
  • 网络Credit risk assessment;Credit Risk Evaluation
  1. 最后,分析仿真实验的结果,并根据建立的模型所需的数据条件,给出了B-P算法应用的优化策略和完善我国个人信用风险评估制度的一些对策建议。

    Finally , it analysises the result of simulation experiment , and gives some optimization strategies , and some suggestion to personal credit risk evaluation system .

  2. 新兴技术企业信用风险评估方法研究

    Research on Emerging Technology Enterprise 's Credit Risk Evaluation Method

  3. 基于BP神经网络组和DS证据理论的信用风险评估算法

    An Assessment Algorithm of Credit Risk Based on BP Neural Network Group and DS Evidential Theory

  4. 再次,作者以机械设备类上市企业的指标数据作为研究样本,采用改进的BP神经网络构建了客户信用风险评估模型。

    After that , the writer use index data of machinery listed companies as the samples choose modified BP neural network model to build up client credit risk assessment model .

  5. 用混合软计算方法建立商业银行的信用风险评估系统。分别采用BP算法和遗传算法建立模型,并将二者结合,形成混合软计算方法。

    A commercial bank 's credit risks estimating model based on the techniques of hybrid soft computing , in which there are back propagation algorithms and genetic algorithms is established .

  6. 研究利用BP算法训练多层前馈神经网络,给出了基于BP算法的信用风险评估计算步骤,最后以对个人信用评估为例,说明了人工神经网络在信用风险评估系统中的应用。

    It also gives the procedure of credit risk assessment based on BP algorithm using multi-layer feed forward NN , trained by non-linear BP algorithm . At last , this paper presents example of individual credit assessment based on ANN .

  7. 介绍了小样本学习的通用学习算法&支持向量机(SVM),建立了基于SVM的企业信用风险评估模型,并将支持向量机非线性分类器应用于信用风险的评估中。

    This paper introduces the Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) technique based on small samples . A credit-risk evaluation model is established and the nonlinear classifier is applied on Credit Risk Assessment of the enterprise .

  8. 本文的主要目的在于将KMV模型纳入金融机构信用风险评估中,以验证其有效性。

    The purpose of this study is to put the KMV Credit Monitor Model into a credit risk assessment model of financial institutions , and to demonstrate the effectiveness .

  9. 其次,利用AHP分析法,确定指标之间的层次关系和权重,建立了中小企业信用风险评估的评分模型,并对我国中小企业板上市的20家中小企业进行了评估排序分析。

    Then , by using the AHP method to determine the hierarchy of the indices and their weights , it builds a credit risk scoring model for small and middle enterprises which is used to analyze the 20 small and middle public enterprises .

  10. 进而证明Logit模型具有非常可信的识别、预测及推广能力,是商业银行信用风险评估的有效工具。

    The Logit model has very authentic ability to identify , measure , predict credit risks and keep stabilization . It is an effective tool in the evaluation of credit risks of commercial banks .

  11. 第三章介绍了资产证券化的信用风险评估技术。包括Zeta法、资信评估模型、分类和回归树、CSPP开发的信用风险附加模型;

    Chapter Three is about credit risk measurement methodology such as Zeta model , Credit scoring - model , Classification & regression tree , CSFP model and Credit metrics , the latest of which can measure the credit risk of ABS / MBS dynamically .

  12. IRB要求国际活跃银行根据自己的信用风险评估系统自行估计这两个参数,但是由于LGD研究结构的复杂性以及其他客观阻力的存在,相对于PD的研究,对LGD的研究则比较缺乏。

    The IRB requires internal active banks estimate their PD and LGD according to their own assessment system on credit risk . Because of the complicacy of research structure of LGD and other external obstructions , there is lack of research on LGD , compared to PD .

  13. 基于决策树的信用风险评估方法研究

    A Study on Credit Risk Assessment Method Based on Decision Tree

  14. 商业银行信用风险评估:投影寻踪判别分析模型

    Credit Risk Assessment in Commercial Banks : Projection Pursuit Discriminant Model

  15. 基于数据挖掘的商业银行个人信用风险评估体系研究

    Research on Evaluation System of Personal Credit Risk Based on Data Mining

  16. 基于灰色关联分析的信用风险评估模型构建

    Build the Credit Risk Assessment Model Basing on the Grey Relation Analysis

  17. 信用风险评估问题本质上属于有序多分类问题,如何构造一个有效的评估模型是商业银行信贷工作的关键环节。

    Credit Risk Assessment problem belongs essentially to an ordinal classification problem .

  18. 国有商业银行信用风险评估方法及应用研究

    A Study on Assessment Methods for Credit Risk in Stated-Owned Commercial Banks

  19. 运用概率神经网络进行企业信用风险评估

    Evaluate Corporate Credit Risk : An Probabilistic Neural Network Approach

  20. 基于信度理论的新兴技术企业信用风险评估方法

    Evaluating Emerging Technology firms ' Credit Risk By Credibility Theory

  21. 物流金融信用风险评估模型构建研究

    On Forming the Risk 's Appraisal Model of Logistics Finance

  22. 关于商业银行信用风险评估方法的研究

    Study on the Method of Commercial Bank Credit Risk Evaluation

  23. 基于决策树的个人住房贷款信用风险评估模型

    Credit Risk Assessment Model for Individual Housing Loan Based on Decision Tree

  24. 面向供应链融资企业信用风险评估指标体系设计

    Designing of a Credit Risk Evaluation Index System for Supply Chain Financing Enterprises

  25. 基于神经网络的银行个人信用风险评估研究

    Research on Personal Credit Risk Evaluation of Commercial Banks Based on Neural Network

  26. 金融信用风险评估系统的实现和探讨

    Realization and Discussion of Financial Credit Risk Evaluation System

  27. 我国上市公司信用风险评估模型的构建及其实证研究

    Model Construction and Empirical Study on Credit Risk Evaluation in Chinese Listed Companies

  28. 中国上市公司信用风险评估方法的比较实证研究

    An Empirical Comparison of Credit Risk Assessment Methods in China 's Listed Companies

  29. 商业银行信用风险评估混合软计算系统

    Estimating system of commercial bank 's credit risks based on hybrid soft computing

  30. 因此,本文重点研究个人住房贷款信用风险评估体系,并在此基础上,尝试构建我国商业银行个人住房贷款的信用风险管理体系。

    This paper focuses on credit risk of residential mortgages in commercial banks .