
qiáo xiāng
  • hometown of overseas Chinese;home town of overseas Chinese;the area where is a bigger population of returned overseas Chinese and its relatives
侨乡 [qiáo xiāng]
  • [the area where is a bigger population of returned overseas Chinese and its relatives] 即归侨、侨眷聚居的地区

侨乡[qiáo xiāng]
  1. 充分利用侨乡优势推动容县经济发展

    Making Full Use of the Advantages of Home Town of Overseas Chinese to Promote Economic Development in Rongxian

  2. 侨乡泉州体育场地经济成分特征研究

    Research on Characteristics of Economic Sector of Sport Fields in Quanzhou

  3. 侨乡乡镇居民的体育价值观

    Sports values of residents in regions inhabited by returned overseas Chinese

  4. 论福建侨乡优势与地缘文化

    On the superiority and geoculture of overseas Chinese hometown in Fujian

  5. 小康社会侨乡台山休闲排球活动的研究

    Study on Leisure Volleyball Activity of Taishan in Well-off Society

  6. 区域经济模式、乡族观念、侨缘禀赋是侨乡泉州体育场地经济成分特殊性的内源因子;

    Regional economic mode and national-originated gift is the particularity of element .

  7. 对我国著名侨乡福清市篮球运动开展现状的调查研究

    Investigation of the Present Status of Basketball Games in Fuqing

  8. 广州是一个著名的侨乡。

    Guangzhou is famous as a hometown for overseas Chinese .

  9. 侨乡和顺旅游的文化审美价值

    On the Aesthetic Value of Tourism Culture at Heshun Township

  10. 华侨与侨乡经济变迁:1888&1949

    Overseas Chinese and Economic Transition of Emigration County : 1888-1949

  11. 泉州市侨乡体育馆网架-拱架组合结构的吊索制作、张拉与测力窄扁拱形组合网架桥的静力特性

    Static Behaviors of Narrow Composite Space Truss Flat Arch Bridges

  12. 这一地区是著名的侨乡。

    The region is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese .

  13. 他们在侨乡的跨国寄养,是国际移民网络的组成和延伸。

    They are part of the international migrant network .

  14. 因此,对当今的侨乡宗族应该因势利导,趋利避害,让其为和平统一祖国的大业服务。

    Nowadays we should let it serve the great cause of unifying motherland .

  15. 我们公司处于中国著名的侨乡&广东江门市。

    Our company is well-known hometown of overseas Chinese in China-Guangdong Jiangmen City .

  16. 中国近代南方侨乡建筑的文化特征探析

    Analysis of Cultural Identity of Modern Architecture of Overseas Chinese in South China

  17. 东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞与侨乡建设&梅州市个案研究

    Overseas Chinese and the Construction of Qiaoxiang : A Case study of Meizhou

  18. 侨乡乡镇居民体育参与者体育活动特征调查研究

    Study on the Sports Characteristics of P.E.Participates From Residents in the National Areas

  19. 粤中侨乡民居设计手法分析

    An Analysis of the Methods Adopted in Designing Folk Housing in Central Guangdong

  20. 侨乡农村发展转型研究

    Overseas Chinese Home Town Village Development Transformation Research

  21. 旅居海外华侨众多,是个著名侨乡。

    Many overseas Chinese living abroad , is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese .

  22. 奥瑞电器厂,位于广东省著名侨乡&普宁市。

    Aorui Electronic Factory Located in Puning , a famous city in Guangdong Province .

  23. 东南亚华商的投资,极大地促进了侨乡社会经济的发展。

    The investment from Southeast Asian Chinese has promoted the social-economic development of Qiaoxiang .

  24. 侨乡乡镇居民体育价值观特征及其差异性比较研究

    Characteristics of Sports Value of Residents in National Areas and Comparative Study on its Differences

  25. 潮阳区是广东省著名侨乡之一。

    Chaoyang District in Guangdong Province , one of the famous hometown of overseas Chinese .

  26. 闽南侨乡近代地域性建筑研究

    A Study of Modern Regional Architecture in Overseas Chinese 's Hometown in South of Fujian

  27. 山区农村海外新移民与侨乡社会变迁

    Renewed Emigration in Mountainous Rural Areas and Social Transformation of Areas with High Emigration Incidence

  28. 现代五邑侨乡的婚俗正在向多样化、现代化发展。

    Contemporary marriage customs in Wuyi region are in the process of diversification and modernization .

  29. 这些捐资促进了家乡的发展,也成为潮州的一大侨乡优势。

    The donation has promoted the development of Chaozhou and become a great advantage of Qiaoxiang .

  30. 我今天算是彻底感受到侨乡的魅力了。

    Today , I 've really got a feel for the charmsof this home of overseas Chinese .