
  • 网络credit balance
  1. 但由于中国信贷制度不平衡的顽疾根深蒂固,所以荣大聂不禁要问:“私企拿什么来创新?”

    But with the institutional bias in lending so entrenched , Rosen asks : " how do they make that happen ? "

  2. 如果我们信贷保持得更平衡一些,结构更合理一些,规模更适当一些,那就更好,他说。

    It would be good if our bank lending was more balanced , better structured and not on such a large scale , he said .

  3. 在此基础之上,回顾分析了目前国内消费信贷的发展现状,着重分析了消费信贷规模、结构,以及城乡之间的消费信贷发展的不平衡性。

    Based on the result , we reviewed the current status of development of domestic consumer credit , which emphasized on credit quota composition , and unbalance between the town and the rural .