
  • 网络mycobacterium fortuitum;M.fortuitum;M. fortuitum
  1. 非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)是导致术后感染性角膜炎的主要病原微生物之一,其中以龟分枝杆菌及偶发分枝杆菌最常见。

    Non-tuberculous mycobacterium ( NTM ) is one of the major pathogens , which results in infectious keratitis after LASIK . M.chelonae and M.fortuitum are the most common species .

  2. 目的探讨偶发分枝杆菌(MF)感染的组织病理学特征。

    Objective To observe the histopathologic characteristics of Mycobacterium fortuitum ( MF ) infection .

  3. 29株偶然分支杆菌耐药性观察目的探讨偶发分枝杆菌(MF)感染的组织病理学特征。

    The drug resistance results of 29 strains Mycobacterium fortuitum Objective To observe the histopathologic characteristics of Mycobacterium fortuitum ( MF ) infection .

  4. 从雄甾二酮的转化产生菌偶发分枝杆菌MF2出发,经紫外诱变结合平板筛选,获得一株主要转化生产睾酮的突变株TS-N-121。

    A mutant , TS-N-121 was obtained by mutation and plate screening from a parent strain Mycobacterium fortuitum MF2 , which could transform sterol into androstanedione as the main product .

  5. 皮肤软组织偶发分枝杆菌感染的病理学观察

    Clinical and pathologic study of mycobacterium fortuitum infection of skin and soft tissues

  6. 偶发分枝杆菌感染的组织病理学特征

    Histopathologic characteristics of mycobacterium fortuitum infection

  7. 10例患者肺泡灌洗液涂片抗酸菌染色均为阳性,改良罗氏培养基培养:Ⅰ型堪萨斯分枝杆菌2例,偶发分枝杆菌1例,鸟复合分枝杆菌7例。

    Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of each patient showed positive results by fast anti-acid staining method ( 100 % ) . 2 of 10 patients were found to have Mycobacterium kansasii infection , 1 Mycobacterium fortuitum infection and 7 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection .