    The enemy would probably begin with a feigned attack in order to draw our troops away from the ultimate invasion site .

  16. 但是,敌人或许只是佯攻克里特岛,而实则将越过该岛向东推进。

    It may be , however , that the enemy is only feinting at Crete , and will be going farther east .

  17. 于是鲁登道夫在马恩河沿线发动一次大规模的佯攻,目的是将联军引离比利时并掩饰他的军事战略。

    To shield his intentions and draw Allied troops away from Belgium , Ludendorff planned for a large diversionary attack along the Marne .

  18. 事先的佯攻,成功地迷惑了德军统帅。

    The pre-invasion ' feint ' had succeeded in outwitting the German command , as they had been able to tell by listening in .

  19. “在邻近犹太人的地区会更严重”,包括“对交通和学校的佯攻”。

    These " would do even worse in the neighbourhoods near the Jews , " including " diversions on transport and in the schools . "

  20. 我决定以狼的方式,对一个方向作佯攻,试图使羊群出现混乱,从而找到最薄弱的一点来进攻。

    I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf .

  21. 对力拓的佯攻代价高昂&3.86亿美元的费用中,多半花在要求一群银行12个月随时待命,准备提供庞大的债务。

    The feint at Rio was costly – $ 386m in fees , mostly through asking a group of banks to stand by with a huge debt package for 12 months .

  22. 先佯攻军队的左翼,紧接的是一个正面攻击。他抓下篮板,投入进攻,但进攻似乎更胜一筹。

    The feint on the army 's left flank was followed by a frontal attack . He just takes the ball and goes at it , defense is about hustle but offense takes some finesse .