
  1. 目前,俄罗斯真理报列举出20世纪最搞笑、最白痴的犯罪行为。

    At present , in the20th century Russian Pravda newspaper enumerate the funniest , the crime of idiots .

  2. 但他在俄罗斯真理报在线网站撰写的文章将焦点直指俄罗斯总统。

    But his opinion piece for the Russian Website " Pravda " was more focused on Russia 's president .

  3. 批评家表示,外资出版物被认为是有破坏作用的,这些出版物包括《福布斯》以及商业日报《俄罗斯商业报》,这份报纸由《金融时报》、《华尔街日报》以及俄罗斯出版商索诺玛共同持有。

    Critics say the foreign-owned publications that are seen as most subversive include Forbes and the Business Daily newspaper Vedomosti , which is co-owned by the Financial Times , The Wall Street Journal and the Russian publishing house Sonoma .

  4. 据俄罗斯《消息报》报道,一家叫作Hoversurf的俄罗斯公司研发出了一种名为Scorpion1的飞行自行车,速度可达100千米/时。

    The flying bike Scorpion 1 , capable of moving at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour , has been developed by the Russian company Hoversurf , the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported .

  5. 相关报道刊登在俄罗斯《消息报》网站上。

    Relevant report is published in Russia " Izvestia " on the website .

  6. 俄罗斯《独立报》记者:一些观察人士说,现在涉及到重大战略性的国际事务中,似乎只有俄罗斯在支持中国。

    Some observers say that it seems that Russia right now is supporting China in the most strategic and important international affairs .

  7. 俄罗斯的《真理报》写道,“西班牙夫人”使整个穆罗姆城镇陷入混乱。

    The Pravda in Russia wrote that ' The Spanish Lady ' had thrown a whole town , Murom , into disarray .