
xìn yònɡ jīnɡ jì
  • credit economy
  1. 市场经济本质上是一种契约经济或信用经济。

    Market economy is a contract economy or credit economy .

  2. 我国正在提倡建立信用经济。

    Now , our country is advocating to build up credit economy .

  3. 现代社会日益发展成为信用经济社会。

    The modern society is increasingly developing into credit economic society .

  4. 信用经济时代大学生诚信道德体系的构建

    On the Establishment of the Honesty Ethics System for College Students

  5. 转轨时期的经济运行特点主要有:城市以信用经济为主导的现代市场经济与农村建立在小生产经济基础上的简单商品经济共同发展;

    Co-development of modern market economy and simple commodity economy . b.

  6. 市场经济在一定程度上就是信用经济,任何一个经济主体都必须依靠信用与其他经济主体发生联系。

    Market economy is credit economy to certain extent .

  7. 以诚立审促进信用经济建设

    Establishing Audit by Honesty to Promote Credit Economic Construction

  8. 在很大程度上,市场经济就是信用经济。

    To a large extent , the market economy is a credit economy .

  9. 市场经济是信用经济,又是风险经济。

    Market economy is not only credit economy , but also risk economy .

  10. 市场经济是信用经济、法制经济。

    Market economy is based on credit and legality .

  11. 建设信用经济的理性思考

    Rational Thoughts on the Development of Credit Economy

  12. 信用经济中建筑业债务问题的理性思考

    Rational Thinking of the Debt under Credit Economy

  13. 市场经济是信用经济,市场经济愈发达就愈要求诚实守信。

    The development of market economy needs honesty .

  14. 市场经济是法治经济,更是信用经济。

    Market economy is the rule of law economy , especially the credit economy .

  15. 论发展企业债券和完善信用经济的良性互动

    On the Favorable Interaction between the Development of Corporate Bond and Perfection of Credit Economy

  16. 现代市场经济是建立在法治基础上的信用经济。

    The modern market economy is a credit economy established on the rule of law .

  17. 中国目前正处在货币经济向信用经济过渡的时期。

    Currently , China is at the transitory stage from currency economy to trust economy .

  18. 在信用经济条件下,存款保险作为一种制度安排有其深刻的必然性。

    Deposit insurance , as an arranged system is fundamentally necessary in the credit economy .

  19. 市场经济是信用经济,现代诚信是市场经济内在的道德要求。

    Market economy of which modern honesty is the internal moral demand is a credit economy .

  20. 信用经济建设视角下我国人事档案制度改革研究

    Study on the Reform of Personnel Files System under the Visual Angle of Credit Economy Construction

  21. 摘要市场经济是信用经济。

    Market economy is credit economy .

  22. 从某种意义上说,现代市场经济本质上是信用经济。

    Say " Preface " In some sense , modern market economy is a credit economy .

  23. 市场经济本质上就是“信用经济”,“信用”是市场经济的核心价值观念;

    Market economy is essentially credit economy . Credit is the key values of market economy .

  24. 现代经济是一种金融经济,也是一种信用经济。

    The modern economy is a kind of finance economy , as well as credit economy .

  25. 因此,市场上还存在较多的失信行为,阻碍了信用经济的进一步发展。

    Therefore , the market still more acts of dishonesty , hindered further economic development credit .

  26. 温州模式与信用经济

    Wenzhou Model and Credit Economy

  27. 市场经济在形式上表现为一种契约经济,在内容上则体现为一种信用经济。

    Market-oriented economy is a contract economy in form while it is a credit economy in content .

  28. 加强信用经济建设在我国当前形势下显得尤为必要与迫切。

    It is necessary and urgent to strengthen the construction of credit economy at present in China .

  29. 法治经济在本质上是信用经济,是在规范的经济秩序中进行的,它鄙视一切不守信用的行为;

    It is carried out in a standardized economic order , which despises all the untrustworthy behaviors .

  30. 浅析信用经济建设

    Analysis of credit economy construction