
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ shì wù
  • public affairs
  1. 公共事务、经济事务、社会问题、科学、教育、卫生等方面的新闻报道最有可能产生延迟回报。

    Delayed reward may be expected from news of public affairs , economic matters , social problems , science , education , and health .

  2. 格里芬和舍克成了好朋友,一起开创了洛杉矶公共事务公司格里芬-舍克(Griffin-Schake)。

    Mr. Griffin and Ms. Schake became best friends and together started Griffin-Schake , a Los Angeles-based public affairs shop .

  3. 大多数人认为他们是依照基督教的道德体系来处理自己的私生活和公共事务的。

    Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality .

  4. 赫伯特·H·莱曼在商业和公共事务领域久负盛名。

    HERBERT H.LEHMAN has had a long and distinguished career in business and public life .

  5. MPA课程的设置对培养造就全面发展的高素质、专业化的国家公共事务和行政管理人才具有十分重要的意义;

    The MPA curriculum provision is of great significance for the all-round cultivating of highly-qualified personnel specialized in running public affairs and administration .

  6. 住宅公用部位和公共事务就是集体物品的一种&公共池塘资源(CPR)。

    The common parts and things of The lodging is a kind of the collective goods-Common Pool Resources ( CPR ) .

  7. 我是ACS(美国化学学会)公共事务办公室主任,很高兴就你的要求作出回复。

    I am the Director of the Office of Public Affairs for the American Chemical Society , and I am pleased to respond to your information request .

  8. 美国卫生和公共事务部(healthandhumanservices)部长麦克列维特(mikeleavitt)表示,药品、医疗器械、食品及动物饲料标准方面的一系列协议表明,双方正努力在不同的监管体系间“搭桥”。

    Mike Leavitt , the US Secretary of health and human services , said the agreements on standards for drugs , medical devices , food and animal feed showed the two sides were trying to " bridge " different regulatory systems .

  9. 杨:你是怎么估计美以公共事务委员会(简称AIPAC)的影响力的?

    Y : How do you estimate the influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee ?

  10. C-SPAN是为公共事务提供24小时服务的有线电视网。

    C-SPAN is a cable television network that provides twenty-four hour coverage of public affairs .

  11. 12000多名亲以积极分子来到华盛顿参加美以公共事务委员会(AIPAC)的年会。

    More than 12,000 pro-Israel activists are in Washington for the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC .

  12. 而我对NACE单列的人文学科就业需求排行榜尤为感兴趣。政治学/公共事务管理学位居榜首,紧随其后的是哲学、英语、社会学,最后是历史&这让我有点难过。

    Political science / government ranked at the top , followed by psychology , English , sociology and finally , and to me somewhat sadly , history .

  13. 奥巴马在获得提名数小时后在美国以色列公共事务委员会(AIPAC)发表了一篇演讲,在演讲中奥巴马暗示与欧洲的关系未来有可能依旧紧张。

    Mr Obama gave a hint of possible future tensions with Europe in a speech he delivered to AIPAC hours after winning the nomination .

  14. NGO作为一支重要的社会力量,在参与公共事务的管理方面具有自身的优势,尤其是其民间性、公益性的特点使其与社会的联系更为密切,更能满足社会发展的需求。

    The NGO , as an important social force , has its own advantages in participating in the management of public affairs . Especially , its non-governmental and public natures make it have closer association with the society and meet the needs of social development better .

  15. 玛氏全球公共事务负责人MatthiasBerninger表示,中国宠物食品市场仍有很大发展空间,大大超出大多数行业的预期。

    Matthias Berninger , Mars global head of public affairs , said there was plenty of room for growth in China 's pet food market , which was already expanding beyond most industry expectations 。

  16. 村社首领及村落组织又在村落公共事务中赢得权威。

    Village leaders and organizations win authority in village public affairs .

  17. 住宿生对宿舍公共事务的参与意愿偏低;

    Residents have few willingness to involve in residence public affairs ;

  18. 这意味着一个学习公共事务的机会。

    Which means an opportunity to learn about civic affairs .

  19. 越来越多的妇女精力充沛地参与公共事务。

    An increasing number of women have vigorously participated in public life .

  20. 跨区域公共事务治理中地方利益协调机制研究

    The Study on Local Interests Coordinating Mechanism of Governing the Cross-Regional Affairs

  21. 经济及公共事务〔香港中学会考〕

    Economic and Public Affairs [ Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination ]

  22. 她83岁时才从公共事务中退了下来。

    At the age of83 , she finally retired from public life .

  23. 是的,只是个公共事务小组而已

    Yeah , it 's just a public affairs team .

  24. 任何公共事务都应是公民可以参与的事业。

    Public affairs should be the cause of citizen participation .

  25. 但是,它同时也具有公共事务管理根本的公共性。

    However , it also has the fundamentally public nature .

  26. 政府决定遏制公共事务的开支。

    The Government is determined to put a brake on public spending .

  27. 公共事务暂停五天。

    The public business was suspended for five days .

  28. 第二章,公共事务治理之道的演进与逻辑。

    The evolution and logic of public affairs governance .

  29. 公共事务及市民一卡通系统的网络设计

    Design of network of city public affairs information system and citizen card system

  30. 负责公共事务的秘书长特别代表;

    Special representation of the Secretary-General for public affairs ;