
  • 网络public power;public authority;public right;common power
  1. 公共权力(publicpower)范畴是政治学、法学等经常探讨的中心议题。

    Generally speaking , the category - " Public Power " is the central topic often discussed in political science and the science of law .

  2. 构建政治权力的现代语境&公共权力的理论分析

    Constructing modern theory of political power & Elucidating the public power

  3. 教育腐败的主体是教育公职人员,客体是公共权力,两者缺一不可。

    The subject of education corruption is staffs in education sphere .

  4. 在政治领域,公共权力被滥用。

    In the political public sphere , public power is abused .

  5. 财政困境与公共权力异化的相关性分析

    A Study on the Correlation between Financial Difficulty and Public Power Dissimilation

  6. 公共权力的扭曲与裂变分析

    An Analysis to the Distortion and Fission of Public Power

  7. 对公共权力理论,马克思主义和剥削阶级都有系统地研究。

    To this theory Marxism and exploiting class make a systematic study .

  8. 强化监督机制,加强对公共权力的制衡;

    We also must strengthen the supervision mechanism to restrict public power .

  9. 除此之外,这一概念实际上涵盖了所有行使公共权力的行政单位。

    Otherwise the concept includes virtually every administrative unit exercising public authority .

  10. “公共权力”问题是政治学、公共管理学探讨的中心议题。

    Public power is the central topic of politics , public management .

  11. 从本源上讲,公共权力来源于人民。

    Speaking from the origin , public power stems from the people .

  12. 那么,公共权力机关应如何回应这一需求呢?

    How should public organ of state power respond to this demand ?

  13. 国家公共权力客观存在着所有者和使用者相分离的现象。

    The national public power exists that separating phenomenon of owners and users .

  14. 论公共权力、公共管理与有效政府的范式界定

    On the Paradigm Definition between Public Authority , Public Management and Effective Government

  15. 调整公共权力边界与运行方式;

    Adjusting boundary and operating mode of public power ;

  16. 任何公共权力主体都要为谋求合法性作出努力。

    Every owner of public power makes the effort to seek the legitimacy .

  17. 公共权力腐败及其治理

    The Fight Against the Corruptions in the Public Power

  18. 公共权力体系的秩序探求:价值、制度、组织

    Exploration of the Order of the Public Power System

  19. 而且,公共权力支配着大量的公共资源。

    And public power dominates lots of public resources .

  20. 论新形势下的公共权力监督

    On the Supervision to Public Power in New Situation

  21. 公共权力的结构特征及其效率

    The Structural Characterizations and Its Efficiency of Public Power

  22. 公共权力及其异化治理的伦理选择

    The public power and the ethics selection of the management of its alienation

  23. 公共权力异化的预防与遏制

    Prevention and Containment of the Alienation of Public Power

  24. 公共权力与个体权利的平衡;

    The balance of public rights and personal rights ;

  25. 论公共权力滥用的道德约束机制

    Moral Restriction Mechanism Against the Abusing of Public Right

  26. 以权利制约权力:遏制公共权力异化的重要途径

    To Check Power with Rights : an Important Way to Prevent Alienation of Power

  27. 公共权力监督与制衡的思考

    Study of Supervision & Restriction of Public Power

  28. 管理主义与公共权力的异化

    ' Administration Doctrine ' and Public Authority Dissimilation

  29. 公共权力监督的软件系统解析

    An analysis of the " software system " of supervision of the public power

  30. 一方面,要进一步完善以税收为主的公共权力收入的稳定增长机制;

    One is to improve the taxation mechanism for the exercise of public power ;