
  • 网络Conservative liberalism;neo-liberalism;neoliberalism
  1. 新自由主义、社群主义和新左派对保守自由主义的弱政府理论提出了猛烈批评。

    New Liberalism , Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism .

  2. 保守自由主义是保守主义与自由主义的混合体,它兼具二者的特点。

    Conservative-liberalism was the blending of both conservatism and liberalism , and it has the characteristics of both conservatism and liberalism simultaneously .

  3. 帕麦斯顿保守自由主义的保守性表现在:政治上向往秩序,致力于维护现存的制度及已经形成的国际均势,反对轻易改变现状;

    He paid homage to order politically and applied himself to safeguard the existent systems and the formed international balance and opposed any alter of the status quo hastily .

  4. 因此对西方新自由主义和保守自由主义的国家观之间的分歧进行深入的研究,揭示双方在国家观方面争论的本质具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Thus to make a deeper research on the arguments between western new liberalism and conservative-liberalism to reveal the nature of their debates has significant theoretical and realistic meanings .

  5. 保守自由主义复兴并发展了古典自由主义的消极国家观念,反对国家干预,主张社会和市场经济自由,倡导一种与新自由主义积极国家观相反的消极国家理论。

    Conservative-liberalism revived and developed classical liberalism that opposed state intervention and asserted freedom in society and market economy . It advocated a passive sense of nation , contrary to new liberalism & the active sense of nation .

  6. 帕麦斯顿是一位保守的自由主义者,其保守性与19世纪中期的时代精神相契合。

    Palmerston 's conservativeness agreed with the time spirit of the mid 19th century .

  7. 美国文明的特征是我们政治生活中保守的自由主义,文化生活中重实际的理想主义,精神生活中重感情的理性主义,物质生活中敬神的实利主义。

    American civilization is characterized by conservative liberalism of our political life , the pragmatic idealism of our cerebral life , the emotional rationalism of our spiritual life and the godly materialism of our acquisitive life .

  8. 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

    Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism ?

  9. 但是该想法在保守派,自由主义,军队和教育领导中获得了支持。

    But the idea gained support among conservatives and liberals , the military and education leaders .

  10. 但是他坚信在小政府和自由市场里受到保守派和自由主义者的欢迎。

    But his belief in small government and free markets is still popular with economic conservatives and libertarians .

  11. 本文以文化保守主义与自由主义的论争为视域,探讨现代新儒家所面临的困境及其出路。

    This paper provides a critical reflection of the studies of modern new Confucianism in the past twenty years .

  12. 不管美国今后的保守主义和自由主义会以何种形式出现,可能都会在政治理念中同时兼顾安全和抱负。

    Whatever forms the next conservatism and the next liberalism take in the US , they may be based as much on a politics of security as the politics of aspiration .

  13. 其中有些看法和意见所流露的思想倾向,存在明显的历史虚无主义、文化保守主义、自由主义、非理性主义和宗教色彩。这是作者所坚决反对的。

    There lies many opinions , which the author is strongly against , those ideas are the following : obvious historical nihilism , cultural conservatism , liberalism , non-rationalism and some ideas with a religion color .

  14. 本文从美国新保守主义与自由主义和保守主义的关系入手,分析了新保守主义的兴衰流变、基本思想和主张及其对布什政府外交政策的影响。

    Beginning with an analysis of the relations between American neoconservatism , liberalism and conservatism , this dissertation traces the rising and falling ofneoconservatism , sheds light on its basic ideas and arguments , and analyzes its impacton Bush administration 's foreign policy .

  15. 而保守主义是对自由主义传统的保守,作为对自由主义的制约力量与其相伴共生。

    Keeping conservative to liberalist traditions and as constraint strength on liberalism , the conservatism produced in symbiotic relations with liberalism .

  16. 它的出台并不一帆风顺,保守主义者和自由主义者对其各持己见,相互制衡。

    Its releasing is not problem-free , the conservative person and the free person hold the personal opinion respectively to it , keeps in balance mutually .

  17. 有趣的是,保守主义者和自由主义者都对罗姆尼的这个选择表示满意前者感到满意是因为瑞安代表了他们的信仰,后者则是因为瑞安提出了明确的立场可供他们讨伐。

    Curiously , both conservatives and liberals profess to be pleased with the choice the former because Mr Ryan represents their beliefs and the latter because he offers clear positions that they can challenge .

  18. 有趣的是,保守主义者和自由主义者都对罗姆尼的这个选择表示满意——前者感到满意是因为瑞安代表了他们的信仰,后者则是因为瑞安提出了明确的立场可供他们讨伐。

    Curiously , both conservatives and liberals profess to be pleased with the choice - the former because Mr Ryan represents their beliefs and the latter because he offers clear positions that they can challenge .

  19. 企业保守派或许喜欢你,新保守派和自由意志主义者或许喜欢你。

    Corporate conservatives may love you , neo-cons and libertarians may love you .