
  1. 嘿我又忘了带公交卡

    Hey , man , I forgot my bus pass again .

  2. 机修工:嗯,买一张公交卡?

    Mechanic : Um , buy a bus pass ?

  3. 居民使用城市公交卡还可打八折。

    Residents using the city 's public transportation card can get a further 20 percent off .

  4. 诺丁汉一个六年级老师说她知道学生“长时间工作为了支付他们的公交卡和食物”。

    A sixth-form teacher in Nottingham said she knew of students who'work long hours to pay for their bus passes and food ' .

  5. 不久前一天,放学后,他被几名少年拉进一条小巷,这伙人接着抢走了他身上的现金、手机以及公交卡。

    On a recent day after school he was dragged by several young boys into an alley , where they took his money , transportation card and cell phone .

  6. 刷一下公交卡,她就可以免费使用自行车一小时。之后,她还可用这张可重复充值的公交卡乘坐地铁(最近开通了新线路)、公交车或出租车。

    She swipes the public transport card that gives her an hour on the bike for free - the same rechargeable card she can later use for a ride on Hangzhou 's new subway line , a public bus or taxi .

  7. 用模糊评价方法对南京地铁与公交一卡通行方案进行优选。

    The optimized scheme about one transit smart card in Nanjing was studied by fuzzy assessment .

  8. 学校为孩子们提供早餐、午餐和周末点心,在学校和旅馆、汽车旅店或者庇护所之间接送孩子,不仅如此,校区还帮助孩子的家长,为他们提供免费的城市公交乘车卡。

    The school district gives their children breakfast , lunch and weekend snacks , and provides transportation between the hotels , motels and shelters . It helps parents too , by offering free city bus passes .

  9. 如果你在巴塞尔住酒店的话,公交就免费&登记入住的时候要一张公交卡就行。

    If you 're staying in a Basel hotel , however , public transport is free-just ask for a Mobility ticket when you check in .