
  • 网络OMR
  1. 这主要是由于市面上的光电阅读机价格昂贵、使用复杂、卡片质量要求高等等。

    The main reason is that on the market , OMR is expensive , complexity in use , card required high quality , and so on .

  2. 光电阅读机(OMR)的使用就可以达到上述要求。

    Optical mark reader ( OMR ) system can be used to achieve these aspects .

  3. 电气控制部分包括:输入装置,光电阅读机起停线路,纸带和程序编制,光电转换电路,主电路及其控制系统。

    The control system consists of the input device , the photoelectrical tape and the programming , photoelectrical transforming circuit and the main circuit with its control systems .

  4. 文字记载可以阅读材料的有意义的字母或符号在光电字符阅读机上,用特殊扫描方法从输入文件的一个区域中获取图象数据。

    Meaningful letters or characters that constitute readable matter . In optical character readers , to gather picture data from a field on an input document , using a special scan .