
  • 网络investigation;Investigative Activity
  1. 媒体对刑事侦查活动的监督及其限度

    On the Limits and Supervision of Criminal Investigation by the Media

  2. 讯问是以问答形式进行的侦查活动。

    Questioning is an investigation form through asking and answering .

  3. 侦查活动中回溯推理的结构分析

    An Analysis on the Structure of Reductive Inference in Investigative Activities

  4. 也是评判侦查活动正当性的基本标准。

    They are the basic gist and standard of investigation .

  5. 刑事侦查活动中对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权的保护

    Protection of the Right of Privacy in Investigative Procedure

  6. 我们是在敌人的领土里进行侦查活动。

    We are spies in the enemy 's country .

  7. 侦查活动规律是侦查学的研究对象。

    Law of the investigative activities is the study object of science of investigation .

  8. 但侦查活动本身天然的主动性和扩张性决定了侦查权很容易被滥用。

    The investigation power can be easily abused according to its natural initiative and expansionary .

  9. 侦查活动一般规律研究论纲

    Research on the Law of Investigative Activities

  10. 论侦查活动的监督

    On the supervision of investigating activities

  11. 侦查活动中侦查人员的自我再定位

    Activities Reorientation of investigators in investigation

  12. 侦查活动规律分为侦查活动一般规律和侦查活动特殊规律。

    Law of investigative activities can be divided into general and special law of investigative activities .

  13. 论侦查活动中的批判性思维

    On Critical Thinking in Investigations

  14. 现阶段我国的侦查活动多奉行秘密原则。

    The principle of secrecy is always pursued in our country in the criminal investigation field nowadays .

  15. 侦查活动监督的有效履行,具有十分重要的诉讼价值和社会价值。

    Effective supervision over investigation is of great value in lawsuits and is very important for social interests .

  16. 侦查活动监督是检察机关的一项重要诉讼监督职责。

    Supervision over investigating activities is one of the important supervising duties in lawsuits for a procuratorial organ .

  17. 第三部分是职务犯罪案件证据收集中存在的问题。在职务犯罪侦查活动中,不同种类、不同时段的证据收集方法不同。

    Investigating crimes committed by the current activities , different types , different time of evidence collection methods is different .

  18. 对此,应当加强检察机关对侦查活动的监督、制约,并且对于拒绝监督与制约的,予以惩戒。

    Therefore , inspection organ must strengthen supervision on the detection activity and we must punish for the action of repudiation .

  19. 客观标准说则认为,陷阱之成立不应取决于被告人是否具有犯罪心理倾向,而应当以政府诱惑侦查活动所采用手段的诱惑程度为尺度。

    The objective level doctrine support that the key of being entrapment is government ' luring measure and not criminal predisposition .

  20. 追赃难是当前经济犯罪案件侦查活动中的一个具有普遍性的问题。

    To recover the booties during the investigation of economic crimes is very difficult , which is a general problem now .

  21. 侦查活动的目的是实现案件的最终侦破,在这个过程中,侦查假说的正确与否决定着整个侦查工作的成败。

    The purpose of investigation is to make cases clear and the correctness of investigation hypothesis will influence the investigation work .

  22. 证据的关联性和真实性是其可采性的两大立足点,行为合法则是指秘密侦查活动应当在法律规定范围内进行取证。

    Relevance and reliability is the foundation of admissibility . Legality implies that covert investigation should obtain evidence within legislative limits .

  23. 特别在作案人假说中,必须坚持以无罪推定原则指导侦查活动。

    Especially in the ″ suspect hypothesis ″, we must use the principle of presumption of innocence to direct the investigation activities .

  24. 法院还称,去年秋季李敏利用其作为国家媒体工作人员的职务,干扰本案的侦查活动。

    The court also said Ms. Li abused her position as a state media worker to intervene in the case last fall .

  25. 我国民事诉权理论存在问题及对策分析&由郑传本名誉侵权案引出的法律思考刑事侦查活动中对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权的保护

    Problems and Countermeasures Concerning the Theory of Right of Action in Civil Cases Protection of the Right of Privacy in Investigative Procedure

  26. 这就要求检察机关必须向法庭展示严密的证据体系,这在相当大程度上有赖于侦查活动的质量,有赖于检察机关对侦查机关获取证据活动的指导。

    This , to a certain extent depends on the quality of investigation activities and prosecutorial organs ' directions to investigative organs .

  27. 同时,反常也受到犯罪人的个性特点、个人交往以及案件情况、侦查活动等因素的制约和影响。

    Meanwhile , the abnormal behavior is restrained and influenced by individual characteristic , individual associate , case situation and investigation , etc.

  28. 从利于开展侦查活动的角度出发,把时间划分为作案时间与“非作案时间”。

    We 'd better divide time into " time of crime " and " beyond time of crime " in order to carry out investigation smoothly .

  29. 根据线人在贪污贿赂犯罪侦查活动中所起的作用可以分为:信息型、证人型。

    According to the informants in the bribery and corruption crimes investigation activities in the role , can be divided into : message type , the type .

  30. 犯罪心理测试技术在刑事侦查活动中发挥着重要作用,但侦查机关在运用犯罪心理测试技术时存在一些问题,侦查机关应加强对犯罪心理测试的配合。

    The testing technology of criminal psychology has been playing an important role in the criminal investigation , but as to the use of it there are some problems .