
  • 网络Deviation Control;Bias Control;TBC
  1. 在隧道施工中,管片拼装对隧道设计轴线(DesignedTunnelAxis-DTA)的拟合偏差控制,是检验隧道完成质量的重要标准。

    The deviation control of segments erection to fit the Designed Tunnel Axis ( DTA ) is an important standard for the construction quality of shield-driven tunnels .

  2. 重点分析了多台EPT并联运行时的几种均流控制策略:主从控制、集中式电流/功率偏差控制、分散逻辑控制和基于调差原理的无联络线控制。

    On the basis of analysis on the types of parallel system configuration and their new features , several kinds of control schemes are proposed , such as master and slave control , power deviation control , distributed logic control and wireless control based on output droop characteristics .

  3. 控制算法仍然采用常规PID调节偏差控制并对其进行了改进。

    Conventional PID is still used to adjust error in control algorithm and is improved .

  4. SVG的相位偏差控制研究

    Research of SVG Phase-offset Control

  5. 控制系统由前馈控制、反馈控制、物流控制以及各种补偿功能组成,通过AGC控制系统,可将带钢厚度偏差控制在1%以内。

    The control system consists of feedforward control , feedback control , material flow control and all kinds of compensation functions . Thickness deviation of strip steel can be controlled within 1 % by AGC control system .

  6. 联网条件下按联络线功率频率偏差控制(TBC)是自动发电控制(AGC)的主要方式,通过对其控制量进行分析,认为频率偏差系数取系统自然频率特性时能体现电网运行的原则。

    The TBC is the main model used in AGC in the interconnected power system . When the coefficient of the frequency bias is equal to the natural area frequency responses characteristic , the system will operate meeting the principles well .

  7. 自动发电控制(AGC)对稳定电网电压和区域偏差控制起良好作用,可有效提高整个电网的电能质量,而水电机组以其启动迅速、调节灵活成为AGC运行的最佳选择。

    Automatic generation control ( AGC ) can stable the network voltage and make good effect on region difference control . It can also improve the whole electricity quality . The hydro-power unit become the best choice of AGC running for it 's rapid startup and agility regulation .

  8. 其主要研究工作如下:(1)在简要介绍AGC基本功能和原理的基础上,对互联电网AGC控制方式进行了分析,指出在互联电网之间按照联络线偏差控制(TBC)方式控制较为适宜。

    The major work is outlined as follows : ( 1 ) Firstly , This paper briefly introduces the basic functions and principles of the AGC system . by analysing AGC mode for interconnected power system , Tie-line bias control ( TBC ) mode is supposed as adequate .

  9. 但随着我国电力系统市场化体制改革的不断深入和完善,互联系统原先以联络线和频率偏差控制(TBC)模式为主的频率控制方式就成了电力市场环境下互联系统区域间交易的壁垒。

    The traditional frequency control way is mostly tie-line bias control ( TBC ) mode . But with the in-depth development and perfection of reform in the electric power market system in China , the traditional control mode has become an exchange block .

  10. 供水泵站优化运行最小流量偏差控制策略研究

    Flow difference minimization control for optimal operation of water-supply pumping stations

  11. JB4732-95标准中封头形状偏差控制分析

    Analysis of Head Shape Tolerance Control Stipulated in JB4732 - 95

  12. 讨论具有重叠结构的距离偏差控制问题。

    The problem of distance bias controls with overlapping structure is discussed .

  13. 刨花板厚度偏差控制因素分析Ⅰ

    Investigation on the factors of thickness variation control in particleboard , part ⅰ

  14. 轿车白车身车门偏差控制的研究

    The research on the deviation control of the door of car body in-white

  15. 混合煤气热值负偏差控制的开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Thermal Value Negative Deviation Control of Mixed Gas

  16. 关于连续梁悬臂浇筑中线偏差控制的探讨

    Approach to Control of Medium Line Error in Cantilever Concreting of Continuous Beam

  17. 斜刃剪剪切中的尺寸偏差控制

    The Control of Size Deviation while the Oblique Cutting Machines Are Cutting Shear flocculation

  18. 轿车车体装配尺寸偏差控制技术

    On Variation Control Techniques for Automotive Body Assembly

  19. 距离偏差控制系统的分散次优控制

    Decentralized Suboptimal Control for Distance Bias Control Systems

  20. 预应力筋伸长值偏差控制

    Deviation Control of Extension Values of Prestress Reinforcements

  21. 基准离焦偏差控制技术

    Control techniques based on referenced defocus amount

  22. 膜式水冷壁管排制造中的偏差控制

    Dimensional Control in Membrane Tube Panel Manufacturing

  23. 具强鲁棒性的广义偏差控制

    Generalized Error Control with Highly Robustness

  24. 桑蚕种样本孵化率偏差控制方法研究

    Research on the Deviation Control Method of the Percentage of Hatching of Bombyx Silkworm Eggs ' Samples

  25. 本文简要介绍横潦泾大桥悬臂浇筑箱梁中线偏差控制的方法以及对工程质量验收评定进行探讨。

    The paper mainly introduces the method of medium error control of cantilever concreting box beam of Hengliaojing Bridge .

  26. 通过此方法间接实现反馈与偏差控制,可达到使卷筒张力恒定的目的。

    This method through the feedback and bias control indirectly , achieved the purpose of constant tension of winding control .

  27. 文章为蚕业生产提供了一种实用的克卵粒数偏差控制方法。

    It provided a practical of the deviation control method to the number of eggs per gram for sericulture in this paper .

  28. 将偏差控制与基于飞机总能量控制的解耦理论结合在一起,实现了对飞行速度和飞行高度的无稳差控制。

    An error control method was adopted to eliminate the stable error of airspeed and altitude when decoupling control through total energy control principle .

  29. 本文就基本的两区域互联电力系统联络线偏差控制中的系统累积时间误差和联络线偶然交换功率积累问题进行了分析。

    The problems of system time error accumulations and inadvertent interchange in a basic two area interconnected system with net interchange tie-line bias control are analysed in this paper .

  30. 该算法能够将MPSK/OQPSK/MQAM信号归一化估计符号速率偏差控制在10-6数量级。

    The normalized bias of the symbol rate estimator for MPSK / OQPSK / MQAM signal can be controlled at 10-6 order of magnitude by this algorithm . 2 .