
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ shè shī
  • public facilities
  1. 政府刚刚废止了不同种族分开使用公共设施的法令。

    The government has just repealed the law segregating public facilities .

  2. 这个政府已经撤销了分离公共设施的法律。

    The government has just repealed the law segregating the public facilities .

  3. 林林总总的公共设施正被逐渐废除。

    Public services of all kinds are being dismantled .

  4. 铁路和公交线路均为公共设施。

    Railroads and bus lines are utilities .

  5. 但是大学免费的唯一途径是教职员工能够捐赠自己的时间,校舍不需要维护,校园不需要公共设施。

    But the only way college could be free is if the faculty and staff donated their time , the buildings required no maintenance , and campuses required no utilities .

  6. 加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个

    Strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization , improving public facilities and services in county seats and beginning the renovation communities .

  7. 但是,兴办乡镇企业和村民建设住宅经依法批准使用本集体经济组织农民集体所有的土地的,或者乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业建设经依法批准使用农民集体所有的土地的除外。

    except land owned by peasant collectives used by collective economic organizations for building township enterprises or building houses for villagers or land owned by peasant collectives approved according to law for use in building public facilities or public welfare facilities of townships ( towns ) .

  8. 第五十九条乡镇企业、乡(镇)村公共设施、公益事业、农村村民住宅等乡(镇)村建设,应当按照村庄和集镇规划,合理布局,综合开发,配套建设;

    Article 59 Construction of township enterprises , public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships ( towns ) and rural villagers ' houses should be rationally laid out according to the village or market town plans according to a comprehensive development plan , with good supporting facilities .

  9. GIS中基于Voronoi图的公共设施选址研究

    Research on Public Establishment Location Selection Based on the Voronoi Diagram in GIS

  10. 公共设施是可选的CORBA服务。

    Common facilities are optional CORBA services .

  11. -我国BOT方式的适用范围主要是公共设施项目、公共工程项目、交-通设施等。

    BOT is applicable to the public facility project , public enterprise project , and transportation project etc.

  12. Delaunay图在公共设施场址选择中的应用

    Application of Delaunay Diagram in Public Establishment Location Selection

  13. 应用程序可以使用公共设施类的自己版本,这样您就不再需要配置应用程序JavaEEclassloader政策(例如,PARENTLAST模式)。

    Applications can use their own versions of common utility classes , so you do not need to configure application Java EE classloader policies ( for example , PARENT_LAST mode ) .

  14. 服务域分析是公共设施布局和规划中的重要方法,GIS技术为设施区位和服务域研究提供了重要的分析环境。

    It is very important to analysis the service areas in the process of planning and management of public facility , GIS as an integrated problem analysis environment provide most useful tools to study the facility location .

  15. 这项政策的任务就提供公共设施和服务的LGC和MBN/前者是明确的和完整的。

    The policy mandates regarding provision of public utilities and services under the LGC and MBN / SRA are clear and complete .

  16. PFI模式作为一种新型的私人投资公共设施和公用事业的模式,能够解决政府投资公共设施资金不足的问题,并且能够提高投资和管理效率,因此在许多发达国家得到较快发展。

    As a new-type and private-financing project method in public service and public utility , PFI can solve the problem of the money shortage and the management inefficiency in public investments , and so it gets relatively rapid development in many developed country .

  17. 公共设施失修可造成卫生灾难。

    Poor maintenance of public facilities can have disastrous health implications .

  18. 重庆城市公共设施的形态特征与人文价值研究

    Research of Chongqing Urban Public Facilities Morphological Characteristics and Humanities Value

  19. 公共设施,提高城市发展水平。

    The public facility helps to enhance the city development level .

  20. 杭州湖滨国际名品街公共设施设计探究

    Hangzhou Lake Front International Famous Work Street Public Utility Design Inquisition

  21. 居住社区公共设施设计中存在的问题及对策

    Problems in Public Utilities Design for Residential Community and the Relevant Countermeasures

  22. 并以此为着眼点,对城市街道公共设施的主要元素的设计问题进行探讨研究。

    And research on the design of main elements of street furniture .

  23. 区位模型在公共设施布局中的应用

    Application of location models in the distribution of common facilities

  24. 公共设施设计的当代性主要通过三个篇章进行探讨。

    Design of public facilities to explore contemporary through three main chapters .

  25. 人们应该为损害公共设施而受到处罚。

    One should pay for the damage of public facilities .

  26. 关于盗窃市政公共设施行为的刑法规则探析

    Analysis on the Criminal Law Rule of Stealing Municipal Public Installation Behavior

  27. 现代城市公共设施中的人性化设计研究

    Research on Humanized Design of Public Facilities in Modern City

  28. 城市公共设施安全事故责任主体的辨析

    Analysis of the responsible entities for urban public facilities accidents

  29. 本文是对城市街道公共设施设计的研究。

    This dissertation researches on the urban street furniture design .

  30. 公共设施投资的决策模型探讨

    An approach to a decision model of plant investment