
  1. 信用卡风险管理与利润增进

    Risk Management and Profit Growing of Credit Card

  2. 信用卡风险透视与防范

    Guarding against the Risks Arising from Credit Card

  3. 论信用卡风险及其防范

    Analysis and Avoidance of Credit Card Risk

  4. 消费社会学视角下信用卡风险的社会来源与风险控制

    The Social Origin and Control of Credit Risk : a Perspective of Sociology of Consumption

  5. 从万事达卡事件看信用卡风险防范机制

    On Mechanism of Risk Prevention of the Credit Card from the Case of Master Card

  6. 在信用卡风险监控系统中,基于规则技术的监控策略能够及时发现风险。

    In the monitoring system , monitoring strategies based on rule technology is applied to detect risk .

  7. 第三部分完善我国信用卡风险防范法律制度的思考。

    The third part : some advice on perfecting china 's risk-preventing legal system of credit card .

  8. 为有效控制风险,信用卡风险管理技术必不可少。

    In order to effectively control the risk , the credit card risk management technology is essentialed .

  9. 所以文章的一个重点是分析了我国商业银行的信用卡风险规避问题。

    Therefore , another key content in this article is to analyze the risk aversion of credit card .

  10. 第二部分是信用卡风险防控相关理论概述。

    The second part is the credit risk related to the theory outlined in the prevention and control .

  11. 第四章具体提出了农行安徽省分行信用卡风险管理的实施策略和措施。

    Specified in chapter IV of the implementation of the Anhui Branch card risk management strategies and measures .

  12. 如何有效的对信用卡风险进行管理和控制已经成为发卡行的关注重点。

    How to manage and control the risk of credit card effectively has become the focus of issuing bank .

  13. 具体是从国内外信用卡风险防范的风险点和规避措施方面,进行分析和研究。

    Risk domestic and international credit card from the risk of starting point and the avoidance measures , analysis and research .

  14. 北京市工商银行信用卡风险监控管理研究

    The Research of the Credit Card Business of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Beijing 's Management of Risk and Monitoring

  15. 商业银行若想获取相应利润,就必须加强信用卡风险管理,寻求兼顾成本和与效率且具有相应精度的风险识别方法。

    To obtain the profits , commercial banks need to strengthen credit risk management with the appropriate method of risk identification .

  16. 再次,笔者在论文中描写了信用卡风险的种类,并且对每一种类型做了详细的说明。

    Thirdly , I write the different types of credit card risk , and I specify these risk one by one in detail .

  17. 然而,中国的银行正处于改革阶段,缺乏一种有效的机制来系统地辨别、衡量和管理信用卡风险。

    However , the banks in China during reforming stage lack a mechanism to systematically identify , evaluate and control the credit card risks .

  18. 第三部分是管理控制理论在信用卡风险防控中的应用及相应策略。

    The third part is the theory of management control to prevent and control risks in the credit card application and the corresponding strategy .

  19. 目前,国内商业银行信用卡风险仍在可控范围之内,但不断攀升的幅度还是需要商业银行加以重视。

    Currently , the credit risk of domestic commercial banks is still within the controllable range . However , we cannot neglect the rising risk .

  20. 最大限度地降低信用卡风险,减少风险造成银行资金的损失是各商业银行信用卡业务中的当务之急。

    Minimizing the credit risk , reducing the risk of bank funds is the most imperative to all commercial banks in the credit card business .

  21. 其次,分析了美国、法国信用卡风险控制经验,台湾信用卡风险控制的教训,得出对我国商业银行信用卡风险控制的启示。

    Second it makes the analysis of the credit card risk control experience of United States and France and the credit card risk control lesson of Taiwan .

  22. 信用卡风险管理的措施大致上可以分为风险规避、风险预防、风险分散转移、风险补偿等。

    The measures to tackle credit card risk generally can be divided into Risk aversion , risk prevention , risk transfer and risk compensation and so on .

  23. 尝试从中西方文化前提比较出发,研究当代中国信用卡风险控制模式。

    It also attempts to study the current credit card risk control mechanism in China through comparative research into the prerequisite of Chinese culture and western culture .

  24. 主要介绍了信用卡风险防控概念;信用卡风险特点及类型;信用卡风险成因分析和管理控制理论。

    Introduced the concept of credit risk prevention and control ; credit risk characteristics and types ; credit risk analysis and management of the causes of control theory .

  25. 本文的研究,对A银行厦门分行加强信用卡风险管理改革和把握关键风险因素有一定的参考价值。

    The research conducted in this thesis shall have certain value for helping Bank A Xiamen Branch to strengthen credit card risk management reform and identify key risk factors .

  26. 本文立足于国内发卡机构的角度,研究信用卡风险管理技术,以降低信用风险给发卡机构带来的损失。

    In this paper , basing on the perspective of domestic credit card , we research risk management techniques of credit card for reducing the loss of credit card issuers .

  27. 本文分析了银行信用卡风险的表现形式及风险产生的原因,并提出了几点有效防范银行信用卡风险的建议。

    This article has analyzed the reason which the bank card risk 's manifestation and the risk produce , and put forward several points effective guard bank card risk proposal .

  28. 为了使我国商业银行能快速适应入世后的金融开放环境,必须在信用卡风险控制上开拓新方法。

    In order to make the commercial banks in China adapt to the financial system quickly in liberalized post-WTO environment , we must reinforce credit risk control and explore new methods .

  29. 从发行、使用结算到银行日常监管等诸多环节都存在风险隐患,而且信用卡风险更是具有涉及面广、风险种类多样、社会危害性大的特点。

    Risk has been existed from issuance , uses to daily inspect , and credit card risk has character such as used widely , risk kind multiplicity and society imperil widely .

  30. 信用卡风险监控系统是银行信用卡风险管理体系中的重要一环,它主要依赖于银行核心系统提供的信用卡交易数据。

    Credit card risk monitoring system is an important part of the system of bank credit risk management , which depends on credit card transaction data from the core system of bank .