
quán mín suǒ yǒu zhì qǐ yè
  • enterprise owned by the whole people
全民所有制企业[quán mín suǒ yǒu zhì qǐ yè]
  1. 全民所有制企业经营管理制度

    Operation and management system of the enterprise owned by the whole people

  2. 第三十二条全民所有制企业的管理委员会应当有工会代表参加。

    Article 32 Trade union representatives shall participate in the management committee of an enterprise owned by the whole people .

  3. 全民所有制企业里有集体所有制职工。

    Some enterprises owned by the whole people employ workers and staff originally belonging to collective enterprises .

  4. 全民所有制企业、集体所有制企业

    An enterprise owned by the whole people or under collective ownership

  5. 浅析全民所有制企业对国有财产的占有

    An Analysis of Possessing State-owned Property by State-owned Enterprises

  6. 全民所有制企业动力机制问题研究

    Research on the Organism of the Dynamic Force in Enterprises Owned by All the People

  7. 与1986年那部仅适用于全民所有制企业的试行《企业破产法》相比,正在制定中的新《破产法》被认为将是一部“符合市场化理念”的法律。

    The new Bankruptcy Law under legislation is considered as a law complying with market rules .

  8. 全面确立国家和全民所有制企业的分配关系

    Set in an All-round Way Relation of Distribution Between the State and Enterprises Owned by the Whole People

  9. 所以不论是全民所有制企业,还是非全民所有制企业,不仅市场准入的规则一样,而且市场退出的规则也应一样。

    Therefore , rules for access to market and withdraw from market for both state-owned or non-state-owned enterprises alike should be same .

  10. 其中,国有股和法人股作为全民所有制企业进行股份制改革的主要成分股,在整个企业股份中占主体地位。

    Among them state-owned shares and legal person shares are the main part shares during the stock system reform for state-owned companies .

  11. 承担生产资本职能的全民所有制企业必须改造为以自然人所有和自然人决策为基础的产权制度。

    The whole people ownership enterprises with production capital must be transformed into enterprises owned by natural person that makes decisions for them .

  12. 资金信用证明是财政部门证明全民所有制企业资金数额的文件。

    Bankroll credit certificate is a document through which the financial department certifies the amount of the funds of the enterprises owned by the whole people .

  13. “八五”、“九五”期间,全民所有制企业应按其不同的经营规则实行分类指导,分别设计出不同的企业改革目标模式。

    During the period of the8th and9th " 5-Year Plan ", the state-owned enterprises should be guided and reformed according to their different business rules and styles .

  14. 国家机关、部队、全民所有制企业、事业组织收藏的文物,属于国家所有。

    Cultural relics in the collection of state organs , armed forces , enterprises owned by the whole people and public institutions shall be owned by the state .

  15. 全民所有制企业法人以国家授予它经营管理的财产承担民事责任

    " An enterprise owned by the whole people , as legal person , shall bear civil liability with the property that the state authorizes it to manage . "

  16. 第二百零六条全民所有制企业的破产还债程序适用中华人民共和国企业破产法的规定。

    Article 206 The provisions of the Law of the People 's Republic of China on Enterprise Bankruptcy shall apply to bankruptcy and debt repayment of enterprises owned by the whole people .

  17. 第八十二条全民所有制企业对国家授予它经营管理的财产依法享有经营权,受法律保护。

    Article 82 Enterprises under ownership by the whole people shall lawfully enjoy the rights of management over property that the state has authorized them to manage and operate , and the rights shall be protected by law .

  18. 全民所有制企业召开讨论有关工资、福利、安全生产以及劳动保护、劳动保险等涉及职工切身利益的会议,应当有工会代表参加。

    Trade union representatives shall participate in meetings convened by an enterprise owned by the whole people to discuss matters , such as wages , welfare , production safety , labour protection and labour insurance , which involve the personal rights and interests of workers .

  19. 只有在国家机关、人民团体和全民所有制企业,事业单位工作满一年的固职工,在符合法定条件的情况下,才可以享受探亲假。

    Be in national office , mass organization and business of ownership of the whole people only , institution work is full solid worker of a year , below the circumstance that accords with statutory requirement , just can enjoy visit one 's family false .

  20. 全民所有制企业的工会委员会是职工代表大会的工作机构,负责职工代表大会的日常工作,检查、督促职工代表大会决议的执行。

    The trade union committee of an enterprise owned by the whole people shall be the working body of the workers representative assembly and shall be responsible for the daily affairs of the representative assembly and for inspecting and supervising the implementation of resolutions of the representative assembly .

  21. 党政机关、群众团体、事业单位和全民所有制的企业单位和个人、干部符合条件的,都应该退休。

    The company unit of organization of Party and goverment officials , masses , institution and system of ownership of the whole people and individual , cadre accords with a condition , should retire .

  22. 外部理顺主要是政府部门要加速职能转换,创造贯彻《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》的良好条件,促使政企分离,落实企业的十四条自主经营权;

    For outside , government departments should quicken function transforming , creat favourable conditions for implementing " Regulations of enterprise transforming management system for ownership by the whole people ", to make political system separate from enterprise and fulfill fourteen pieces of decision-making power .

  23. 1985年全国共有县以上全民所有制化机企业231个,达到21万吨机械设备的年生产能力。

    According to the statistics of 1985 there were 231 state & owned chemical machinery manufacturing plants set up at places above county level with an annual production capacity of 210,000 tons .