
  • 网络inbound tourists
  1. 基于BP神经网络和ARIMA组合模型的中国入境游客量预测

    Forecast of Inbound Tourists to China Based on BP Neural Network and ARIMA Combined Model

  2. 甘肃省入境游客年度变化研究

    Research on Annual Change of Inbound Tourists in Gansu Province

  3. 经纪机构CommonwealthSecurities预测,如果旅游业保持目前的增长态势,中国可能很快超过新西兰成为澳大利亚第一大入境游客来源国。

    If the current pace of growth in tourism continues , China may soon surpass neighbor New Zealand as Australia 's primary source of visitors , brokerage Commonwealth Securities predicts .

  4. EmergingAdvisorsGroup的安德森(JonathanAnderson)说,泰国的货币没有随之暴跌、经济没有出现衰退的唯一原因就在于,入境游客流抵消了贸易逆差。

    The only reason this hasn 't sent the currency plummeting , and forced a recession , is that tourist inflows are acting as an offset , says Jonathan Anderson of the Emerging Advisors Group .

  5. CTA称,可能是担心污染或其他什么原因,海外游客也用脚投了票:中国接待入境游客人数减少3%,至3100万。

    Whether because of pollution or some other reason , foreign tourists have also been voting with their feet : The number of inbound visitors fell by 3 % , down to 31 million , the agency said .

  6. 入境游客在甘肃省境内平均停留天数一直较短。

    The inbound touristss are short in Gansu domestic average idle days .

  7. 澳门入境游客合法权益保护研究

    Study on Protecting the Legal Rights of the Entry Visitors to Macau

  8. 旅游目的地游客体验质量评价性研究&以北京入境游客为例

    An Appraisal Study on Inbound Tourists Experience Quality in Beijing

  9. 基于推&拉理论的旅沪入境游客旅游动机研究

    Research on Tourism Motivation of Foreign Tourists to Shanghai Based on Push-pull Theory

  10. 云南省主要群体入境游客旅游决策研究

    Decision-making Analysis on Main Inbound Tourism in Yunan Province

  11. 中国入境游客旅游选择模式研究

    A study of China inbound tourists ′ selection patterns

  12. 中国不同群体入境游客旅游决策行为比较研究

    The Relatively Studied on Visitor 's Travel Decision Behavior of China 's Different Inbound Colony

  13. 其中入境游客结构特征的考察包括性别构成、年龄构成、以及原由目的构成。

    The structure character of inbound tourists includes gender , age composition , and purpose .

  14. 入境游客对我国旅游服务质量评价的多元统计分析

    Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Evaluation of Foreign Tourists to China 's Quality of Tourism Service

  15. 入境游客的社会经济地位制约旅游地意象的认知取向。

    The social and economic status of inbound tourists restricts the orientation of destination image cognition .

  16. 长三角入境游客流入陕西的动态转移规律研究

    Study on the Temporal and Spatial Dynamic Regularity of the Inbound Tourists from Yangtze River Delta into Shaanxi Province

  17. 伊斯坦布尔的游客来源最具多样性,其半数入境游客分别来自33个不同的国家。

    Istanbul has the most diverse visitors , with half of its inbound tourists coming from 33 different countries .

  18. 女性入境游客的旅游意象评价高于男性入境游客。

    The evaluation of destination image cognition of female inbound tourists is a little higher than male inbound tourists .

  19. 入境游客消费决策行为影响研究&以北京市为例

    A Study of Environmental Perception Factors of Tourist Destination Impact on Inbound Tourist Decision Making & a case study of Beijing

  20. 旅游目的地属性是影响入境游客旅游意象认知性别差异的诱导因素。

    The nature of tourist destination is the inductive factor which influences the gender differences of inbound tourists ' image cognition .

  21. 实证调查显示出:入境游客来华旅游的主要动机是观光旅游和休闲度假旅游,文化交流和商务旅游人数逐步上升,旅游动机已产生多样化的倾向;

    The findings indicate that tour and leisure travel are the prime motivations as well as for cultural exchange and travel .

  22. 5.12汶川大地震后成都大熊猫繁育研究基地入境游客旅游动机研究

    A Study on the Inbound Tourists ' Motivation to Visit Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding after 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake

  23. 传统旅游城市入境游客满意度评价及其期望-感知特征差异分析&以西安欧美游客为例

    An Analysis on the Expectation-perceived Performance and Satisfaction of Inbound Tourists in Traditional Tourist Cities & A Case Study of Xi'an Western Tourists

  24. 基于感知-认知因素的奥运会后北京旅游形象变化研究&以入境游客为例

    Change of Tourism Images of Beijing after 2008 Beijing Olympics based on Cognitive and Perceptive Elements : A Case Study of Inbound Tourists

  25. 西安入境游客旅游决策行为模式研究&以日韩客源市场为例

    Study on travel decision behavior of inbound tourists in Xi'an & Take the Japan and South Korea traveller 's market as the example

  26. 从过去五年的情况看,他预测亚洲入境游客数量将可能继续攀升。

    Looking at the past five years , he predicted that Asia will likely continue to see a boost in the number of tourists .

  27. 此外,还探讨了欧美入境游客在商务旅行中对休闲观光需求的差异以及入境游客的目的地形象感知。

    In addition , it discussed demand differences of Europe and America tourists on leisure and sightseeing and image perception of inbound tourists to destinations .

  28. 基于游客特性的旅游目的地离散选择实证研究&以三大口岸中转型入境游客为例

    An Empirical Study of Dispersed Choice in Tourism Destinations Based on Tourist Specific Properties & A Case Study of Transit Inbound Tourists in Three Ports

  29. 以问卷调查资料为依据,对中国不同类型的6大国际旅游热点城市的入境游客的人口学统计特征进行比较研究。

    It is found that there are some common demographic characters of inbound tourists and different cities of our six big tourism cities have its own character .

  30. 香港遭遇了中国内地游客数量和零售支出的双重下滑。去年香港入境游客零售支出下滑了8%。

    Hong Kong has suffered a slump in mainland Chinese tourists accompanied by a decline in their retail spending , which fell 8 per cent last year .