
  • 网络Effectiveness of Insurance Contract;The validity of insurance contract
  1. 保险合同效力待定,合同相对无效;

    The effectiveness of the insurance contract is to be determined ;

  2. 海上保险合同效力问题研究

    Research on Legal Problems of the Validity of Marine Insurance Contract

  3. 生活(英文)人寿保险合同效力若干问题研究

    Study on Issues of the Life Insurance Contract

  4. 第四部分围绕可保利益原则的时间效力展开讨论,即可保利益应当在什么时间存在,才能作为评价保险合同效力的因素。

    The last part concerns the temporal effectiveness of the principle of insurable interest .

  5. 代签名人身保险合同效力的认定与道德风险防范

    Identifying the Effect of Life Insurance Contract With an Agent Signature and Moral Hazard Prevention

  6. 第二部分阐述影响人身保险合同效力的四种情况,以此说明合同效力是保险人履行赔付责任的前提。

    The second part gives reasons that effectiveness of contracts presupposes the performance of insurer under four circumstances .

  7. 而在转让之意定原因下,保险合同效力何时随保险标的移转更成为各论文与教科书着墨最多之处。

    And in the reasons of transfer , when the validity of the insurance contract changes has become the focus of most papers and textbooks .

  8. 第三部分对人寿保险合同效力变动中的中止与复效制度进行了分析。

    The third part analyze one status that the validity of the life insurance contract has been changed , the suspend and restatement of the validity .

  9. 即保险合同效力恢复的前提是双方协商达成协议,并在投保人补交保险费以后。

    Be sure namely the premise that contract effectiveness restores is both sides talks things over come to an agreement , fill in policy-holder after paying insurance premium .

  10. 影响保险合同效力的因素众多,本文重点从保险合同的订立、变动两个环节,分别展开论述。

    Many factors are relating to the validity of the insurance contract , the writer studies them mainly from two aspects : signing and change of the insurance contract .

  11. 海上保险合同效力问题是海上保险合同制度的一个核心问题,对海上保险合同目的实现具有至关重要的影响,直接关系到合同双方当事人的切身利益。

    The validity of marine insurance contract is a very important problem on the legal system of marine insurance , and it could have influence on the interests of the parties of contract obviously .

  12. 合同约定决定人身保险合同的效力

    Contract stipulation determines contract effectiveness of life insurance

  13. 第三部分,重复保险合同的法律效力和通知义务;第四部分,重复保险中各方当事人之间的权利义务关系。

    The third part , the legal effect of double insurance contracts and the duty of notification ;

  14. 进而从保险合同解除的效力方面,论述约定解除与法定解除分别给各个当事人带来的不同效果。

    Then it is from the effects of rescind the insurance contract , in order to talk about the effect of rescission to give different parties .

  15. 从合同解除的法理基础出发,进而再对保险合同解除的效力进行综合分析,目的在于解决在保险实务中有关保险合同解除的适用中对平衡各方的利益存在的问题。

    This paper discusses the solutions to the problems lie in the insurance practice of the rescindment of the insurance contract to balance the benefits of the both parties based on the analysis of the relevant laws .

  16. 保险合同解除后法律效力研究

    Study of the Legal Validity of the Rescinded Insurance Contract

  17. 因此,现行《保险法》在合同效力的规定上是有缺陷的,主要问题是效力待定形态的缺位。

    Therefore , the current insurance law has defect in the provisions of the effectiveness of contract , which lack the effect to be determined form .

  18. 同时,基于保险利益是保险合同的效力要件,分析保险合同签订、履行时保险利益的具体判断。

    At the same time , it analyzes the specific judgment when insurance contract is signed and performed .

  19. 保险利益决定保险合同的效力问题,投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同无效。

    If the applicant has no insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance , the insurance contract will be null and void .

  20. 投保人未按照约定支付保险费,致使保险合同效力中止的,如何恢复合同效力?

    Policy-holder did not pay insurance premium according to the agreement , those who cause break down of insurance contract effectiveness , how to restore contract effectiveness ?

  21. 第三部分论证海上保险合同中保险利益和保险合同效力的关系问题。

    The three part is about the relation between the insurable interest and the effect of insurance contract .

  22. 保险合同法定解除制度凭借其对保险合同效力的强行干预,在法定条件下赋予保险人单方解除合同的权利,对失衡的利益格局进行调试和矫正,从而完成对公平的二次加工。

    The legal relieve system of insurance contract intervene insurance contract potency forcefully , It entitles the insurer to relieve the contract under legal condition , it carries on the debugging and rectifies to the unbalanced benefit pattern , thus completes the second processing to fair .

  23. 也就是说保险费支付与否,只影响保险合同的效力。

    That is to say insurance premium pays , affect the effectiveness of insurance contract only .

  24. 但是,假如双方在保险合同中对不按期支付保险费对合同效力的影响另有约定的,以合同约定的为准。

    But , if both sides is in what have an agreement additionally to paying insurance premium the effect to contract effectiveness on schedule in insurance contract , it is with what the contract agrees accurate .

  25. 在本章中,笔者先从一般合同成立后的效力形态入手,结合保险合同的特殊性,探讨保险合同成立后的效力问题。

    In this chapter , the author start with the effectiveness form of general contract after establishment , then combine the special nature of an insurance contract , to analyze the effectiveness of insurance contracts after establishment .

  26. 保险利益是构成保险合同的法律要件,对于保险合同的效力具有基础性评价意义,是保险法中最重要的基本原则之一。

    Insurable interest is an important document that constitutes an insurance contract , and it is a basic principle of the Insurance Law as well .

  27. 作为人身保险法上的一项基本原则,保险利益是保险合同的效力要件,关系人身保险合同法体系的建立和对具体保险合同的判断。

    As a personal insurance , insurance benefits is the basic principle of the insurance contract effectiveness , insurance contract relationship and to establish the system of the insurance contract .

  28. 保险利益包括人身保险利益和财产保险利益,对保险合同的效力有着重要的影响;

    Insurance interest which has great influence on contract can be divided into insurance interest in life and insurance interest in property .

  29. 保险利益在保险法中扮演了重要角色,其不仅与保险合同的效力攸关,更是度量保险标的、保险价值、复保险、超额保险等的准绳;

    Insurable interest plays an important role in the field of Insurance Law . It not only affects the validity of the insurance contracts , but also sews as a criterion to judge insurable objects , insurable value , double insurance , and exceed insurance .

  30. 法定解除对于一份有效保险合同原本所商定的权利义务关系的终结力量,源于保险合同的效力根源,即当事人间的利益衡平。

    The termination strength of right & duty relations which an effective insurance contract originally decided is rooted in the insurance contract potency , namely is concerned the benefit balance of the litigant .