
  • benefits;【法】insurance money
  1. 她丈夫去世,她得到了一笔5万英镑的保险金。

    When her husband died , she received £ 50 000 in insurance .

  2. 去年,他诈死以骗取100万美元的保险金。

    He faked his own death last year to collect on a $ 1 million insurance policy .

  3. 如果你被解雇,你的医疗和养老保险金不会自动中断。

    If you should be fired , your health and pension benefits will not be automatically cut off

  4. 大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。

    A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income .

  5. 抵押物保险金为代位物,实现了抵

    The money of mortgage , as the thing subrogated , has combined the mechanism of insurance and hypothecation .

  6. Camerer和Weber(1992)提出了模糊保险金(ambiguitymedium)的概念,发现个体甘愿付出一定的模糊保险金去寻求进一步的信息,从而减少模糊程度。

    Camerer and Weber ( 1992 ) proposed conception of ambiguity medium , found that individuals are willing to pay a certain amount of ambiguity medium to seek further information , thus reducing the degree of ambiguity .

  7. 失业保险金由社会保险经办机构按月发放。

    Unemployment insurance compensation is paid monthly by social insurance agencies .

  8. 保险金赔偿或者给付办法;

    The method of payment of insurance indemnity or insurance money ;

  9. 领取失业保险金期间的医疗补助金;

    Medical subvention during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation ;

  10. 在1月4日新的保险金年度开始之前提出索赔。

    Claim before the new benefit year which starts on4th january .

  11. 申请保险金实在是一件麻烦事

    It is a real hassle to apply for the insurance money

  12. 而当他们死时,他们的妻子得到保险金。

    And when they die , their wives get the insurance .

  13. 你应该可以要求支付保险金。

    You should be able to claim it on your insurance .

  14. 今天我拿到了爸爸的保险金。

    Today , I got my dad 's life insurance claim .

  15. 国税局称今年的失业保险金将实行免税政策。

    The IRS says some unemployment benefits will be this year .

  16. 每年一月我付保险金给保险公司。

    I pay my insurance every January to the insurance company .

  17. 所有的保险金都将用于赔付。

    All insurance company premiums will spin out of reach .

  18. 三个商人被指控犯有大金额保险金欺骗罪。

    Three businessmen have been charged with perpetrating a massive insurance fraud .

  19. 他因擅于抓获保险金诈骗犯而受到赞扬。

    He had been praised for his skill in nailing insurance frauds .

  20. 他现在的工作不提供保险金吗?

    Doesn 't his current job come with health insurance ?

  21. 越来越多的人靠失业保险金过日子。

    More and more people are living on unemployment insurance .

  22. 是的,保险金多少钱呢?

    Yes , please . How much is the premium ?

  23. 失业保险金自办理失业登记之日起计算。

    Unemployment insurance compensation is to be accounted from the day registration .

  24. 若我想得到更多的保险金,应该怎办?

    What do I have to do to take out more insurances ?

  25. 提高养老保险金的保值增值能力;

    Improving of the value-increasing ability of pension funds ;

  26. 养老保险金替代率研究

    On Substitute Ratio of Retirement Pension Rate of Re-nurture

  27. 我们用妈妈的保险金里剩下的钱。

    We 'll take the rest of the money from mom 's insurance .

  28. 它会增加,就像保险金一样,

    remittances increase , they act like an insurance .

  29. 你想得到他的保险金吗!

    You 're trying take his life insurance money !

  30. 浅谈军人伤亡保险金审批权限改革

    Reform of the examination and approval right of injuries and deaths insurance funds