
  • 网络Credit card;credit card system
  1. 基于IBMz/OS的银行信用卡系统的解决方案

    Credit Card System Based on IBM z / OS

  2. CICS在银行信用卡系统中的应用

    An Application of the CICS in the Credit Card System

  3. 建立在IBM主机上的银行信用卡系统在确保给用户提供良好的信用环境的同时,更要注重提高并发处理的能力。

    The credit card system which bases on IBM mainframe , should pay more attention to enhance concurrency while ensure to provide users good credit environment .

  4. 因此在信用卡系统中采用基于SOA架构以及面向对象的分析与设计技术,使得系统实现松散耦合,扩展性更好。

    Therefore , applying SOA-based architecture , and object-oriented analysis and design technology into the credit system , will enable the system to achieve coupling of loose-end functions , and better scalability .

  5. RSA密码是一种目前应用非常广泛的密码,在如web服务器和浏览器、Email、远程登录和电子信用卡系统等各种安全或认证领域,起着核心的作用[5]。

    RSA acts great important role in all kinds of security and authentication fields , such as security in web server , browser , Email , Telnet and all kinds of credit cards .

  6. 第一位是一名Visa高管,他分享说Visa信用卡系统会处理18亿张信用卡的交易,并且这还不是他的所有工作!

    The first was a Visa executive who shared that the Visa credit card system handles the transactions of1.8 billion credit cards & and they were not even all his wife 's !

  7. 但在那里要发展电子商务行业并不容易,因为这些国家要么缺乏全国性的信用卡系统或网络,要么整个经济体和B2C交易都是基于现金的。

    But it is not easy to develope-commerce industry there as these countries lack nationwide credit card system or other networks and the whole economy and B2Ctransactions are built on cash-basis .

  8. 在信用卡业务系统中,引起信用风险的基本事件B的敏感性因子最大,即持卡人客观上丧失还款能力是引起信用卡信用风险的关键事件。

    In credit card business , the cardholder objectively loss the repayment ability is the key event in causing credit risk .

  9. SCA规范在信用卡申请系统中的应用

    Application of SCA in the Credit Cards Applying System

  10. 下面的案例研究说明了如何使用SOA方法集成和重用现有的应用程序,以便处理信用卡支付系统的中间件操作。

    The following case study illustrates how you could integrate and reuse existing applications using an SOA approach to handle the middleware operations of a credit card payment system .

  11. 相对于传统的信用卡支付系统中的RSA和DES密码理论,ECC和AES密码理论在安全和效率方面都有很大的提升。

    Compared with the RSA and DES Cryptography in the traditional credit card payment system , the security and efficiency of ECC and AES has greatly improved .

  12. 实际折现率将必须应用到信用卡管理系统中。

    The actual rate discount would have to be applied in the credit card management system .

  13. 银联数据智能信用卡管理系统就是一整套的信用卡发卡管理平台。

    The Intelligent Credit Card Management System ( ICMS ) is a set of credit card management platform .

  14. 数据挖掘项目实施过程研究&基于分类的信用卡挖掘系统应用

    Research of the Deployment of Data Mining Project & Application of Credit Card Mining System Based on Classification

  15. 最后,对于模型技术在信用卡管理系统中的广泛的应用前景进行了展望。

    Lastly , the future prospect of the application of modeling technique in credit card management system is discussed .

  16. 基于电子证据的信用卡催收系统用于金融系统进行信用卡不良欠款催收。

    Credit card collection system collecting electronic evidence is used for credit card bad debt collection in the financial system .

  17. 随着中国经济的发展、基础设施和信用卡支付系统的完善,庞大的网民群体将转化为互联网公司一个有利可图的市场。

    But as China 's economy , infrastructure and credit-card payments systems improve , that vast pool of Internet users should translate into a profitable market for Internet companies .

  18. 本文以银联数据智能信用卡管理系统开发为背景,论述了信用卡系统的背景、结构及系统开发的基本架构和原理。

    The ICMS development credit card as background , the paper expounds the background and structure of the credit card system , the basic structure of system development and principles .

  19. 本文完成了以下工作:①基于重庆银行信用卡管理系统的对比研究,提出了现代信用卡管理系统的构架;设计了系统软件结构。

    Based on the comparison research of chong qing bank card management system , the paper presented a modern architecture of credit card management system , and design the system of software architecture .

  20. 本文对建设银行信用卡业务系统的总体设计进行再造,基于数据挖掘技术对建设银行信用卡申请评分模型进行设计,对建设银行信用卡业务的推广进行了理论和实践上的研究。

    This paper have a re-creation of Construction Bank credit card business systems , Based on data mining technology , design the Construction Bank credit card application scoring model , there is a theoretical and practical research .

  21. 最后在本文的展望部分中,分析了在优化了信用卡信息系统的质量管理流程后,提出建立一套新的基于全行业务信息系统的电子故障处理平台。

    Finally in this perspective , analyzes after the optimization of credit card information system quality management process , put forward to build up a new line of electronic fault processing platform base on the business information system of the whole bank .

  22. 基于ADO的信用卡收银系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Credit Card Charge System Based on ADO

  23. 在信用卡信用评分系统中,运用基于划分的聚类方法kmeans算法,试图找出使DSS函数值最小的划分,该算法的准则函数与信用评分评级的均方差准则相吻合。

    In credit card analysis , use K means algorithm , one of the method in clustering algorithm , to find the minimal partition of DSS .

  24. 食堂信用卡微机管理系统

    A Credit Card Microcomputer Managing System for Restaurants

  25. 信用卡电话呼叫系统

    Credit Card Telephone Call System Phone Call

  26. 防止信用卡欺诈的系统设计

    System design of avoiding credit card fraud

  27. 银行信用卡数据集市系统的设计

    The Design of Credit Card Data Market

  28. 在信用卡风险监控系统中,基于规则技术的监控策略能够及时发现风险。

    In the monitoring system , monitoring strategies based on rule technology is applied to detect risk .

  29. 我们将根据您的业务需要来制定您的最佳在线信用卡支付处理系统,以满足您的需求。

    We will provide you with the best credit card processing solution to meet the needs of your business .

  30. 建行已建立起自己的信用卡核心交易系统,但信用卡决策支持系统仍是空白,为确保建行信用卡在市场竞争中立于不败之地,我行信用卡管理信息系统的建设已迫在眉睫。

    Now CCB has set up its own credit card transaction system , but the decision support system of credit card is still blank .