
  1. 信用卡分期付款消费倾向影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis on the Effect Factors of Propensity to Consume by Using Credit Card Installment Payment

  2. 信用卡分期付款业务作为信用卡基本业务中的一项衍生业务,越来越被发卡机构所关注。

    Credit card installment payment is a derived function from the basic , which has been paid more and more attention by credit card issuers .

  3. 当心信用卡任意分期付款的暗礁

    Beware of Risks in Random Instalment Using Credit Card

  4. 此外,我还仔细研究了一番信用卡以及分期付款的事宜。

    I researched credit cards and buying in installments .

  5. 首先介绍了某银行信用卡购车分期付款业务基本情况并作了简要分析。

    First introduced the bank credit card business car installments basic situation and made a brief analysis .

  6. 从传统的所有权保留型分期付款买卖,逐渐发展到融资分期付款买卖,在现代又出现了信用卡型分期付款买卖的形式。

    Installment selling system evolved from traditional reservation of ownership installment selling to circulating fund installment selling then to modern credit installment selling form .

  7. 最后针对信用卡购车分期付款模式进行详细分析并与汽车金融公司汽车贷款进行比较分析该业务的优势与劣势。

    Finally installment credit car business for detailed analysis and auto finance company car loan with a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business .

  8. 其次介绍汽车消费信贷的两种模式,分析这两种模式的利弊,指出信用卡购车分期付款采用这种模式的相对优越性。

    Secondly introduce two models of automobile consumption credit , analyze the pros and cons of these two models , noting that business credit car installments relative superiority of using this model .

  9. 信用卡购车分期付款具有广阔的发展前景,但是在发展过程中仍然存在一些问题,如车辆贬值问题的的模型分析,二手车市场的规范措施等仍需要做进一步的分析研究。

    Credit card purchase installments business has broad prospects for development , but in the development process there are still some problems , such as vehicle depreciation model problem analysis , specification of the used car market measures still need to do further analysis .