
  • 网络Guarantee item
  1. 其次,严格按照软件工程的开发规范,采用V瀑布开发模型控制和管理项目的开发进度,保证项目各阶段工作的顺利开展。

    Second , according to the software engineering , adopt the Waterfall Model strictly to guarantee the work in every stage .

  2. SD石化有限公司要想保证项目的顺利达产,需依靠先进的管理理论为指导。

    If SD Petrochemical Co. , Ltd. ensures the smooth progress of the project up to production , it depends on the advanced management theory as a guide .

  3. 第四部分结合实际项目银保通系统的开发详细阐述了怎样灵活高效的使用OO方法和RUP框架保证项目的成功和软件产品的质量。

    In the forth part , it illuminates how to practice OO method and RUP in " Insurance-Bank " to ensure software quality in detail .

  4. 不过,直接采用SOA并不能保证项目成功(ESB并不是企业的尚方宝剑!),有些项目根本就不应该采用SOA方法。

    However , simply adopting SOA alone doesn 't guarantee a successful project ( ESB does not stand for enterprise silver bullet !), and some projects should not adopt an SOA approach at all .

  5. J公司作为专业进行无线信号覆盖项目的单位,随着公司业务不断拓展,如何在项目增加的情况下,保证项目建设的品质是一个刻不容缓的问题。

    J company as a professional wireless coverage project unit , with the business expansion , how to increase , to ensure that the project construction quality is a brook no delay problem .

  6. 为了更好地保证项目的成功部署,产品化阶段可以单独作为一个项目拥有Scrum部署团队人员。

    To better ensure successful deployment of the project , the entire Transition phase could be executed as its own project , again with Scrum deployment team members .

  7. 随着中国加入WTO和建筑市场的越加规范,项目总监理工程师已成为项目管理的核心,为保证项目目标的实现,总监理工程师对项目目标控制的预见能力尤为重要。

    Along with china entered the WTO and the building market grown up , the major engineer has became the very important person . In order to ensure the project object completing , the control capacity of the major engineer for the project object is very important ?

  8. 通过使用CPM关键路径法,对项目时间的预排和项目活动工期的估算,具体如何对于项目进度进行控制,保证项目如期完成。

    CPM critical path by using the method , the pre-project time schedule and estimated duration of project activities , specifically , how to control the project schedule to ensure timely completion of the project .

  9. 本文总结了国内外BOT项目融资成功的经验和失败的教训,分析了保证项目融资成功的8个关键因素,旨在为我国实施BOT项目提供可借鉴的经验。

    This paper summarizes the experience and lessons in the implementation of domestic and foreign BOT projects and analyzes the 8 key factors to guarantee the success of BOT project for the purpose of providing valuable advice to China 's BOT project .

  10. 中国企业投资越南基础设施TOT项目,必须全盘考虑项目中的风险问题,实施科学的风险管理,才能保证项目实施的成功。

    When Chinese enterprises invest in TOT projects of Vietnamese infrastructure , they must take overall consideration on the risk question in the project and scientifically manage the risks , through which they could guarantee the success of project implementation .

  11. 第五章阐述项目的控制过程和方法,主要通过里程碑控制、挣值分析法和PDCA循环法对项目的进度、成本、质量进行跟踪控制,保证项目如期完成。

    Chapter V discusses the control procedure and method of the project , primarily through milestone control , earned value analysis and PDCA cycle on tracking control the progress , cost , quality of the project , to ensure timely completion of projects .

  12. PMC管理模式能够提升中小房地产开发商的项目管理水平,增强中小房地产企业的竞争实力,降低开发风险,保证项目目标的最佳实现。

    PMC management model should enhance the level of project management for small and medium-sized real estate developers , and enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized real estate companies , reduce development risk , and ensure the best implementation of the project objectives .

  13. 通过研究先前项目研发过程中所存在的不足,将TNK项目分割成不同研发阶段,有针对性的设计质量控制方法,保证项目按照计划进度完成。

    By studying the shortcomings in the development research process of previous projects , Tian Na Institute cut the TNK project into some different stages , and designed different quality control methods to ensure that the project be completed according to schedule .

  14. 才能保证项目整体进度管理目标的顺利实现。

    Ensure the successful achievement of the overall project progress management goals .

  15. 保证项目成功是产品负责人的第二个职责。

    Project success is the Product Owner 's second area of responsibility .

  16. 在项目管理中,做好计划管理是保证项目管理顺利运行的前提。

    Good planning is the precondition for the implementation of good project management .

  17. 不断提高项目规范化管理水平,保证项目的质量。

    Continuously improve project standardized management level and ensure the quality of the projects .

  18. 而项目实施方法是保证项目实施成功的重要手段之一。

    The project implementation method is the most important means for guarantee project success .

  19. 将这些量度作为您追溯的一部分不能保证项目的成功。

    Using these metrics as part of your retrospectives does not guarantee project success .

  20. 给予参加成员注册医院、诊所和医疗人员服务的集体保证项目。

    Group insurance that entitles members to services of participating hospitals and clinics and physicians .

  21. 度量绩效以保证项目/计划共同地符合组合策略。

    Measuring performance to ensure that projects / programs are collectively meeting the portfolio strategy .

  22. 如何保证项目的成功成为工程项目管理的关键。

    How to make sure the success of a project become the key of project management .

  23. 保证项目的顺利推进。

    Guarantee a smooth project promotion .

  24. 进度控制是保证项目按期完成的关键管理环节。

    Which regards process control as the key step to ensure the punctual completion of the project .

  25. 对软件组织进行有效的配置管理和保证项目的成功提供指导。

    It is a useful guideline for software organizations to conduct effective configuration management and a successful project .

  26. 三是要加强监督评估,保证项目规范开展。

    The third is to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation to ensure the project specifications to carry out .

  27. 最后完成对控制系统的软件组态设计,包括单体设备组态、生产过程程序组态。以及最终在现场安装、调试及试车工作,保证项目高效投运。

    And then realizes the design of software program , including single device programs and process procedures programs .

  28. 为保证项目设计工作在统一的方法下实施,该设计规划明确了相关要求。

    The design plan defines the requirements to ensure uniform methods of conducting project design work are applied .

  29. 与客户方内部项目组和员工合作保证项目实施进度和实施质量。

    Coordinate with lower and middle level client staff and internal team to ensure opportune and quality project delivery .

  30. 一类是商业化项目,我们在其中推动各种利益相关者的参与,以保证项目的可行性。

    One is commercialization projects where we facilitate stakeholder engagement of various parties in order to make the projects viable .