
  • 网络President of Bulgaria;List of Presidents of Bulgaria
  1. 保加利亚的总统直接由选举产生,每届任期五年,总统有权连任一届。

    The president of Bulgaria is directly elected for a5-year term with the right to one re-election .

  2. 尽管很多国家有天然气储备或是其他的来源,保加利亚严重依赖俄罗斯的天然气。保加利亚总统珀尔瓦诺夫说,他们可能重新启动一个核反应堆,这些核反应堆在早些时候被欧盟认为是不安全的。

    While many countries have reserves or alternative sources , Bulgaria relies heavily on Russian gas and the country 's president , Georgi Parvanov , says it could restart one of its nuclear reactors , which the European Union had previously deemed unsafe .