
  • 网络Fiber Optic Lighting;Fiber Lighting
  1. 光纤照明,光纤灯,光源器,LED,光纤吊灯。

    Optic Fiber , Light source , Chandelier Fiber lighting , LED .

  2. 然后应用设计实例:基于红,绿和蓝三色LED合光的光纤照明模组,详述了设计过程,给出了测试数据。

    Then given a design example : a fiber transmission illumination module based on red , green and blue LED light combining , design process is expatiated , testing data is presented .

  3. 采用三向光纤照明成像的三维微结构观测系统

    Observation and measurement system for microstructure based on three-direction fiber illumination

  4. 光纤照明系统在虢国博物馆中的应用

    Application of Optical Fiber Illumination System in Guo Kingdom Museum

  5. 一种分布式光纤照明系统的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation Study of a Distributed Fiber-Optic Lighting Systems

  6. 让光纤照明早日走进寻常百姓家,为大众服务。

    As soon as possible so that fiber-optic lighting into the common people , to serve the community .

  7. 以光纤照明演绎陶瓷之美&故宫新陶瓷馆的照明设计

    The Beauty of Optic Fibre Lighting for Ceramic DispLays : Lighting Plans for the Ceramics Hall of the Palace Museum

  8. 利用电影放映系统旋转曲面的优化计算方法,用灯丝光源作为设计光源,实际地设计出了φ94mm光纤照明系统用反光镜,并在市场中得到了推广。

    According to " revolving curve " optimization calculating reflector for film projecting system , the fiber illumination system reflector was made and sell largely .

  9. 光纤照明:实心侧光光纤、尾光光纤、单只光纤、通讯光纤(光缆)、数码光纤树、光纤水晶吊灯。

    Optical Fiber series : solid side light of optical fiber , end light of optical fiber , optical fiber cable , Dmx512 optical fiber tree , crystal droplight of optical fiber .

  10. 结果表明:LED可以应用于光纤传输照明系统中替代传统光源,市场前景广阔。

    The results showed that LED can be used in fiber transmission based on illumination system to replace traditional light source , market future is wide prospect .

  11. 光纤采光照明系统在建筑中的应用

    Applications of Daylighting System for Illumination by Fiber Optics in Buildings

  12. 笔者在研究了汽车照明和光导系统发展现状的基础之上,学习国外研究成果和工作经验,提出了一种光纤实现照明的汽车前位灯设计方案。

    After getting familiar with the development of the automotive lighting and light guide system and learning the foreign experience in this field , the author put forward a design which is a front position lamp used fiber optics .

  13. 光纤从一端照明,由光纤另一端出射光点,由面阵CCD摄像机获取光点的灰度分布。

    The optical fiber emits a light spot from the other end . The gray distribution of the light spot is acquired by Matrix CCD camera .

  14. 聚合物光纤在景观照明中的应用设计

    Applicative Design of Polymer Optical Fiber in Landscape Lighting

  15. 光纤在医学照明上的应用

    Application of optical fiber to medical illumination

  16. 文章采用光纤光源作照明光源并用微机实时调整光源光强,提取高质量的目标图象;

    The luminous intensity is adjusted real time by computer control to acquire high quality object images .