
  • 网络Debt instrument
  1. 期末一次性偿还债券定期支付息票的债务工具,在到期日一次性偿还本金。

    Bullet bond a regular coupon paying debt instrument with a single repayment of principal on the maturity date .

  2. 二重货币债券:二重货币债券是一种债务工具,息票以不同与本金的货币币种标识。▲与股票指数联系的债券;

    Dual Currency Bonds : A dual currency bond is a debt instrument that has coupons denominated in a different currency than its principal amount .

  3. 但是由于Gazprom持续大规模供应债务工具而使得我们的增持债券的业绩不佳。

    But our position underperformed due to the continued large-scale supply of Gazprom debt instruments .

  4. 过去几年里,包括苏格兰皇家银行(rbs)和瑞信(creditsuisse)在内的多家银行都曾以债务工具支付奖金,但这些工具大多都与特定的、陷入困境的遗留资产挂钩。

    Debt instruments have been used for bonuses by several banks including Royal Bank of Scotland and Credit Suisse in the past few years , but were mostly linked to specific and troubled legacy assets .

  5. 债务工具中央结算系统是香港的中央债券结算交收系统,而rits则为类似的澳洲政府债券系统。

    CMU is the central clearing and settlement system for debt securities in Hong Kong and RITS is a similar system for Australian government debt securities .

  6. 瑞士另类投资公司PartnersGroup首席投资官马塞尔厄尔尼(MarcelErni)表示,通过投资于商业地产抵押贷款等债务工具,投资者能够获得10%到18%的回报,超出通常的股权回报率。

    Marcel Erni , chief investment officer of Partners Group , a Swiss alternative investment house , said investors were able to generate returns of 10-18 per cent by investing in debt instruments such as commercial real estate mortgages , in excess of typical equity returns .

  7. 昨日,大举抛售证券的风险不断上升,此前评级机构宣称,一批复杂的债务工具已出现违约,同时有迹象表明,美国财政部支持的“超级基金”(superfund)计划已限入停滞。

    The risk of fire sales of securities was rising yesterday after rating agencies declared that a clutch of complex debt vehicles had defaulted and with signs that the " Superfund " plan backed by the US Treasury has stalled .

  8. 债务工具中央结算系统成员可买卖和持有韩国债券。

    CMU members can trade and hold Korean debt securities .

  9. 但很突出的一点是,几乎没有任何对新奇债务工具的风险敞口。

    But , tellingly , there was barely any exposure to exotic debt instruments .

  10. 债务工具中央结算系统将会担任其成员的韩国债券托管人。

    The CMU will act as custodian of Korean debt securities for CMU members .

  11. 与企业信贷相关的其它债务工具也在贬值。这些损失有多大呢?

    Other instruments in the debt world linked to corporate credit are losing value too .

  12. 另一个是引入更强大的集体行动条款,尤其是使其覆盖所有未偿清债务工具。

    Another is to introduce stronger collective action clauses , particularly ones that cover all outstanding instruments .

  13. 除了股本和留存收益,一级资本还包括各种混合债务工具。

    Tier one capital includes equity and retained earnings but also various types of hybrid debt instruments .

  14. 在发行频繁的时期,一家银行每年发行的债务工具可能轻而易举就达到10种。

    At times of high issuance , they could easily get through 10 debt instruments in a year .

  15. 截至年底,未偿还港元债务工具总额增加5%,达4940亿元。

    Outstanding Hong Kong dollar debt increased by 5 per cent to $ 494 billion at the end of 2001 .

  16. 长时间以来,我们一直在将抵押贷款重新打包为债务工具或是作为抵押担保证券,或是备兑债券。

    We have been repackaging mortgages into debt instruments for a long time either as mortgage-backed securities or covered bonds .

  17. 夏威夷失去了自己所有的公信力,在糖碗,而债务工具中央结算系统及股还没有任何收入。

    Hawaii lost all their credibility in the Sugar Bowl , while CMU and FAU have yet to earn any .

  18. 这个系统除接受港元债务工具外,也接受外币债务工具。

    In addition to Hong Kong dollar denominated debt instruments , the system also accepts foreign currency denominated debt instruments .

  19. 对於主要交易商和销售团成员积极叁与「港元债务工具发行计划」,我谨藉此机会表示谢意。

    I would like to thank the primary dealers and the selling group members for participating in the debt issuance programme .

  20. 美国抵押贷款市场的不良贷款和债务工具的创建只是2007-2008年金融危机的直接原因。

    Bad lending in the US mortgage market and the creation of debt instruments were only proximate causes of the 2007-8 crisis .

  21. 它由付款承诺组成,通常以货币计算,分长期和短期债务工具。

    It consists of a promise to pay , usually denominated in currency , and there are both long-term and short-term debt instruments .

  22. 债务工具中央结算系统收到系统成员经系统终端机发出的确认交易讯息后,便会进行最终的结算交收程序。

    After obtaining confirmation of the trade from the CMU members through their CMU terminals , the CMU will process the final settlement .

  23. 打造一种以欧元区17个成员国为后盾的债务工具,或许会缓解流动性压力,但对于提高意大利的生产率不会有丝毫帮助。

    Creating debt instruments backed by all 17 euro members might ease liquidity strains but would do absolutely nothing to improve Italian productivity .

  24. 同时,具有负债和权益双重特征的复合金融工具的大量出现,使得在金融工具中正确区分权益工具和债务工具就显得非常重要。

    At the same time compound instruments that have both debt and equity characteristics makes it very important to correct distinction between debt and equity .

  25. 有些人或许还记得,正是这些机构,在那些金融欺诈中串通一气,使得毫无价值的债务工具被重新包装为顶级金融证券。

    Some may recall that these very same organisations were deeply complicit in the chicanery that saw worthless debt instruments repackaged as top-notch financial securities .

  26. 可以将德国的联邦州协议为模板,创立一个财政联盟和一个共同的欧洲债务工具(即欧元债券)。

    The state deal could be used as a template for creating a fiscal union and a common European debt instrument , known as a Eurobond .

  27. 虽然许多债务工具在香港交易所挂牌,但私营机构债券大部分是在场外交易市场买卖。

    Most of the private sector bond trading occurs in the OTC market , although many debt instruments are also listed on the Hong Kong exchange .

  28. 换言之,市场庄家若持有外汇基金票据及债券短仓,可用这些指定债务工具长仓来补仓,反之亦然。

    In other words , a short position of a market maker in Exchange Fund paper can be covered by a long position in SIs , or vice versa .

  29. 除非在某种程度上,欧元区能实现凌驾于国家主权之上的财政联盟和预算执行机制,否则投资者有理由对购买此类债务工具心存疑虑。

    Unless there was a degree of fiscal union and budgetary enforcement in the eurozone that trampled on national sovereignty , investors would rightly be sceptical about buying such instruments .

  30. 推出这个计划的目的,是要提高债务工具中央结算系统下私营机构债券的流通性和结算效率,以及通过提高贷方的收益率,从而增加这些债券对投资者的吸引力。

    The programme aims to enhance the liquidity and settlement efficiency of CMU private sector debt securities , and increase their attractiveness to investors by enhancing the yields for the lenders .