
  1. 在公共财政体系中完善政府采购制度

    The Perfection of the Government Purchase System in Public Finance System

  2. 构建潮州市公共财政体系的思考

    Thoughts on the Setting-up of Public Finance System in Chaozhou City

  3. 制度均衡:构建农村公共财政体系

    System Well Balanced : Set up Public Finance System of Village

  4. 在信息资源建设中引入公共财政体系。

    Depend on the public finance system to make information resource .

  5. 简析公共财政体系下财政支出结构的调整

    Briefly On Adjusting the Composition of Fiscal Expenditures in Public Finance System

  6. 经济转轨时期中国公共财政体系的构建研究

    On Building up the Public Fiscal System during the Economic Transition in China

  7. 在公共财政体系框架下实施积极财政政策&兼论提高中央政府投资能力问题

    To Carry out Positive Financial Policy at the Frame of Public Financial System

  8. 论公共财政体系在中国经济体制改革中的基础性地位

    On Fundamental Role of Public Financial System in China 's Economy System Reform

  9. 财政监督是公共财政体系的一项重要职能。

    Financial Supervision is one of the important functions of public financial system .

  10. 健全公共财政体系。

    We will strengthen the public finance system .

  11. 中国已初步建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的公共财政体系。

    The public financial system in conformity with socialist market economy has been set up in our country .

  12. 深化财税体制改革,加快公共财政体系建设。

    We will deepen reform of the fiscal and taxation systems and accelerate improvement in the public finance system .

  13. 他那个公共财政体系实在是笨拙不堪,就连他自己也有点看不下去。

    The public-finance system Mr McCain helped design is so unwieldy that even the man who invented it finds it a nightmare .

  14. 实行会计集中核算制度是建立和完善我国公共财政体系的一项重要措施。

    Carrying out the system of accountant 's centralist accounting is important measure to refrom and improve on the public financial systems in China .

  15. 如果有运作良好的公共财政体系和社会保障网相配合,就可以更大胆、更顺利地推进上述改革。

    Such reforms could be pursued all the more boldly and successfully if they are flanked by a well-functioning public finance system and social safety net .

  16. 应采取必要措施,突出重点,解决问题,如:建立公共财政体系,完善教育经费的分担机制;

    The following steps must be taken to solve the major problems : to set up a public finance system to improve the mechanism of sharing educational investment ;

  17. 原因是由于:费改税的研究没有纳入到我国正在进行的建立公共财政体系建设和财政体制改革的研究中;

    The reasons are following : the study of " fee charge change into taxation " has not been included into the study of establishing the public financial system ;

  18. 地方财政是国家财政的基础,地方财政的稳固是整个国家财政稳固的前提条件,因此地方政府的财政状况在很大程度上决定了整个国家公共财政体系的稳定性和效率。

    The local finance is the base of the national , so the status of the local finance decides stability and the efficiency of the national fiscal system in a great degree .

  19. 作为国有资产的重要组成部分,中央级行政事业单位国有资产的高效监管,有助于推进行政管理体制改革,有助于完善公共财政体系。

    As the important component of state-run assets , the management of the state-run assets of central administrative institution , facilitates advancing the reform of administrative management system , facilitates improving the public financial system .

  20. 当前我国已进入经济和社会发展的新时期,政府逐渐向节约型和服务型政府转变,我国公共财政体系也已逐步建立。

    China has entered a new era of economic and social development . The government gradually shifts to be saving and service-oriented and at the same time , the public finance system in China has gradually established .

  21. 河南省应该在打破城乡二元结构的基础上,加快城镇化进程,建立统一的公共财政体系,实施农村税费等改革,为增强农民增收能力提供条件和环境。

    He'nan province should quicken the process of urbanization , establish the union system of public finance and reform the taxes and fees in the town , based on the breaking of the difference between country and town .

  22. 在我国,围绕公共财政体系建设,近年来颁行了一些财政法律法规,初步形成了与市场经济要求相适应的财政法律体系。这对于实现财政的职能具有十分重要的意义。

    In recent years , our government has issued several fiscal laws and regulations to form initially the legal system of fiscal supervision meeting the demands of market economy , which is vital to realization of the fiscal functions .

  23. 目前,我国非经营性国有资产无论是其监管体制、监管制度,还是其运行绩效都已不能适应市场经济下公共财政体系建设的需要。

    At present , neither the supervising system of relevant institutions nor the running effect of China 's non-profit state-owned capital , has adapted to the need of the construction of public financial system under the situation of market economy .

  24. 目前,扭转这一困局的根本出路就在于,在建构合乎市场经济要求的宏观公共财政体系的前提下,创设规范化、稳定性和长效性的财政转移支付制度。

    Currently , the key to change the situation is to create standardized , stable and long - effective system of fiscal transfer payment with the construction of a macro public fiscal system suitable for the market economy as its prerequisite .

  25. 财政决定于社会经济制度,我国现代市场经济体制正在逐步深化和完善,财政体制的改革就是要建立与之相适应的完善的公共财政体系。

    Finance is determined by social economy system . Modern market economy system in China is continuing to deepen and improve . The financial system reform is to establish a perfect public financial system in correspondence with the modern market economy .

  26. 通过对浙江省公共财政体系改革的分析,提出把教育装备纳入政府采购的轨道,注重营造教育装备的投入机制,解决装备经费均衡投入的问题,提高教育装备的使用效率。

    Through the analysis to the public finance reforming system of Zhejiang province , the paper lodges to channel educational equipment into the orbit of government purchasing , to pay attention to build the investment mechanism , to increase service efficiency .

  27. 按照建立地方公共财政体系的总体要求,地方发展财政的基本目标可以概括为:建立适应社会主义市场经济发展要求的地方公共财政运行机制,实现地方经济的稳定和可持续发展。

    On the basis of setting up local public finance frame , several basement barges can be summarized as setting up erect local public financial system which fits for social market economy , achieving stable and continual development of local finances .

  28. 河南省应通过改革户籍制度、社会保障制度、农村税费和金融制度,以及建立统一的公共财政体系、加强农业信息化建设等措施,为农民增收构建制度和环境平台。

    The following measures should be taken to achieve this goal : forming the household registration system , the social security system , rural tax & financial systems , establishing a unified public financial system , strengthening the construction of agricultural informationalization .

  29. 文章提出了评价转变经济发展方式的具体指标,深刻分析了经济发展方式转变滞后的具体原因,在新的起点上较为系统地提出了进一步完善公共财政体系和健全财政体制的政策建议。

    We deeply analyze the specific reason of the transformation of the mode of economic development lagging behind . In the new starting point , this paper puts forward systematic policy suggestions to improve the public finance system further and perfect financial system .

  30. 目前,我国仍处于经济转轨时期,市场经济发育和法制化程度均不高,在公共财政体系框架下应继续实施积极财政政策,并提高中央政府的投资能力。

    At present , Chinese economy is still at transforming period with immature market economy and low degree of legal system ? Efforts should be made to carry out positive financial policy continually at the frame of public financial system and improve the investment ability of central government .