
bā dà xínɡ xīnɡ
  • the eight major planets of the solar system-Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  1. 这幅图标示了太阳系八大行星中的6颗。

    The picture shows six of the eight planets in the solar system .

  2. 所以新模型我们太阳系有八大行星。

    So the new model of our solar system has eight classical planets .

  3. 请各位谈谈对于九大行星变为八大行星的看法。

    What are your feelings about Eight Major Planet !

  4. 太阳系八大行星

    The 8 Planets Of The Solar System :

  5. 海王星是太阳系第八大行星,也是太阳系最远的行星。

    Neptune is the eighth and outermost-known planet from the Sun in the Solar System .

  6. 太阳系八大行星中,土星至太阳距离第六,而土卫六是土星最大的卫星。

    Titan is the largest moon of Saturn , the sixth planet from our Sun .

  7. 在太阳系内八大行星中,我们居住的地球的确与众不同。

    Among the eight planets in the solar system , the earth we live in is really special .

  8. 用密度波理论描述旋涡星系的演化方向和太阳系的八大行星模式

    Evolutionary Direction of Spiral Galaxies Described by Theory of Density Wave and the Mode of Eight Major Planets of the Solar System

  9. 八大行星都围绕太阳运转,每个行星也绕着自转轴自转。

    All the eight planets go round the sun the same way . Each of them also turns of its own axis .

  10. 他们在该公司网站上的用户评论中抱怨称,太阳、八大行星和冥王星常常会跑气。

    They complained in reviews on the company 's website that the sun , the eight planets and Pluto would often just not stay inflated .

  11. 要天文学家周四宣布,在发布历史性的新方针后,太阳系九大行星缩减为八大行星,冥王星已不再是行星。

    Leading astronomers declared Thursday that Pluto is no longer a planet under historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight .

  12. 除太阳外,太阳系的主要成员有八大行星,既水星,金星,地球,火星,木星,土星,天王星和海王星。

    Besides the sun , solar system 's leading member has eight major planets , also Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus and Neptune .

  13. 该公司首席执行官丹尼斯·霍普声称,只有他才是月球及其他八大行星不动产惟一合法的拥有者。

    Dennis Hope , CEO of Lunar Embassy , a California-based company , says he is the sole and legal owner of the real estate on the moon and eight other planetary bodies .

  14. 根据最新的观测结果,作者定量论证了太阳系的八大行星模式:它是对称的四个类地行星和小行星带;

    According to new observations , it can be proved quantitatively that a mode of eight major planets of the Solar System is a symmetrical structure : four terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt ;