
  • Porsche;Porsche Design;Boxster
  1. 他嘴上老说要买一辆保时捷,还真把我唬住了。

    He really snowed me with all his talk of buying a Porsche .

  2. 我跑了26圈时,保时捷车冒出了蓝烟。

    As I completed my 26th lap the Porsche puffed blue smoke .

  3. 他的房间里贴满保时捷和法拉利车的图片。

    His room is plastered with pictures of Porsches and Ferraris .

  4. 这辆保时捷911让我想起了雅皮士时代最不堪的那些日子。

    The Porsche 911 reminds me of the worst parts of the yuppie era .

  5. 最后一步是将保时捷SE与大众合并。

    The final step is to merge Porsche SE with VW .

  6. 保时捷公司的前任财务总监和CEO由于涉嫌操纵市场而双双被告上法庭,要求追究他们的刑事责任。

    The former chief financial officer and CEO of Porsche are facing criminal charges for market manipulation .

  7. 保时捷(Porsche)的各家经销商也成立了类似的协会。

    A similar association was set up to represent Porsche dealers .

  8. 保时捷(Porsche)就能免受供需规律的影响吗?

    Is Porsche immune to the laws of supply and demand ?

  9. 保时捷(PorscheAG)当月的销量较一年前下降了一半,只有1427辆。

    Porsche AG 's sales fell by half last month from a year earlier , to1,427 vehicles .

  10. 中东主权财富基金卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)和两大家族可能向保时捷注入现金和资产,以增强该公司的资产负债表。

    The Qatar Investment Authority , a Middle East sovereign wealth fund , and the two families could inject cash and assets to strengthen the balance sheet .

  11. 大众(volkswagen)和保时捷(porsche)两家对重新合并之路上的障碍并不陌生。

    Volkswagen and Porsche are no strangers to bumps on the road to their reunification .

  12. 例如,总部位于莫斯科的欧洲企业协会(associationofeuropeanbusiness)的数据显示,2008年,保时捷(porsche)在俄罗斯的汽车销量高于美国。

    Porsche sold more cars in Russia than they did in the US in 2008 , for example , according to the association of European business , based in Moscow .

  13. 在商界,德国保时捷(porsche)和法国顶级葡萄酒酿造厂生产世界顶级的产品。

    In business , Porsche of Germany and the best wineries in France produce world-class products .

  14. 而保时捷(Porsche)则享有双重地位&既是跑车厂商,又是豪车品牌营销者。

    Porsche enjoys a dual status as a sports car maker as well as luxury marketer .

  15. 另外,保时捷(Porsche)第一季度营收增长32%,至30亿欧元。

    Separately , Porsche increased revenues 32 per cent to € 3bn during the first quarter .

  16. 相反,男性将保时捷(porsche)排在第12位,而女性将其排在第52位。

    Conversely , men rank Porsche number 12 on their list ; women rank it 52 .

  17. 然后,卡塔尔人将接手保时捷SE的大部分大众认购期权,这是他们进军德国工业核心地带的通行证。

    Then the Qataris will take on most of Porsche SE 's options over VW ; this is their passport into Germany 's industrial heartland .

  18. 另外,施泰纳还表示,保时捷公司预计,如果获得生产许可,其全电动多用途型跑车MissionE将吸引至少2万名买家。

    Separately , Porsche expects the cross-utility variant of its all-electric Mission E sports car to attract at least 20000 buyers if it gets approved for production , Steiner said .

  19. 新的竞争者,比如梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes)、雷克萨斯(Lexus)甚至连保时捷(Porsche)都开始推出越野车型,蚕食着路虎的市场份额。

    Newer competitors from Mercedes , Lexus , and even Porsche began to make inroads .

  20. 38岁的罗达斯当时正驾驶着他的2005保时捷卡雷拉GT,而沃克坐在乘客座位上。

    Rodas , 38 , was driving his 2005 Porsche Carrera GT with Walker in the passenger seat .

  21. 比如2012款的保时捷CaymanR跑车可能是操控性最好的汽车,但在载物能力上却落在下风。

    The2012 Porsche Cayman R may have the best handling for instance , but fall short if you 're considering cargo capacity .

  22. 三年前,麦卡伊决定好好犒劳一下自己,于是她决定去买一台保时捷(Porsche)。

    Three years ago Mulcahy decided it was time to treat herself and went shopping for a Porsche .

  23. 最后,大众将购买保时捷SE旗下的汽车制造商保时捷AG的少量股份,给保时捷SE带来现金。

    Finally , VW will buy a small stake in Porsche AG , the carmaker owned by the holding . This will release cash to Porsche SE .

  24. 甚至连保时捷(porsche)也在考虑生产小型卡宴(cayenne)以及其它较小车型。

    Even Porsche is considering developing a " baby " Cayenne , and other smaller models .

  25. 在大众汽车,保时捷(Porsche)和皮耶希家族掌握了51%有表决权的股份。

    At VW , the Porsche and Pi ë ch families control 51 per cent of the voting shares .

  26. 当他提到泰迪熊背带和开着保时捷(Porsche)的年轻人时,他并不是表示对这些现象的认可。

    When he refers to teddy bear braces and young people driving Porsches , it is not with approbation .

  27. 它既不像VW一样造比较便宜的车,也不像保时捷一样造比较贵的车。

    It did not build very inexpensive cars like VW did , or expensive sports cars as Porsche did .

  28. 在我最小孩子的学校,有人在家长会期间刮花了我的保时捷卡宴(PorscheCayenne)。

    At my youngest child 's school , someone keyed my Porsche Cayenne during the parent-teacher meeting .

  29. 而像保时捷(porsche)这样的超高端品牌也始终不愿触碰电视广告,因其过于大众化。

    Or even ultra high-end brands , such as Porsche , which have always shunned TV simply because it is too mass-market .

  30. 8月7日,一名驾驶保时捷(Porsche)运动型多用途车的男子在杭州市东城撞死了一位16岁的打工妹。

    On Aug.7 , a man driving a Porsche SUV struck and killed a16-year-old female migrant worker in the eastern city of Hangzhou .