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  • masquerade;masked ball
  1. 穿行于假面舞会:从蓓基的视角出发分析各社会群体之间的互动关系

    Waltzing Through a Masquerade : An Analysis of Interactions among Social Groups from the Perspective of Becky Sharp

  2. 原因在于,目前互联网是一个假面舞会。

    The reason is that the internet currently is a masquerade .

  3. 在假面舞会上作为装扮的服饰。

    A costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party .

  4. 我以为要参加假面舞会。

    I thought we were going to a costume party .

  5. 假面舞会之后我收到一封匿名短信

    Since the masquerade ball . I got an anonymous text

  6. 上千名戴着面具的狂欢者涌进了威尼斯大街,参加特殊的假面舞会。

    Thousands of mask-wearing revelers fill the Venetian streets and attend special masked balls .

  7. 请不要错过青岛最好的假面舞会,马上来购票吧!

    Buy your tickets now and do not miss the best party in town .

  8. 我必须玩这场愚人的假面舞会,继续装出若无其事的样子。

    I must play out this fool 's masquerade as if nothing is amiss .

  9. 我知道在假面舞会上你扮演的是黑天�

    I know that you were dressed as the black swan at the masquerade ball .

  10. 弗洛里达州的“流氓、泼妇和吸血鬼”主题假面舞会。

    Revelers at the'Villains , Vixens and Vampires'themed Masquerade March in Key West , Florida .

  11. 假面舞会那晚梦娜就邀请过斯宾塞加入他们

    Mona asked Spencer to join the A-team on the night of the masquerade ball .

  12. 假耳朵,用于假面舞会

    Ear , false , for masquerading

  13. 假鼻子,假面舞会用

    Nose false for masquerading

  14. 她要独立与天地为伍,离开那令人窒息的世纪的假面舞会。

    She could feel alone with the earth and the sky , away from the oppressive masquerade of ages .

  15. 醉情于假面舞会,或者只是驻足停留在琳琅满目的面具商店,妙不可言。

    Indulge at a masquerade ball , or at least a stop in one of the many elaborate mask shops .

  16. 不放河灯,但要举办假面舞会,而且基本上都是些精灵鬼怪之类的脸谱。

    On this day , they don 't float lanterns on river . Instead , they hold masked balls , wearing ghost-like masks .

  17. 节日当天会举办假面舞会,用丢手绢的方式撮合邻村的单身男女,这看似不可思议却极具象征意味。

    Masquerades are held at Festival time to pair up single guys and girls from neighboring villages with the quaint yet symbolic dropping of a handkerchief .

  18. 第四章从场景和结构着手,分析了《魔法师》与《暴风雨》两部作品之间在荒岛场景、假面舞会以及罗曼司结构等方面的对应。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the correspondence between The Magus and The Tempest in terms of the island setting , the masque and the structure of romance .

  19. 我还为杂志撰写关于东亚流行文化和动漫的文章,并创办了加拿大最大的年度动漫大会&北方动漫假面舞会。

    I also write about East Asian pop culture and anime for magazines and founded the masquerade ( costume contest ) of Anime North , the largest annual anime convention in Canada .

  20. masquerade:假面舞会,化装舞会噢,是的,化装舞会让我们热衷的另一个部分finally:最后,最终truth:真相reveal:显示,揭示当面具终于摘下真相就大白于天下我失陪一下。

    Gossip girl : Oh , yes , the other part we love about a masquerade ? When the mask finally comes off and the truth is revealed to all 。) - Dan : Will you excuse me ?

  21. 我敢说,自从我在老王詹姆斯时代荣获恩宠,时常被召进宫中参加假面舞会、大出风头的岁月以来,我还从来没见过这样的小家伙呢。

    I profess , I have never seen the like since my days of vanity , in old King James 's time , when I was wont to esteem it a high favour to be admitted to a court mask !