- 名modifying genes;modified gene;modifier gene;modificator gene

Theory and Practice of Choosing Minor Genes and Modifying Genes from Wheat
It involved nine " major or dominant " and ten modifying genes .
Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms in Genetically Modified Soybean and Foods by Polymerase Chain Reaction Method
A recessive mutation of the modifier ( m ) gene eliminates the SI response in stigma .
RAPD Markers of Starch-Modified Gene du in Maize
The update research on opaque mutation and its modifiers are reviewed .
Starch-modified gene du is one of important genetic resources in starch genetic modification for maize .
So it is necessary to develop recurrent selection for the goal of high amylose content maize .
Effect of genetic modifiers on cerebral lesions in Fabry disease
Genetic analysis and chi-square test showed that dwarf type in Lagerstroemia likely controlled by an complete dominance major gene as well as polygene .
Based on the hereditary properties of NPV resistance , a hypothesis was proposed and confirmed that the resistance is controlled by NN main gene on an autosome and Z + Z + minor genes on the sex chromosome .
Mapping of Genetic Modifiers of Eyal ~ ( bor / bor ) Mice
Objective and background & dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ) is a common form of heart disease , mutations of genes encoding myocardium and other proteins have been identified in a part of patients with idiopathic DCM .
2 ) there exist no modifier genes which decrease the embryonic mortality in the heterozygous ( Om / + ) females having DDK background genes in large proportions ;
Wilcox et al began this study by using retrovirus vector in 1999 , but safety problem of vector retrovirus restrict its use , so we should find another vector .
3 ) there exist no modifier genes which influence the embryonic mortality of DDK ( Om / Om ) females through the sperm of the heterozygous ( Om / + ) male ;
Further analysis of epistatic effected QTLs for relative heat tolerance showed that four pairs of loci exhibited interaction on 8 chromosomes , which indicated that the heat tolerance of spikelet fertility was not only controlled by main effect QTL but also influenced by gene interaction .
Eggshell color is a kind of qualitative trait and controlled by some modified genes .
Mitochondrial Deafness and Nuclear Modifier Genes
The adoptive theraputic effect of interleukin-12 gene transfected splenocytes from the mice immunized by immunogene tumor vaccine on implanted liver cancer
These complications might be caused by recurrent seizures , modifier genes , or environmental factors . The mechanism has remained unclear .
Resistance expression might be affected by some modifier genes , or there might be multiple alleles with different level of resistance on the same locus .
The gene clusters of structure , modification , processing , transporting , immunity , regulatory and associating genes are located in a several transcriptional units .
This study aims to identify the functions of post-modification genes of helvolic acid gene cluster and investigate their value in steroid drugs industry . 1 .
Comparative analysis of cell apoptosis inhibitory genes involved in hepatoma The adoptive theraputic effect of interleukin-12 gene transfected splenocytes from the mice immunized by immunogene tumor vaccine on implanted liver cancer
Second , pharmacological approaches that aim to modify gene expression , rather than the gene itself , have been applied to a subset of diseases where a nonsense mutation is involved .
The way to solve this problem in breeding is to use the hard endosperm modifier ( gene ) and to select hard or semi-hard O2 inbred lines with higher kernel volume weight .
Structures of these new derivatives were identified through mass and ' H NMR spectroscopic analysis . On the basis of the structures of these compounds , we verified the functions of these post-PKS modification genes .
Though the treatment is still years from coming to a clinic near you , it 's an important step in the development of gene therapies , which tinker with genes in order to treat or prevent diseases .
We selected some key genes and transcription factors related to the synthetize and decoration of anthocyanidins and transporter coding gene after the further analysis , and found that most of these genes belongs to multigene family . 4 .