
  1. 萧衍死后,侯景立太子萧纲为傀儡皇帝。

    Xiao Gang became a figurehead emperor after Xiao Yan died .

  2. 中国的末代皇帝成为日本人的傀儡皇帝。

    China 's last emperor is Japanese puppet .

  3. 傀儡皇帝汉献帝在曹丕的逼迫下于公元220年退位。

    The figurehead Emperor Xian reigned until A.D. 220 when Cao Pi forced his abdication .

  4. 赵高一步步夺取了胡亥的权利,成功地让胡亥成为了一个傀儡皇帝。

    Zhao Gao step by step seized the power of Huhai , effectively making Huhai a puppet emperor .

  5. 从傀儡皇帝到傀儡公民&兼论失败者的历史记忆与历史书写

    From the Puppet Emperor to the Puppet Citizen & Also on the Losers ' Historical Memory and History Writing

  6. 满洲国,日本在中国东北的基地,仍被傀儡皇帝溥仪统治

    Manchukuo , the Japanese bastion in North China , was still ruled by the puppet emperor , Pu Yi

  7. 这封信来自法国拿破仑三世,他密谋让保守的墨西哥人拥立一个法国傀儡皇帝。

    The letter had been issued by Napoleon III of France , who was conspiring with conservative Mexicans to place a loyal French puppet on the throne .