
  • 网络full-duplex;Full Duplex;Full-Duplex Communication;Full Duplex Communication
  1. 用Adaline网络实现电力线载波机的同频带全双工通信

    Full-duplex communication of PLC in same frequency band based on Adaline NN

  2. 实验测试结果表明本设计可以实现N-ISDN在U参考点的物理接入,保证线路的全双工通信。

    Experiment results indicate that this design could carry out the physical connection in the U reference point of N-ISDN and ensure the line full-duplex digital communications .

  3. SPI(SerialPeripheralinterface)串行外围设备接口是一种3线同步串行全双工通信接口。

    SPI ( Serial Peripheral Interface ) is a kind of 3 lines contact interface .

  4. 基于超混沌LC振子的全双工通信系统的研究

    Research on Full Duplex Communication System Based on Hyperchaos LC Oscillator

  5. 在高频无线传输时利用频分实现全双工通信,并利用自定义相关协议VB编程实现局域组网。

    FDD is used in transmission , and using VB to complete relevant protocol of the network .

  6. 在研究了Linux下的多任务实现机制后,用多线程技术实现了在无线网络下的语音全双工通信。

    After the study the implementation mechanism under the multi-task in Linux , with using the multi-threading technology in the wireless network of voice full duplex communication .

  7. 文中叙述了如何在Borlandc~(++)Builder开发系统下利用多线程技术和TAPI函数来管理通信链路,实现MODEM全双工通信的编程技术。

    This paper describes how to use Multiple Thread technology and TAPI function to manage communication under Borland C + + Builder environment , and realize Full Duplex MODEM communication .

  8. 论文对射频电路的硬件设计、电路的EMC解决方案及TDD全双工通信协议作了详尽介绍,同时给出了通讯器采用的CVSD语音编解码算法的原理及实现过程。

    The paper presents the hardware design of RF circuit , the solution of the EMC , TDD Full-Duplex communication protocol and the audio codec , Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulator .

  9. 基于OPNET平台构建这两种排队网络模型,给出性能评价分析,通过验证可知低压电力线全双工通信网络的性能是最优的。

    Both queuing network model was constructed based on the OPNET platform , gives analysis to the performance evaluation , by verifying known of low-voltage power line full-duplex communication network performance is optimal .

  10. 全双工通信在用户线路集中器中的应用

    Applications of Full Duplex Communication in Subscriber Line Concentrator

  11. 同时通过自制一块语音编解码拓展板,实现了全双工通信。

    Meanwhile , an audio codec circuit board is made to realize full-duplex communication .

  12. 最后实现了流星余迹通信系统的全双工通信。

    At last , the full duplex communication for MBCS based on special data link protocol is realized .

  13. 随着交换技术、虚拟局域网、全双工通信等技术的发展,以太网已经成为一种时间确定性网络技术。

    As switching technology , virtual LAN technology and full-duplex technology applied , Ethernet has solved its undeterministic nature problem .

  14. 几乎所有的电话保密系统都使用回波抵消技术来实现全双工通信。

    The echo cancellation technique is now widely used to implement the full-duplex communication in almost all telephone privacy systems .

  15. 提出基于以太网的变电站自动化系统,重点论述了基于网络控制的分布式变电站自动化系统网络结构简单、设备通用、通信速率快、全双工通信等优点;

    A substation automation system based on Ethernet is put forward , which has simple network structure , universal devices , fast communication speed and full-duplex transmission .

  16. 本文在此介绍一种改进方法,实验表明,使用该方法,可获得类似明话的全双工通信效果。

    In this paper , we introduce an improving method with which , shown by experiments , the true full-duplex effect close to clear voice can be obtained .

  17. 为了改善现有列车广播系统的局限性,提高可靠性,并实现多路全双工通信,本文提出了一种全新的列车广播模型,以数字语音传输代替传统的模拟语音传输。

    In order to improve the limitations and reliability of the train broadcasting system , this thesis proposes a new model of broadcasting system which can achieve multiple full duplex communications .

  18. 本文介绍了一个高带宽、高效率、高可靠性的光纤通信系统实现,它可以在一对通信光纤上实现两个通信端之间的多虚通道、点对点、全双工通信。

    The paper introduces an efficient and reliable fiber communication system , which can implement milted virtual channels , point to point , full duplex communication by means of a pair of fibers .

  19. 本文讨论了全双工通信原理及其在用户集中器中的应用,进而对其硬件配置及软件编程的设计提出了可行的方案。

    This paper discusses the principle of full duplex communi - cation and its applications in the subscriber concentrator , and proposes the feasible schemes for the disposition of hardwares and the design of software programming .

  20. 它能提供标准B+D全双工通信,不仅能实现公用模拟电话机的功能,而且具有路由选择的能力。

    It is able to provide with the standard B + D full duplex communication . Besides , all the functions of common analog telephone can be implemented as well , with also the ability of routing .

  21. 针对以太网在控制领域实时性方面的不足,本文分析了解决此问题的机制:提高以太网带宽、交换技术、全双工通信模式、虚拟局域网技术、质量服务。

    To the poor real-time quality of Ethernet in the field of control , the mechanism of this problem in this paper was analysed : Improve the width of Ethernet , exchange technology , all duplexing communication mode , virtual LAN technology , quality service .

  22. 利用comm.jar开发包实现Java与单片机全双工串口通信

    Implementation of Full Duplex Serial Communication Between Java and Single - chip Microcomputer With Comm. jar Package

  23. UART允许在串行链路上进行全双工的通信。

    UART allow to full-duplex communication at serial link circuit .

  24. 它引入了WebSocket接口并且定义了一个全双工的通信通道,通过一个单一的套接字在Web上进行操作。

    It introduces the WebSocket interface and defines a full-duplex communication channel that operates through a single socket over the Web .

  25. 使用DirectX技术实现视频会议系统中流畅的全双工音频通信

    Use DirectX Technologies to Implement the Smooth and Full Duplex Audio Communication in Video Conference System

  26. 并用Visualc++设计模拟VOIP的小型局域网上的语音传输软件,实现Internet上两台计算机的全双工语音通信,主要包括多媒体部分(录音、放音)和传送部分。

    We also design a voice transmitting software , which can simulate VoIP within LAN environment with Visual C + + so as to realize full-duplex voice communication in two computers on Internet . The project includes two parts : multimedia ( includes recording and playing ) and transmission .

  27. 全双工水声通信本地发射干扰自适应抵消技术

    Local Interference Adaptive Cancellation In Full Duplex Underwater Acoustic Communication System

  28. 全双工智能通信卡的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of full - duplex intelligent communication card

  29. 两种拓扑结构全双工数据通信中继技术的研究

    Study of Repeater Based on Two Topological Structures in Fall Duplex Data Communication

  30. 基于差分信号全双工数据通信的中断技术研究

    Study of repeater based on differential mode signal used for full duplex data communication