
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ zhènɡ cè
  • public policy
  1. 有关家庭的公共政策使自由主义者陷入了进退两难的境地。

    Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma .

  2. 越来越多的证据表明,城市绿色空间与其对人类的幸福的积极影响之间存在联系,怀特博士说:“公共政策官员对此兴趣越来越浓厚,但问题是谁来提供资金。

    With a growing body of evidence establishing a link between urban green spaces and a positive impact on human well-being , Dr. White said , There 's growing interest among public policy officials , but the trouble is who funds it .

  3. 针对年幼孩子的公共政策,包括公立学前教育项目和读书活动,是有帮助的。

    Public policies aimed at young children have helped , including public preschool programs and reading initiatives .

  4. 然而,在我与州政府和地方政府合作后,我意识到公共政策更适合我,于是我如今正在转移自己的领域。

    However , once I worked with statewide and local government , I realized that a better fit for me would be Public Policy , and now I am in the process of changing my area .

  5. 她说,这项研究对公共政策有重大影响。

    She says it has major implications for public policy .

  6. 本文分析了RFID无线射频识别技术在流通领域的应用前景和预期效益,论述了RFID技术与保护消费者隐私权的关系,以及相关公共政策。

    The paper analyzed the application prospect and potential benefits of RFID radio frequency identification technology in distribution sector , and explained the relationship between RFID and customers privacy protection , then focused on public policy issues .

  7. 意愿价值评估法(CVM)为具有显著外部性的生态环境服务的价值评估提供可能,但只有经过有效性和可靠性检验的CVM成果才能应用于环境公共政策与治理。

    The result of Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) can be applied to the environmental public policy-making based on the full testing of validity and reliability .

  8. 根据AHP-FCE综合政策评判模型,以政府技术采购政策为例,探讨了创新公共政策的满意度评估问题。

    This paper takes government technology procurement as an example to discuss the satisfaction assessment of innovative public policies according to AHP-FCE comprehensive policy evaluation model .

  9. 卡耐基梅隆大学的艺术管理硕士(MAM)专业就是一个例子,它是美术学院和Heinz学院的公共政策和管理学院共同主办。

    Carnegie Mellon 's Master of Arts Management ( MAM ) Program is one example ; it is a collaborative effort of the College of Fine Arts and the School of Public Policy and Management in the Heinz College .

  10. 公共政策网络管理:机制、模式与绩效测度

    Public Policy Networks Management : Mechanism , Model and Performance Measurement

  11. 涉外公共政策:学科建设与教学实践

    Foreign - Related Public Policy : Discipline Construction and Teaching Practice

  12. 公共政策的非公共化:寻租的影响

    The Diminishing Publicness of Public Policy : the Effect of Rent-seeking

  13. 公共政策执行的质量分析与全面管理

    The Analysis and Total Management of Public Policy 's Implementation Quality

  14. 公司补偿保险存在的前提是法律允许公司对董事的责任和费用进行补偿,但是公司对董事的补偿又不能与公共政策抵触。

    But the compensation can 't conflict with the public policy .

  15. 公共政策过程实质上是一个政治过程。

    Process of public policy is a political process by nature .

  16. 公共政策伦理标准的哲学论争

    The debate in philosophy for the ethics criterion of public policy

  17. 农业院校更名问题的公共政策分析

    The Public Policy Analysis of Changing the Name of Agricultural Universities

  18. 中美公共政策制定中的公民参与方式之比较

    Comparison between Citizens ' Political Participation in Chinese and American Public-policy-making

  19. 社会保险政策是公共政策的一个重要组成部分,是我国的社会保障制度在政策保险方面的体现。

    Social security policy is an important part of public policy .

  20. 论我国现行户籍制度改革的公共政策分析

    Analyze on the Reform of China 's Existing Household Registration System

  21. 城市设计:从景观构造到公共政策导引

    Urban Design : from Landscape Construction to Public Policy Guideline

  22. 公共政策主体及其作用过程

    On the Subject of Public Policy and Its Function Course

  23. 土地资源配置方式改革与公共政策转变

    Reform of Land Resource Allocation and Adjustment of Public Policy

  24. 我国公共政策传播的公共关系管理

    The Public Relations Management for the Communication Process of Government Public Policy

  25. 区域经济与公共政策若干问题探讨

    Discussion on the Issues about Regional Economy and Public Policies

  26. 公共政策视角下的中国农村合作医疗制度

    Chinese Countryside Cooperative Medical Treatment System Under the View of Public Policy

  27. 公共政策失败的决策主体性分析

    The Analysis of Policymakers ' Subjectivity in Public Policy Failures

  28. 论公共政策设计的逻辑和模式

    An Analysis on Logic and Model of Public Policy Design

  29. 公共政策执行障碍及其对策

    On the Barriers to the Implementation of Public Policies and the Countermeasures

  30. 城市拆迁的公共政策研究

    Public Policy Analysis in Urban Residence Dismantlement and Resident Relocation