
cè shí
  • lateral erosion
侧蚀[cè shí]
  1. 此后至25.5小时,网状河道的演变以下蚀为主演变为以适度的侧蚀,但河岸的后退幅度很小,标志网状河道逐步过渡到成熟期。

    Hereafter up to 25.5 hours the evolution fashion of the anastomosing river changed from downcutting erosion to lateral erosion , but the fall back of channel banks is not evident . It indicates that the anastomosing channels change into their autumn .

  2. 脉侧蚀变演化与钨的成矿关系

    Evolution of wall rock alteration and mineralization of tungsten

  3. 大气降水既增大了斜坡的静水压力,又减弱了岩土体的抗剪强度,河流侧蚀掏空坡脚,使岩体失去支撑以及人类工程活动破坏斜坡稳定条件等因素是滑坡形成的外在原因。

    Precipitation , unsupported rock body from erosion of river , human activity are external reasons .

  4. 侧蚀对脊形掺铒光波导放大器净增益的影响

    Simulation for the Net Gains of Rib Er-doped Waveguide Amplifiers and Effect of Side-sculpture on the Net Gains

  5. 凹岸部位主流线的顶冲和弯曲河道横向环流的侧蚀,是决口的外部因素;

    The external cause is the mother current scouring the concave bank and the lateral circulation scouring the curved river channel .

  6. 腐蚀后芯片表面平整度、侧蚀等指标初步达到器件设计的要求。

    After etching the surface of GaAs chip could be smooth and the isolation grooves have little edges , which can completely meet the requirements of device design .

  7. 强烈的下切作用为岸坡孕育小范围崩塌提供了必要的势能累积与临空面,另外,侧蚀作用进一步加剧了岸坡崩塌作用。

    Cutting action under the strong small-scale collapse of the slope provides the necessary potential energy accumulation and free surface . In addition , the side etching effect exacerbates the slope collapse .

  8. 河道经历了山前河流、河口沙坝、三角洲平原的发育阶段,河道在自北而南迁移总趋势下,曾有多次往复摆动,现今仍在向南侧蚀。

    River course experienced a development stage of piedmont river , channel mouth bar , and deltaic plain and has changed for many times during its shift from north to south , still eroding the southern side at present .

  9. 冲击带水流的折冲作用,可能诱发侧墙空化空蚀破坏。

    The impact band flow reflection reduces the sidewall pressure and initiates sidewall cavitation .