
  • 网络insurance reserve
  1. 在本文笔者选取了大多数学术论文中的统计项目,即手持现金、储蓄、债券、股票、保险准备金这几项作为的统计项目。

    In this paper the author selected the statistical projects that most academic papers using , namely cash , savings , bond , stock , insurance reserve . These items form the residents ' financial asset .

  2. 长期健康保险保单准备金计算方法研究

    Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance

  3. 第二章:团体年金保险责任准备金的评估基础。

    Chapter 2 : Valuation Basis for Group Annuity .

  4. 人寿保险精算准备金

    Actuarial reserves in respect of life insurance

  5. 健康保险赔款准备金是保险公司对健康保险保单有效期内已发生但尚未理赔的保险事故未来的赔偿和给付提取的准备金。

    Claim reserve in health insurance is a kind of reserve which is collected for the incurred claims in the policy period .

  6. 而偿付能力的内容包括资本金、保险责任准备金、保险保证金、保险保障基金、总准备金和最低偿付能力额度等。

    Solvency of an insurance company is composed of capital , reserve , guaranteed funds , free reserve and minimum solvency margin .

  7. 人寿保险精算准备金经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,应当按照有效的人寿保险单的全部净值提取未到期责任准备金。

    An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force .

  8. 保险责任准备金是保险组织为了承担未到期责任和处理未决赔款而从保费收入中提存的一种资金准备,它会因保险合同的类型不同而呈现出不同的性质。

    Reserve is a kind of fund reserve drawn from insurance income for insurance organizations to assume immature liability and deal with unsettled claims , whose quality varies according to different types of insurance contracts .

  9. 主要涉及财险公司负债类账户的优化管理,包括保费收入、保险业务准备金和次级债务等。依据宏观经济发展情况和保险公司市场定位,构建了我国财险公司保费收入预测模型的基本框架。

    It deals with insurance companies ' debt account such as insurance revenue , insurance reserve and subordinated bonds , etc. In the light of macro-economic development and market positioning , this paper constructs a prediction model of premium revenue for P & C insurance companies in China .

  10. 上述消息出台之际,aig意外宣布将针对未来财产保险损失的准备金增加41亿美元,这有可能使aig定于2月24日发布的2010年业绩出现亏损。

    The news came as AIG announced a surprise $ 4.1bn increase in reserves against future property and casualty losses that is likely to push its 2010 results to be revealed on February 24 into the red .

  11. 最后对财产保险公司赔款准备金评估方法进行了总结,对其发展进行了展望。

    In the end , the property insurance claim reserve evaluation methods and the prospect of its development are summarized .

  12. 论文各章主要内容:第一章:团体年金保险及其责任准备金概述。

    The main content of the thesis including four chapters : Chapter 1 : Group Annuity And Group Annuity ` s Reserving .

  13. 未决赔款准备金是保险公司责任准备金中最重要的部分,也是准备金精算师日常工作的主要部分。

    The outstanding claim reserve is the most important part of reserves . The actuaries in the insurance companies pay most time in estimating the outstanding claim reserves .

  14. 保险公司未决赔款准备金评估模型探析

    Assess the Models of Outstanding Claims Reserve for Insurance Companies

  15. 具有分离基金的保险产品的责任准备金提取有别于传统的精算方法。

    Reserving for segregated fund insurance contracts are difference from traditional actuarial method .

  16. 基于保险合同的责任准备金的确认与计量

    Recognition and Measurement of Reserve Base on Insurance Contract

  17. 保险公司每期总准备金计算

    Calculating Annual Total Reserve for Insurance Company

  18. 对于经营非寿险业务的保险公司来说,准备金是负债表上金额最大的负债项目。

    For the insurance companies which conduct the non-life products , the loss reserves are their biggest liabilities .

  19. 未到期责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取的准备金。

    The term " unearned premium reserves " refers to the reserves drawn by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities .

  20. 随着分红保险业务的不断发展和扩大,分红保险责任准备金的规模也与日俱增,它在寿险公司整个责任准备金体系中的地位也越来越重要。

    With the development and expansion of participating life insurance business , the scale of participating life insurance reserves is increasing steadily , and its position in the whole reserves of life insurance company is becoming more and more important .

  21. 保险公司可运用的保险资金包括资本金、保险准备金、保险保障基金和投资理财型产品中内含的代客投资基金。

    The insurance fund which can be utilized in insurance company includes capital fund , preparing fund , guaranteeing fund and investing fund as agent existing in investment products .

  22. 而由于保险合同属于金融工具,金融工具最相关的计量属性是公允价值,因此保险责任准备金的计量属性应该是公允价值。

    Because the fair value is the most correlative measurement attribute of financial instrument , and insurance contracts belong to financial instruments , so the measurement attribute of insurance liabilities should coincide with financial instruments to adopt fair value .