
  • 网络Information set;InfoSet;XML Infoset;PSVI
  1. XML信息集建议书(XMLInformationSetRecommendation)定义了XML文档中有意义的部分,它也以同一方法使用这个术语。

    The XML Information Set Recommendation , which defines the meaningful parts of an XML document , also uses the term in the same way .

  2. Web服务部署描述符程序化地使用HandlerInfo()来反映信息集。

    The Web services deployment descriptor mirrors the information set programmatically using HandlerInfo () .

  3. 最终,本系统可以形成完整的决策支持功能,完成以信息集成为主旨的综合MIS系统。

    Finally , this system can form complete decision support functions , complete with integration of information for the purpose of MIS .

  4. SCA事件结构可以使用XML信息集进行描述,尽管它们不必非得用XML模式来描述,还有其他的类型系统可以用。

    SCA event shapes are describable using an XML infoset , although they don 't have to be described using XML Schema , other type systems could be used .

  5. 此时,将捕捉到一个信息集,对于二进制文件来说,该信息集包含一个included文件名、一个函数以及函数的细节。

    At this point , one set of information is captured , that is , for a binary , one of the included file names and one function and the details of that function .

  6. 本文主要对兰化化纤厂μXL系统组态、数据通信和信息集成为主要对象进行论述。

    μ XL configuration , data communication , and information integration are described in this paper .

  7. AXIOM非常精巧,不会减慢XML信息集的构建速度&换句话说,对象只有在绝对必要时才会创建。

    AXIOM is very lightweight and does deferred building of the XML infoset & in other words , an object is created only when it is absolutely necessary .

  8. 它还支持一些最新的标准,如XML中的命名空间、XML信息集(InformationSet)和XMLSchema,从而提供了对内存中XML数据的更完整的视图。

    It also supports the latest version of different standards , such as Namespaces in XML , XML Information Set , and XML Schema , and thus provides a more complete view of the XML data in memory .

  9. 在RUP中,这意味着,测试依据不仅仅来源于规格说明书,而是来源于一个原始信息集,包括那些没有文档化的。

    In RUP this means that the test basis is not merely derived from the specifications , but from a collection of sources , including those not documented .

  10. 本文阐述了Fama关于资本市场有效性理论的定义及其基于不同信息集上的划分;

    In this paper , the Fama 's definition of efficient capital market is introduced .

  11. 相对同一信息集而言,Logistic预测模型的误判率最低,财务危机发生前1年的误判率仅为7.36%。

    With Logistic Analysis Model , the error differentiation ratio is the lowest . The error differentiation ratio is only 7.36 percent in one year basic financial data before the stock company is known as ST.

  12. 由于高费用、较慢的周转周期以及数据源中不完整的信息集而使ETL和数据仓库的优势大打折扣。

    The benefits of ETL and data warehousing can be diminished by high costs , slow turn-around time , and incomplete sets of information in data sources .

  13. 如果您需要创建更紧密地遵守XML信息集(XPath)的逻辑树,或者希望保留内联DTD,则应该使用XMLNS域。

    The XMLNS domain should be used if you need to create a logical tree that conforms more closely to the XML infoset ( XPath ), or if you want to preserve in-line DTDs .

  14. 通过定制转换方便地进行全局性修改:通过DITA和XSLT,您可以应用一致的核心转换更新整个信息集的结构和表示。

    Easy global changes through customized transforms : With DITA and XSLT , you can update the structure and presentation of an entire information set by applying a consistent , core transform .

  15. 相反,dcmi是一种通用的框架,描述关于各种类型文档的有用信息集。

    Instead , DCMI is a generic framework for describing a broadly useful collection of information about documents of all sorts .

  16. 信息集选择是分布式信息检索的重要步骤。

    Collection selection is an important process of distributed information retrieval .

  17. 您需要使用哪种个人信息集?

    Which personal information set would you like to use ?

  18. 协同空战的最小共享信息集

    Minimum Shared Information Set of Cooperative Air Combat

  19. 别的小组可能希望做一点儿小改动,或者需要相同的组件,但是使用略有不同的信息集。

    Or they may want the same component , but with a slightly different information set .

  20. 以刀具信息集成为主体的集成制造系统的开发与实现

    Development and Realization of the Integrated Manufacturing System with the Subject of the Tool Information Integration

  21. 递增式标准信息集的构建及基于该集合的检测方法研究

    Foundation of Increasing Standard Information Set and the Detection Method Research Which Based on Increasing Standard Information Set

  22. 多媒体是一个将视频、图像、动画和声音等媒体信息集于一体的综合性媒体体系。

    Multimedia is a comprehensive system which assembles visual frequences , pictures , motion pictures and sounds , etc.

  23. 初始化之后,它们激活含有所代表的信息集的值的属性。

    As they are initialized , they activate the properties containing the values of the information set they represent .

  24. 创建计划,以便将业务信息集成为主管可理解和可容易地访问的格式。

    Create a plan for integrating the business information into a format that â™ s understandable and easily accessible to executives .

  25. 在“自定义”下,您可以指定颜色和字体方案以及要应用于设计的业务信息集。

    Under customize , you can specify color and font schemes and the business information set to apply to the design .

  26. 创建个人信息集,从而创建联系信息时,它将自动添加到模板中。

    Creating a personal information set so that your contact information is automatically added to the template when you create it .

  27. 专利信息集是目前世界上最大的技术信息集,几乎囊括了一切应用领域内的技术成果。

    Patent information set is the world 's largest set of technical information which practically includes technological achievements about all application areas .

  28. 信息集在短期内比在长期内更多地涉及到市场敏感性和技术性。

    Secondly , the information set is more involved in the market sensitivity and technique in the short term than in the long term .

  29. 如果您已经创建了业务信息集,则您的业务联系信息和徽标会自动替换一些占位符文本。

    If you already created a business information set , your business contact information and logo will automatically replace some of the placeholder text .

  30. 大多数构建系统都使用这其中一种方法,因此在系统中整合这个最基本的信息集是非常容易的。

    Most build systems use one of these approaches , so it would be easy to incorporate this minimal set of information into your system .