
  • 网络Health measure
  1. 研究目的:从心理测量学的角度对SCL-90量表的品质及其在我国心理健康测量中的应用进行系统的评价。

    Research Purpose : To evaluate the quality of the scl-90 and application in mental health measurement in our country synthetically from the angle of the psychometrics .

  2. 目的评价SF-36量表应用于晚期血吸虫病(晚血)患者的信度和效度,为血防工作者选择适宜的健康测量工具提供科学依据。

    SF-36 is appropriate to be used in patients with advanced schistosomiasis , but some items need to be improved according to the local settings of endemic areas .

  3. 选用《心理健康测量量表(PHI)》,对河南省几个重点项目的女运动员进行测试,并与其他职业青年女性作对比分析。

    Applying the Psychological Health Inventory ( PHI ), the authors tested the female ( athletes ) of several key events of Henan Province and contrasted with the females with other vocations .

  4. 以全国36所中高等职业院校的3342名学生为被试,采用SCL90进行心理健康测量。结果表明,SCL90在职业院校学生这一群体中具有良好的信度与效度。

    Students who are in 36 secondary and higher vocational schools in our country were chosen and were tested using SCL-90.Results shows that SCL-90 has good reliability and validity in group of vocational school students .

  5. 方法:采用XTC-GF系列体质健康测量仪,对2003级在校大学生进行身体形态、机能、素质测试。

    Methods : Body shape , function and quality of students in Shenyang Medical College were examined by a series machines of XTC-GF .

  6. 目的探讨美国简明健康测量量表SF-36用于中国老年人生活质量测量的可行性,并依据中国调查表来划分美国SF-36量表中文版的总分分级范围。

    Objective To study the possibility of measuring quality of life by Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey scale and to subdivide grade range of Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-From Health Survey ( SF-36 ) total cents through a Quality of Life questionnaire among the elderly Chinese .

  7. 术后随访期间完成简明健康测量量表(36-ItemShort-formhealthsurveyscale,SF-36),调整起搏器参数前、后分别由患者本人填写SF-36,在30min内完成。

    The 36 item short form health survey scale ( SF 36 ) was finished during the follow up after operation , and the patients were evaluated by the SF 36 before and after the modification of parameters respectively by themselves every time in 30 minutes .

  8. 方法:采用横断面、多中心研究方法,应用健康测量量表SF36对11所医院的121例初发急性脑卒中患者进行调查,用非参数检验及多元逐步回归方法分析影响生活质量的相关因素。

    METHODS : A cross sectional and multicentric design was used . The QOL of 121 acute stage stroke patients in 11 hospitals was assessed by SF 36 and the influential factors of QOL were analyzed by nonparametric test and multiple stepwise linear regression .

  9. 目的:编制适合大学生的心理健康测量工具。

    Purpose : A proper mental health scale is developed for undergraduate students .

  10. 体质健康测量中耐力素质测试指标的有效性述评

    A review of the validity of endurance quality test indices in physical health test

  11. 中、日两国大学生体质健康测量指标改革的比较研究

    The Comparison Research Between Chinese and Japanese University Students ' Physical Health Items Reform

  12. 美国简明健康测量量表与中国老年人生活质量调查表的对比研究

    A comparative study on U.S.A MOS SF-36 and the quality of life questionnaire for Chinese old people

  13. 温州市高校学生体质健康测量结果的对比分析与发展对策研究

    The Wenzhou University Student Physique Health Surveys the Result the Contrastive Analysis and Develops the Countermeasure to Study

  14. 对中国和日本两国大学生体质健康测量指标改革的背景和目的进行了研究,对改革前后测量指标的变化进行了比较分析。

    The author analyzes the background and purpose of Chinese and Japanese university students ' physical health items reform .

  15. 【方法】使用症状自评量表、心理健康测量表、艾森克个性问卷、中医证候诊断问卷对自然流产患者进行心理状态、个性特征和中医证候方面的问卷调查分析。

    Methods Symptom Checklist 90 , Measure of Mental Health , Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Diagnostic Questionnaire of TCM syndromes were adopted .

  16. 目的完善健康测量的定量化研究,补充自感健康的衡量方法,全面了解我国居民的主观健康水平及其影响因素。

    Objective To perfect the measuring means of perceived-health and to find out the true level of perceived-health of popultion and social influencing factors in our country .

  17. 地点、对象和方法:主要采用治疗依从性问卷、简明健康测量量表对339例住院原发性高血压患者的院外情况进行回顾性调查。

    SETTING , PARTICIPANTS and METHODS : Questionnaire on treatment compliance and medical outcomes study 36-item short-form health survey scale ( MOS SF-36 ) were used to make the retrospective investigation on the condition out of hospital of 339 patients with primary hypertension .

  18. 对1006名3~87岁健康人群测量左右跟骨的SOS值。

    BMD at lumbar spine and proximal part of the femur was measured by DXA and SOS at calcaneus by QUS in 892 subjects of 3 to 87 years in Chengdu .

  19. 超声动脉健康评估测量健康人颈动脉内中膜

    Observation of healthy carotid intima-media thickness with ultrasound arterial health package

  20. 基于振动测试的桥梁健康状况测量

    Measurement of Vibration Based on Bridge Well-being Conditions

  21. 北医大女学生心理健康状况测量

    Psychological Health Status of Female Medical Students

  22. 传统的健康度测量方法不适合镇定稳定问题,因此本文定义了不稳定指数,它可以更好地,更有效地评测染色体的健康度。

    The traditional fitness measure is not suitable for the stabilization problem , and therefore we define an instability index which is better and more effective for evaluating the chromosome fitness .

  23. 大跨度桥梁健康诊断测量是采用工程测量原理、技术和方法以及特种精密工程测量技术,对桥梁主要部位的空间位置进行全方位的测量监控。

    The healthy conditions diagnosing by surveying is to monitor from all directions , the space position of the bridge 's major parts by using principles , technique and method of engineering surveying and special precision engineering surveying .

  24. 该研究通过对中等职业学校学生心理健康状况测量,与普通高中学生心理健康状况作对照,探求不同学校、不同年级、不同民族的中职生之间在心理健康状况各方面存在的共性和差异。

    In this Paper the author based on the database of mental test the students of secondary vocational school and which compare to the students of high school , put forward some suggestions to preserve student mental health .

  25. PRO是一种直接来自于患者对自己健康状况的测量,由PRO测量所得的数据从患者角度提供了有关治疗效果的证据。

    PRO is a direct from the patient 's own health status measurement , measured by the PRO data collected from the patient point of view provides information about the treatment of evidence .

  26. 方法:检测937例1~12月龄壮族健康婴儿,测量身高、体重,并采用标准方法测定婴儿胫骨中段的SOS值,以Sunlight系统内提供的SOS值为参照标准。

    Methods : To detect 937 cases 1 ~ 12 months Zhuang nationality healthy infant , measure the body height and weight , and SOS value of middle shin by standard method , SOS value provided by Sunlight system is as control standard .

  27. 大学生体质健康状况的测量与分析

    The Survey and Analysis of College Students ' Physique Health Condition

  28. 中医学健康概念及其测量操作化探讨

    Exploration on Health Concept of TCM and the Operationalization of Its Measurement

  29. 1301名2~7岁健康儿童血压测量分析

    Analysis of Blood Pressure in 1301 Healthy Children Aged 2 to 7 Years

  30. 本文探讨和初步建构了未成年人健康成长的测量指标与变项体系。

    This paper sets up a system of measuring the indexes and variables of minors ' health and growth .