
  • 网络HUGHES;Theseus;Athanasius
  1. 富尔汗老大修斯曾2次签约过这位29岁的球员&分别是在执教黑烧以及曼城的时候,这将增强对巴拉圭前锋的诱惑。

    Fulham boss Mark Hughes has twice signed the29-year-old-while in charge at both Blackburn and then City-and is keen for the Paraguay international to boost his attacking options .

  2. 腓特烈大帝研读荷马的《奥迪修斯》,从中学习如何做王子;

    Frederick the Great studied Homer 's Odysseus as a model for princes .

  3. 俄底修斯的传说中最重要的部分就是他最后对求婚者所进行的复仇。

    The most important part of the legend of Odysseus is his final revenge on the courts .

  4. 唰——俄底修斯到哪儿去了?约伯到哪儿去了?本庇特、释迦牟尼和耶稣到哪儿去了?

    Whisk-and where was Odysseus , where was Job , where were Jupiter and Gotama and Jesus ?

  5. 难道所谓理想的观众有责任走上舞台,从严刑中解放普罗密修斯吗?

    That it is characteristic of the ideal spectator to rush on stage and deliver the god from his fetters ?

  6. 帮助阿尔修斯利用不同的优势和弱点属性,在战斗中获得主动权吧!

    Help Arceus take advantage of the various strengths and weakness among the types to gain the upper hand in battle !

  7. 在基督诞生几百年前,荷马描述奥迪修斯的伙伴的命运他们被女巫变成了猪。

    Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ , Homer described the fate of the companions of Odysseus who were transformed by a witch into pigs .

  8. 在战前威尔当然不是个合格的求婚者。没有一个求婚者能拉动奥得修斯的弓。

    Of course , before the war , Will would certainly not have been an eligible suitor . None of the suitors could bend the bow of Odysseus .

  9. 战争持续了很长时间,海伦发现自己还爱着曼纽拉斯,于是当俄底修斯和戴奥米底斯化妆进城来窃取帕拉斯(守护特洛伊城的神像)神像时,她帮助了他们。

    The battle continued for a very long time , Helen felt she still loved Menelaus , and she helped Odysseus and Diomedes when they came in disguise to steal the Palladium .

  10. 思想家埃斯库罗斯在剧中要告诉我们的,可是他作为诗人只能让我们自己从他的象征描写去揣摩的这种思想,少年歌德已经用他的普罗密修斯的豪言壮语给我们指出来了:

    Young Goethe has revealed to us , in the bold words his Prometheus addresses to Zeus , what the thinker Aeschylus meant to say , but what , as poet , he merely gave us to divine in symbol :

  11. 后来,经过夏普、米勒、莫顿、修斯、勃拉克等人在金融数学方面的艰苦努力,它已经发展成为一门内容丰富、理论深刻、应用广泛的学科。

    Then it has been greatly developed by the work done by Sharp , Miller , Merton , Scholes and Black et al in the field of financial mathematics . Now financial mathematics has been an extensive application subject that has abundant contents , profound theories .