
  • 网络the cleveland clinic
  1. 克利夫兰诊所,一家医院运营商,已将其医务人员重组为不同的治疗团队,专门负责特定的治疗领域。

    The Cleveland Clinic , a hospital operator , has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas .

  2. 一些人是经典意义上的医生,包括克利夫兰诊所(ClevelandClinic)所长托比•科斯格罗夫(TobyCosgrove)和纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心(MemorialSloanKetteringCancerCenter)首席医师何塞•巴塞尔加(JoséBaselga)。

    Some - including Toby Cosgrove , president of Cleveland Clinic , and Jos é Baselga , chief physician from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center - were doctors in the classic sense .

  3. 作者为DrStevenNissen(克利夫兰诊所)说道,这一新的发现是“令人担忧的”,因为糖尿病患者心血管疾病是高发事件。

    The authors , led by Dr Steven Nissen ( Cleveland Clinic , OH ), say these new findings are " worrisome " because of the high incidence of cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes .

  4. 克利夫兰诊所的妇产科主任托马索·法尔科内(TommasoFalcone)是察基斯博士的合作伙伴之一。

    One of the surgeons working with Tzakis will be Dr. Tommaso Falcone , the Cleveland Clinic 's chairman of obstetrics and gynecology .

  5. 实施该手术的俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所整形外科研究所主任MariaSiemionow博士在星期三的新闻发布会上说。

    Maria Siemionow , director of plastic surgery research at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio , where the operation was performed , told a news conference on Wednesday .

  6. 克利夫兰诊所(人员)称该现象在青年男性中尤为明显。

    The Cleveland Clinic says this is especially true of younger men .

  7. 审查部门在克利夫兰诊所的精神病学和心理学医生。

    Reviewed by the doctors at The Cleveland Clinic Department of Psychiatry and Psychology .

  8. 她自费跋涉1000多英里(约合1609千米)来到了克利夫兰诊所。

    She traveled more than 1000 miles to the clinic , paying her own way .

  9. 克利夫兰诊所的医生们将使用已故捐赠者的子宫,以避免将健康女性置于危险之中。

    The Cleveland doctors will use deceased donors , to avoid putting healthy women at risk .

  10. 这个22小时的脸部手术2周前由一个八人的外科医生团队在克利夫兰诊所完成。

    The22-hour face surgery was completed two weeks ago by a team of eight surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic .

  11. 谷歌通过在非营利性机构克利夫兰诊所存储上千志愿患者的医疗记录来测试该项服务。

    Google tested the service by storing medical records for a few thousand patient volunteers at the not-for-profit Cleveland Clinic .

  12. 摩根在完成了一次肺康复治疗后,于去年12月份获准在克利夫兰诊所接受线圈试验治疗。

    After completing a pulmonary rehabilitation program , Ms. Morgan was accepted into the coils trial at the Cleveland Clinic last December .

  13. 目前,已有八名来自全美各地的妇女前往克利夫兰诊所接受筛选,希望能被选为移植受者。

    Eight women from around the country have begun the screening process at the Cleveland Clinic , hoping to be selected for transplants .

  14. 俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所陶西格癌症所的一位医生,医务部博士内森·彭讷尔对结果表示谨慎。

    Nathan Pennell , MD , PhD , a doctor at the Taussig Cancer Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio , expressed caution at the findings .

  15. 根据克利夫兰诊所(的发现),摄入过量的盐分可以导致血液中的钙剩余&这是一种能够促使结石形成的病理状态。

    According to the Cleveland Clinic , eating too much salt can lead to excess calcium in the bloodstream , a situation that can cause the development of stones .

  16. 美国其他医院以及英国也纷纷准备试验这样的手术,但他们的进展都远不及克利夫兰诊所的团队。

    Other hospitals in the United States , and in Britain , are also preparing to try the surgery , but are not as close as the team in Cleveland is .

  17. 克利夫兰尤其以他的诊所文明。

    Cleveland has its famous Clinic .