
  • IT
  1. 信息科技和互联网在工作、金融、休闲娱乐和生活其他方面越来越重要,随之引入的安全交易技术使人们积攒了大量的账户和密码。

    The increasing prominence7 of information technology and the Internet in employment , finance , recreation and other aspects of people 's lives , and the ensuing introduction of secure transaction technology , has led to people accumulating a proliferation of accounts and passwords .

  2. 上周,IBM说苏州中晟宏芯信息科技有限公司将开始生产IBM的Power8芯片,用于中国制造的服务器。

    Last week IBM said Suzhou PowerCore Technology Co will begin producing a version of IBM 's Power8 chip run on Chinese-made servers .

  3. 企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)结合了优良的运营流程思想和现代信息科技,为全面提高企业竞争能力提供了一种有效的解决方案。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) system , which combines modern information technology and the excellent business process idea , provides an effective solution for improving the competitiveness of enterprises .

  4. 这家名为长沙掌控信息科技有限公司(Joke)的企业,决定开发一款跟这句俏皮话同名的应用软件。

    The company , Changsha Zhang Kong Information Technology Limited , whose English name is Joke , decided to develop just such an app .

  5. 与此同时,随着当今时代信息科技的飞速发展,数据存储的规模逐步达到TB和PB。

    At the same time , with the rapid development of nowadays information technology , the size of data storage is gradually up to TB or PB .

  6. 不过,据全国妇女信息科技中心(nationalcenterforwomen&informationtechnology)统计,在美国前100家科技企业的首席执行官中,女性只占6%,在全部it从业人员中,只有22%为女性。

    Women , however , account for just 6 per cent of the chief executives of the top 100 technology companies in the US , and just 22 per cent of the IT workforce overall , according to the National Center for women & information technology .

  7. 在多哈回合(DohaRound)世界贸易谈判中,围绕美国向印度信息科技工人发放签证问题而展开的争吵,为4个核心谈判方之间有望取得的临时进展蒙上了一层阴影。

    Tentative signs of progress among the four core negotiating partners in the so-called Doha round of world trade talks have been overshadowed by a row over US visas given to Indian information technology workers .

  8. Gartner的数据显示,中国在数据、软件和IT服务领域投入不足,在信息科技预算中的占比仅为13%,而世界平均水平为38%。

    China has been a laggard in data , software , and IT services , which account for only 13 per cent of the domestic IT budget versus 38 per cent worldwide , according to Gartner .

  9. 当阿彼锡米特拉(abhishekmitra)和钱德拉尼查克拉巴蒂(chandranichakrabarthi)告别加州信息科技(it)行业的工作回到印度时,他们是为了寻找自己创业的机会。

    When Abhishek Mitra and chandrani Chakrabarthi left their jobs in the Californian information technology industry to return to India , they were looking for an opportunity to set up their own business .

  10. 教育软件预展图书馆〔信息科技教育资源中心〕

    Education software preview library [ Information Technology Education Resources Centre ]

  11. 企业信息科技投资管理初探

    Probe into Investment Management of Enterprises ' Information Science and Technology

  12. 数据艺术是信息科技与艺术相互交融的产物。

    Digital art originated from the combination of information technology with art .

  13. 政府信息科技专业人员协会管理和信息系统工作人员

    Government Information Technology Professionals Association Management and Information System Staff

  14. 准备建立信息科技学科网站,供教师和学生使用。

    A planned informatics website for the teachers and students .

  15. 信息科技在采矿工业中的应用与展望

    The Application and Outlook of Information Science and Technology in Mining Industry

  16. 信息科技基础理论的分析建构

    Analytical Construction for Fundamental Theory of Information Science and Technology

  17. 业务重点为软件产品、行业解决方案及信息科技服务。

    The business focus encompasses software product , industry solutions and IT services .

  18. 与此同时,整个信息科技领域的格局也将因此改变。

    And along with this , the entire information technology landscape will change .

  19. 中国需要教育服务,其中包括创新信息科技(IT)。

    There is a need for educational services , including innovative information technology .

  20. 信息科技的形式本体论研究

    Discussion on Informational Sci-tech Innovation Study on Formal Ontology for Information Sci Tech

  21. 信息科技对数学解题策略的影响

    Information science and technology affect on mathematics problem solving

  22. 信息科技项目开发、变更管理项目风险一般。

    The IT project development and change control project risk is ordinary . 4 .

  23. 中国花卉业信息科技发展问题及对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures and Problems of Science Technology Information Field in China Flower Industry

  24. 信息科技革命颠覆了传统的营销方式,其变化之深刻很少有其他行业可以相提并论。

    Few fields have been disrupted by the InfoTech revolution as profoundly as marketing .

  25. 文化素养既指内容科技,也指信息科技。

    Literacy is both content and information technology .

  26. 在很大程度上,现代社会是依赖信息科技的。

    For the most part , the modern society is dependent on the information technology .

  27. 上海泰禹信息科技有限公司。

    Shanghai Telyu Info Technology Co. , Ltd.

  28. 小学教育专业理科实验平台建设探索教学设计思想在基于学习平台的高中信息科技课中的应用研究

    A Research on Using Instructional Design for Learning-Platform-Based Information Science and Technology Course in High School

  29. 信息科技如何改变区内贪污问题的性质?

    How does information technology change the nature of the problem of corruption in this region ?

  30. 在行业方面,信息科技等新兴产业公司更可能赴海外上市,这一结论符合海外上市绑定假说。

    Companies of emerging industry such as information technology are more likely to choose listing overseas .