
  1. 再论保证人主体资格及范围

    A Restudy of the Subject Qualifications and Scope of the Warrantor

  2. 保证是诉前扣船中最常用的担保方式,保证人的资格对保证的实现至关重要。

    The qualification of guarantors is very important for the realization of guarantee .

  3. 保证制度的基本理论包括保证概念、保证性质、保证设立范围、保证人资格和权利、保证期间和保证责任等内容。

    The basic theories of guarantee include the definition , nature , established scope of guarantee period and guarantee liability , as well as the qualification and right of guarantor .

  4. 隐存保证背书能够克服票据保证之不足,有利于保障支票债权的实现,规避票据保证对保证人主体资格的不合理限制。

    The so-called hidden guaranty endorsement is , guarantor does not indicate " guaranty " model of written characters on the bill , and achieves the pledge purpose by the method of transferable endorsement .