
  1. 公共政策主体及其作用过程

    On the Subject of Public Policy and Its Function Course

  2. 论公共政策主体的合法性

    On the Legitimacy of Public Policy 's Bodies

  3. 公共政策主体主要指直接参与政策制定的政治权力主体,即体制内主体。

    Public policy 's bodies mainly refer to the organs with political power that directly participate in policy-making .

  4. 第三部门作为新的公共政策主体,可以逐渐实现公共政策由“政府内生型”向“政府外生型”转化。

    The third sector , as a new public policymaker , can realize public policys transformation from " endogenous " type to " external " one .

  5. 论第三部门的兴起与公共政策主体的创新&以民间环保组织参与政策过程为例

    The Rise of the Third Sector and the Innovation of Public Policymakers : Taking Non-governmental Environmental Protection Organizations in the Process of Policy Making as an Example

  6. 但由于受到公共政策主体、客体及环境等多方面因素的影响,公共政策的流失就成为了公共政策的实然状态。

    But under the influence of public policy subject , object , environment and other factors , the loss of public policy has become the actual state of public policy .

  7. 当前,我国正处于社会主义发展的转型时期,新的社会问题不断涌现,公共政策主体的利益诉求也日趋多元化,公共政策面临的挑战越来越大。

    At present , China is in the transition period of socialist development , new social problems emerge , public policy subject interest demand also increasingly diverse , public policy challenges is more and more big .

  8. 试析公共政策评估主体的多元性

    Multi-natures of the Principal Body for the Evaluation of Public Policies

  9. 我国公共政策评估主体的不足及对策

    The shortcomings and Countermeasures of public policy evaluation subject

  10. 城市规划与公共政策在主体、客体和程序等方面具有一致性。

    Urban planning and public policy have much consistency in subject , object and procedures , etc.

  11. 当代中国公共政策执行主体的偏差行为:表现、原因及对策

    Contemporary Deviation Behaviors of Execution Subject of Public Policy in China : Representation , Reasons and Countermeasures

  12. 公共政策执行主体是影响公共政策有效执行的关键因素。

    The execution subject of public policy is the key aspect factor influencing public policy effective execution .

  13. 强调了信息获取公共政策的主体以国家法权主体为主,因而具有主动性和目的性。

    Emphasizes that the state subject has the active and objective purposes during the arrangement of the policy .

  14. 正是由于公共政策执行主体在公共政策执行中的种种偏差行为导致了公共政策执行不能达到预期效果。

    It is the deviation behaviors of the execution subject that result in execution can 't achieve the anticipated effects .

  15. 从公共政策执行主体角度思考,公共政策执行偏差主要源于公共政策执行主体“理性逐利”的结果。

    In the view of the implementators , the deviation of public policy implementation results from the rationally persuing the profits of the implementators .

  16. 本文描述了我国现阶段公共政策执行主体偏差行为的表现,并探讨了产生这些行为的主要原因,提出了一些相应的对策。

    This article described the presentation deviation behaviors of public policy execution subject at present in China , and discussed the main reasons for the behaviors , proposed some corresponding countermeasures .

  17. 这些影响集中体现在公共政策制定主体、公共政策制定的参与主体以及对公共政策决策过程方面。

    The influences originated from the interest structure 's change on public policy legislation , specifically occurred to the behaviors of public policy 's main body , behaviors of participants and the process of decision-making .

  18. 随着经济和政治文明的发展,我国传统的、单一的公共政策决策主体已不适应当今社会的发展,遂逐步呈现出多元化的趋势。

    With the development of economic and political civilization , our traditional single public policy making system has no longer adapt to the development of society , and public policy making gradually presents the trend of diversification .

  19. 总体的研究希望能够达到两种效果,一方面希望能够充实学术领域的现有研究;另一方面,总结现有的成绩和不足,为公共政策制定主体提供一定的参考。

    This work aims to achieve two effects , one is to enrich the academic Held of existing research , and the other is to sum up the achievements and shortcomings , to provide a reference for public policy-making body .

  20. 作为公共政策的间接主体,工会参与公共政策过程对于维护职工群众合法权益、促进社会和谐意义重大。

    As the indirect principal part of the public policies , the significance of the course for the trade unions to participate in the public policies and maintain the lawful rights and interests of the wide workers and promote the harmonious society .

  21. 公共政策失败的决策主体性分析

    The Analysis of Policymakers ' Subjectivity in Public Policy Failures

  22. 公共政策中的利益主体大致可以分为政策制订者、政策实施者和政策对象,公共政策在三类利益主体的博弈中制定、执行和评估。

    The interest subjects in public policy can be classified as policy-makers , policy-implementers and policy targets , while public policy is made , implemented , and assessed in the game of these three interest subjects .

  23. 然而公共政策诸要素(公共政策主体、公共政策问题、公共政策目标、公共政策信息等)在运行过程中呈现出垄断性、主观性、非公平性、非共享性等特征,进而导致了社会排斥。

    The elements of public policy ( subject , problem , target and information etc. ) presents non-public features such as monopoly , subjective , unfairness and non-shared .

  24. 在公共政策执行过程中,存在着一些影响公共政策有效执行的障碍,主要表现为公共政策执行主体的障碍、公共政策客体的障碍、责任追究制度的障碍以及公共政策本身的障碍。

    In the process of implementing public policies , there are some barriers to their effective implementation , mainly : barrier in implementing subject and object , in responsibility investigating system , and in public policies themselves .

  25. 政策规避是公共政策执行中的常见现象,导致公共政策规避的因素是多方面的,但深层原因在于公共政策执行主体。

    The policy evading is a common phenomenon in the public policy . Factors causing the public policy to be evaded are in many aspects , but the deep reason lies in the subject of policy execu-tion .